HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-16-1974
16 JULY 74
1. Meeting was called to order with an pffering of prayer from Comm.
Hamby, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. The minutes of the last
meeting were read. Comm. Harper pointed out that on page one paragraph
four the minutes should read Mr. Peters instead of Mr. Hagan. Comm. Harper
made a motion to accept minutes as corrected, seconded by Comm. Hamby.
Based on recommendation from the Planning & Zoning Board Comm.
Crawford made a motion to grant Ollie Arthur permission to park a trailer
on his site at the Industrial Park for a caretakers use, seconded by
Comm. Harper. Unanimous.
Comm. Lyle made a motion to move item #3 on the agenda (3rd Quarter
Budget briefing) to the last order of business, seconded by Comm. Hamby.
4. 2ND Reading of Ordinance Amending Article 7 Section 1 of the City
Charter. Motion was made and seconded to read heading of Ordinance only.
Heading of above Ordinance was read by the City Manager. There was a
Unanimous vote adopting said Ordinance.
5. The City Attorney expressed his views on the legality of the City
removing Watson & Company as architect for the new City Complex. The
City Attorney recommended that if the City should feel they are unable
at this time to build a new complex with the present plans they should
try and reach a written agreement w,ith Watson & Company. There was a
letter from the builder (Williams) and Watson & Co. extending the time
limit to July 30. Comm. Harper made a motion to accept the extenSion and
to hold a special meeting on 30 July, seconded by Comm. Crawford. Unanimous.
6. Mattie Farmer: In Miss Farmers' absence the City Manager explained
that she had ask him to relay to council that she would like permission
to park a trailer in her sisters' back yard for the use of someone to
care for her sister. There was much discussion of the legality of the
above request, since no one was sure if the property belonged to Miss Farmer
or not. Comm. Harper made a motion that Miss Farmer have the legal owner
of said property take above request to the Planning & Zoning Board, seconded
by Comm. Hamby Unanimous.
Alice Armstron~came before council requesting a refund less expenses
of her petition fee (her petition was withdrawn). Mrs. Armstrong stated
that a Mrs. Sanders should have received a letter on the petition but as
of this date she had not received her-letter. There was a motion made by
Comm. Hamby to refund the money less expenses incurred, seconded by
Comm. Lyle. Unanimous. The Mayor ask the City Manager to check with the
Post Office to see if he could obtain any reason why Mrs. Sanders had
not received her certified notification.
Kissimmee Ave. Water Tank Inspection: A verbal report was given to
the City Manager from Chicago Bridge & Iron (a written report is to follow)
that the water tank is structurally sound but due to somecorrosion on the
inside, the tank needs to be painted on the inside as soon as possible.
Chicago Bridge & Irons' inspector stated the outside painting could wait
at least another twelve to eighteen months. The above company gave a ball
park figure of $10,000 for said painting. After much discussion the City
Manager was instructed to obtain three firm estimates for painting the
inside only, the outside only, cost if color is changed and cost if color
remains the same, also each firm must agree to post a surety bond.
The City Manager reported that Ocoee Hills Rd., Spring st. and
Franklin Street had been paved at a cost of $13,469. Comm. Hamby made a
motion to pay the $13,469 from the Street Dept. ~cct#7040, seconded by
Comm. Harper. Unanimous. Comm. Lyle ask that the City Manager obtain a
cost for stripimg~the paved streets.
Comm. Harper made a motion to pay Watson & Co. $l9,600 & $l,100.20
from General Govt. acct#3086, seconded by Comm. Hamby. Unanimous.
The City Manager stated that the removing of the spur on the rail
road track at Kissimmee and Floral Streets had been completed at a cost
of $525 and that Mr. Phillips of Certi-Fine had agreed to pay half of the
cost. Comm. Harper made a motion to pay the $525 from the Street Dept.
Fund acct#7040, seconded by Comm. Hamby. Unanimous.
Comm. Lyle ask the City Attorney about the bond validation suit
for the new City Complex. The City Attorney stated the suit was ready to
be filed but recommended the City not incur the cost of validation until
a final decision is reached as to whether or not the complex is to be
The City Attorney stated he has had no word from Bel-Aires' attorney.
Comm. Hamby stated he felt that if the City was going to be tough on one
developer (Hodes) the same treatment should go for Bel-Aire. The Mayor
stated he felt that some decision should be made and followed thru with.
Comm. Harper, Crawford and Lyle had no comment. Comm. Crawford stated
that approximately three meetings ago a decision was made that the City
Attorney and Bel-Aires' attorney was to negotiate and he Gan see no reason
for this subject to be brought up at every meeting. The City Manager stated
that $8,600 and $6,000 recreational assessment was Bel-Aires' last offer.
The discussion was tabled.
~ .
Comm. Crawford ask the City Attorney if he had any information on
the annexing of islands within the City Limits. The City Attorney stated
he could find no statues on the annexations of islands and stated he felt
to annex a piece of property you must follow all required procedures.
Comm. Crawford stated that two lots near the little league field was
coming before the Adjustment Board on 24 July and that he felt that the
City needed the lots for the parking of little league supporters and if
the City could not buy the lots theHthe zoning should not be allowed to
change. After much discussion it was decided Comm. Crawford would try and
negotiate with Mr. Pounds about said property.
Mrs. Fagan came before council asking about bridle paths in the City.
The Mayor explained that at this time no bridle paths had been established
and before one was established there would be a public hearing on the
Comm. Crawford stated to council that if the City could buy Will
Pounds property and move the fire station onto this property the the cost
of the new complex could be lowered considerably, but he had been informed
that Mr. Pounds would not sell. The Mayor stated he had talked to Mr.
Pounds and he would sell the three lots for $20,000. After much discussion
it was the feeling of council this price was too much.
Comm. Harper questioned the Mayor on the peer group trial; the
Mayor explained his involvement with said group.
Comm. Lyle made a motion instructing the City Manager to have speed
bumps installed by the youth center and tennis courts subject to the
legality of such, seconded by Comm. Harper. Unanimous.
The Mayor explained he had a resolution from the East Central Florida
Planning Region that they wanted council to adopt. Comm. Lyle stated he
wanted a representative from said region to come before council and
explain said resolution. The Mayor stated he would request a representative
to be at the next regular meeting.
The City Manager briefed council on thej3rd Quarter Budget for 73/74
fiscal year. After much discussion Comm. Harper made a motion to accept
the budget briefing as presented, seconded by Comm. Hamby. Unanimous.
Comm. Harper stated he was not present when the Fire District was
turned down and ask if the people involved wanted a fire contract could
they negotiate with the City for one. Comm. Lyle stated if persons in
precincts' involved were interested enough to circulate a petition and
get the Fire District on the primary he would be willing to give said
persons fire protection until after the primary.
The Mayor stated that the teenagers and some interested citizens were
constructing a patio at the youth center and they were looking for donations
of labor, materials and etcetera.
Meeting adjourned at 10:55 p.m.