HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-23-1974 I I I MINUTES OF THE CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF THE CITY OF OCOEE HELD 23 MAY 74 j PRESENTs MAYOR VANDERGRIFT, COMM. LYLE, HAMBY AND CRAWFORD ABSENTs COMlYl. HARPER The meeting was called to order at 7s30 p.m. with an offering of prayer from Reverend Hewett, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. 3. Bob Powell of Stone & Youngberg came before council with a one million dollar Bond Resolution for the New City Complex. Bonds are to be paid from the excise tax and can be sold at the discretion of council. Bonds are recallable after ten years. After much discussion Comm. Lyle made a motion to adopt the resolution, seconded by Comm. Crawford. Unanimous. Minutes of the last meeting were read. Comm. Hamby made a motion to accept minutes as read, seconded by Comm. Crawford. Unanimous. 4. The City Surveyor (Glenn Thomas) came before council with a report on Geneva Street. According to the City Surveyor's research Geneva is a City platted street, that was recorded in 1886. The City Attorney stated Bel-Aire was aware of said platt but they contend that platt is not legal because the original owner never dedicated said street to the City. After much discussion Comm. Crawford made a motion that a resolution be drawn up stating that the City of Ocoee has no intentions of closing or doing away with Geneva st., seconded by Comm. Hamby. Unanimous. fgmm. Lyle__made a motion that the City Manager notify property ~ owners on Geneva Street that the South 30' of lots 130-139 on Sabinal St. is .on a City of Ocoee owned street right of way, seconded by Comm. Crawford. Unanimous. 5. Amick Sewerage - Charge & Collection s Comm. Lyle made a motion that council set rate of $6.00 per month and that City's service fee of 50~ per account be deducted from the $6.00, seconded by Comm. Crawford. . ._Unanimous. Billing is to begin July 1, 1974. 6. Comm. Lyle made a motion authorizing payment of $200 to Orange County Pollution Control for chemicals needed to kill the hyacinths in Starke Lake, seconded by Comm. Hamby. Unanimous. 7. Comm. Lyle made a motion to adopt a Resolution proclaiming lYlay 25, 1974 as Poppy Day, seconded by Comm. Crawford. Unanimous. Resolution adopted. 8. lYlr. Keith Flurry came before council requesting permission on behalf of Sleepy Harbour residents to fix the boat ramp in said area. Comm.Crawford made a motion to grant said permission, seconded by Comm. Hamby. Unanimous. lYlr. Flurry also ask if council could do anything about the drainage of water from Cliff Freeman's trailer park onto his property. Comm. Hamby made a motion instructing the City lYlanager to write lYlr. Freeman a letter I I I (2) and inform him of said complaint, seconded by Comm. Lyle. Unanimous. Mr. Flurry questioned council as to when or if he was going to get a street ---------- opened to his property. After much discussion Comm. Lyle made a motion that an Ordinance be drawn up de-annexing the Flurry property from the City, seconded by Comm. Crawford. Unanimous. The City Manager informed Mr. Flurry that the 5250 he had put up for a water meter had been refunded. 9. Second Reading of Ordinance Abandoning Polk, Oak, Chicago and the west 30' of California. Comm. Crawford made a motion that the description of Ordinance only be read, seconded by Comm. Hamby. Unanimous. Comm.Crawfd~dc' moved to adopt said Ordinance, seconded by Comm. Hamby. Unanimous. Mr. Tyus stated to council that his lending firm would not release him any money (based on said Ordinance) because the above Ordinance was not read on the publicized date (5-21-74), he was requesting that council set a new read- ing date and adve~tise same for said Ordinance. Comm. Crawford moved to do so with provisions that Mr. Tyus pay for advertising, seconded by Comm. Hamby. Unanimous. 10. Bill Breeze of the Charter Study Comm. came before council with a report from said commission. After much discussion Comm. Lyle moved to place into effect th~ alternative #5 on elections, seconded by Comm.Hamby. Comm. Lyle withdrew his motion and Comm. Hamby withdrew his second. Comm. Lyle requested that Mr. Breeze and his committee submit recommendation on elections at a work session to be held Thursday May 30, 1974. Mayor informed council that he had requested information from several . codification organizations. 11. Ocoee Hills/Spring st. Paving Bids. The following bids were submitted. Southern Paving - 1" type #3 su~face = $8,100 (price good for 30 days, dated 5-6-74). Basic Asphalt - 1" type #2 surface= $20,l88. Comm. Hamby made a motion to enter into an agreement with Southern Paving, seconded by Comm. Lyle. Unanimous. Betty Hager of Jay Street ask permission to plant three trees on the City-Right-of-Way. Permission granted. May 29 therewill be a public meeting of Streets,Sidewalks and Drainage Committee. Motion made by Comm. Lyle to pay $2,200 account #7040, Street Dept. for paving Bay & Lyle streets, seconded by Comm. Hamby. Unanimous. Belle Isle 50th anniversary, Mayor & Commissioners invited. Comm. Crawford moved not to refund Mr. Jullian (of Julco Corp) the $100 petition fee, seconded by Comm. Lyle. Unanimous. Comm. Crawford stated it was the feeling of council that if the Fire District was voted down NO services would be rendered outside City Limits, except the present contracts would be honored and a possible negotiation I I I (3) with Windermere. Comm. Hamby stated the entrance to the Cemetery needed better signs and a roof on building located at Cemetery needed painting. The minutes of may 23, 1974 paragraph three should reflect the cost estimate for paving Lakewood was 529,226.50. mr. Satterfield is chairman of the girls softball league. Meeting adjourned at 10120 p.m. s~~~ City Clerk ~;;;A ;t,A<tf Mayor