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MARCH 19, 1974
1. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. with an offering of
Drayer from Comm. Hamby followed by the Pledge Allegiance. Minutes of the
last meeting were read. Comm. Lyle stated that paragraph 6 should read
"it was the feeling of council that an elected official responsible to the
voters should serve on board', instead of an elected official paid with
tax payers money. The mayor stated that it was Franklin St. instead of Lake-
view St. that needed repaving. In paragraph l3 the City Attorney stated it
should read that he said "to go back and assess would be possible but would
be on shakey legal grounds.- Comm. Harper made a motion to accept minutes
as corrected, seconded by Comm. Hamby. Unanimous.
2. Mr. Minor and Mr. Peck presented the Presidents' Trophy to council
which was awarded to the Community Booth at the Central Florida Fair for
the second year in succession.. Both men thanked the City for their financial
help in putting on the country store. The Mayor expressed appreciation on
behalf of the City for all the efforts put forth in winning this trophy.
If the award is won again next year the Trophy will be the City's to keep.
3. Florida Telephone - Mr. McQuillian: After much discussion on the
argument of free telephone service Comm. Harper made a motion that said
disagreement be pursued on a higher level, seconded by Comm. Crawford.
It was also decided that the City Attorney would consult with Florida
Telephones attorney about said contract in comparison to Winter Gardens'
contract. Comm. Harper made a motion to pay all monies due Florida Telephone
to date, seconded by Comm. Crawford. Unanimous.
4. Florida Power - Mervin Lee : Due to construction of a new water tank
at Jamela st. the builder (Chicago Bridge & Iron) wants the power lines
either re-located or put under ground. Mr. Lee stated cost for said re-
vamping would be approximately $1,800. he further stated that Florida
Power would not assume said cost. Comm. Lyle made a motion to go ahead with
said revamping and pay the $1,800. but to pursue matter at a higher level
to recover said cost, seconded by Comm. Crawford. Unanimous.
5. Ball Game Concession: The City Manager explained that the school
wants the concession and its receipts. The Mayor stated he would call a
meeting of all interested parties.
6. Doug Everd of Prudential came before council requesting that he
or another qualified person be appointed Agent of Record (or Insurance
Consultant) to the City. After much discussion from Mr. Wurst, Mr. Weeks
(from Wurst Insurance Co.) and council Comm. Crawford made a motion to
table said discussion until the next regular scheduled meeting, seconded
by Comm. Harper. Unanimous.
Lee Street: The City Manager explained that Mr. Oliver and himself
had staked out said street and they would recommend that Mr. Flurry obtain
permission from Cliff Freeman to go thru his trailer park to said street.
After much discussion the Mayor suggested that U.S.D.A. be contacted to
determine how deep the muck is on said street. There is also much doubt
as to whether the street is in the City or County. The City Attorney
suggested that a letter of indemnity be obtained from Mr. Flurry to insure
the City against any liability that might occur. Discussion tabled.
7. The City Attorney read Ordinance on Fowls, and other objectionable
animals in residential areas. Comm. Harper moved to accept Ordinance as
ammended with definition of fowl included, seconded by Comm. Hamby.
Unanimous. Comm. Crawford was strongly opposed to said Ordinance but voted
yea because Ordinance could pass on second reading without his vote.
Ordinance Adopted. Comm. Harper made a motion that a written resolution be
sent to Mrs. Russell at l6l3 Mona and to request her presence at the 2 April
meeting, seconded by Comm. Hamby. Unanimous.
8. Bel-Airs construction on Geneva St.: After much discussion it was
decided the City Attorney would write a letter to Bel-Aire Canst. Co.
stating council would like a representative from their company at next
sched~led council meeting to prove to council that Geneva street is not a
platted street, also council request that building in this area cease until
this matter is settled, and why the $6,000. recreational assessment has
Aot been paid.
The City Attorney reported that on the Road Right of Way annexation
petition the City had lost and he withheld any decision to pursue further
until the court hands down a ruling.
Comm. Hamby ask if the Trailer Parks had to be fenced. The City
Manager stated Cliff Freeman had promised to put a fence around the pond
in his park. Comm. Hamby reported that Mri. Blitch of Lakeview street wanted
to be reimbursed for $35. she paid to have stumps hauled away from her
property from tree City cut down. Comm. HaDper made a motion to have City
Manager check out this matter and reimburse Mrs. Blitch, seconded by Comm.
Hamby. Unanimous.
The Mayor reported the Police Dept. had saved 296 gallons of gas this
month. The Department of Transportation will erect No Littering signs the
week of March lB, 1974.
There is a verbal committment from Watson & Co. that 15 April 1974 they
plan to start letting out bids for the new City Hall Complex.
Comm. Hamby made a motion authorzing payment of the following: 8&H Sales
19,433.90 from Tank Const. Fund, Part C, account #1005; Orlando Armature
$215. Tank Const. Fund Part C account #1005; West Orange Fence 298.80 and
137.80 from Recreation Fund acct#9032 and Florida Power 1,800 from Tank
Canst. Part C account #1007.
Being no further business the Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at
11:30 p.m.