HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-06-1974 MINUI'ES OF THE CI'IY COMMISSION MEETING OF THE CI'IY OF OCOEE HELD 06 AUGUST 74 I PRESENT: MAYOR VANDERGRIFT, COMH. HARPER, LYLE AND CRAWFORD. ABSENT : COMM. HAMBY. I Meeting was called to order at 7: 30 p.m. with an offering of prayer, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Minutes of the last meeting were read. Corrm. Harper ID3.de a IIDtion to accept minutes as read, seconded by Corrm. Crawford. Unanirrous. Corrm. Lyle made a IIDtion to change item three on the agenda to the next order of business, seconded by Corrm. Crawford. Unan:iJrous. 3. Mr. Jim Beech carne before council requesting $300 for sponsorship fee of Pop Warner Football League plus $100 for equipment for said league. A IIDtion was TIEde by Corrm. Lyle to grant said request, seconded by Corrm. Crawford. Unanirrous. 1. Tri-City Airport: HarDld Maguire carne before council requesting the City!'s continued support of Tri City Airport. After JIUlch discussion Corrm. Harper ID3.de a IIDtion assuring Mr. Maguire of the Ci ty.1 s support of said proj ect, seconded by Corrm. Crawford. Unanirrous. 2. Carl DJwling of East Central Florida Planning Council carne before the City Council with an explanation of the Resolution on Water Conservation that they would like the City to adopt. After much discussion Corrm. Crawford made a motion to table until the City Attorney could study and advise council on said resolution, seconded by Corrm. Harper. Unan:iJrous. 8. Mrs. McCollun carne before council as a representative of the persons living outside of Windermere City Limits (precinct 39) with a petition requesting fire protection from the City of Ocoee. Mrs. McCollun also pointed out that the persons living in her area were not allowed to vote on the recent proposal for fire districts. After JIUlch discussion Mrs. McCollun was ask to contact the County Fire Marshall about fire protection and then corne back to council with whatever infornation he had furnished her. 4. Windermere Fire Contract: Corrm. Harper ID3.de a IIDtion to offer Windermere a Fire Contract at last years cost of $6,000, IIDtion died for lack of a second. Corrm. Crawford stated he felt the contract price should be raised due to the increase prices of fuel, IIBIlpower and etc. Corrm. Lyle IIDved to offer Windermere a contract at a cost of $10,000 for the first year and negotiate the second year. The IIDtion died for lack of a second. After JIUlch discussion Cormn. Harper ID3.de a IIDtion to hold a work session to be followed by a Special Meeting on 12 August to discuss said subj ect, seconded by Corrm. Crawford. Unanirrous. 5. Sanitation Truck: International Harvester submitted a bid of $27,181 for a Mark IV and $28,361 for a Mark V. Bennett Trucking Co. submitted a bid of $27,842 with a delivery date of thirty days and a cost of $3,100 for a garwood silencer. After much discussion Corrm. Lyle IIDved to accept Bennett Trucking Companys bid plus the silencer, seconded by Corrm. Harper. Unanirrous. Total cost of $ 31 ,461. 6. Past Due Taxes 1966-1970: Corrm Harper ID3.de a IIDtion to write off the uncollectable taxes in the amount of $1,075.41, seconded by Corrm. Crawford. Unanimous. 7. Corrm. Harper made a IIDtion to waive the cost of a building permit to Orange County for their new Sub-Annex Court House, seconded by Corrm. Crawford. Unanimous. 9. A letter from Mr. Bill Breeze was submitted to council informing them that next IIDnth the minimlDTI term of all Adjustment Board Members would expire. Mr. Breeze also indicated that if his term was not terminated sooner he would resign when he was required to file a financial disclosure statement. The Mayor suggested council take this infornation under advisement and be ready to take action at the next regular meeting. The City Manager stated that Southern Paving charged $13,243.10 instead of $13,469 as reported in the July 16 minutes. There was a letter subrni tted to council from Reginal Williams extending the time limit for the new complex bids to August 13, 1974. I (2) I The City Manager explained that Mr. Oliver was still the Supervisor of the Water Department even though because of Social Security laws he could only be paid $200 per lIDnth. The Water Deparbnent is going to purchase a new truck next year and the City Manager suggested selling it to Mr. Oliver at the end of the year for a nominal fee. After IIUlch discussion Comm. Harper made a rrotion to purchase a new truck for the water department and to sell it to Mr. Oliver one year from purchase date at the cost of $1. 00 and other considerations, seconded by Com. Crawford. Unanimous. Mr. Hughes of Apricot Street came before council with a petition signed by the residents of said street requesting the City pave and pay 1/3 of the cost for the paving of Apricot. After IIUlch discussion the City Manager was instructed to obtain a cost of paving said street with sidewalks, miami curbing and drainage for the next regular meeting. Comm. CrawforD made a lIDtion to offer the City Manager a two year contract. The Mayor stated he was strongly opposed to this lIDtion and at this time would ask for the City Managers I resignation which was offered to him last election. Com. CrawfOrDS I lIDtion was seconded by Com. Lyle with a unanimous vote obtained. The City Manager stated if he accepted said..,." camtract he" "wo~d draft it. Com. CrawforD stated the City was losing three to four stop signs a week and would appreciate any help the citizens could offer. The Mayor gave each corrnnissioner a written report from the Civil Review Corrm. and requested they take it under advisement. * Comm. Harper made a rrotion to draft a resolution at the request of Florida Power asking national leaders to put pressure on oil producing countries to reduce their prices. The Mayor had a letter from ~sville asking if the City of Ocoee would be interested in joining a Small Leagu:e of Cities Group. After IIUlch discussion it was decided to have a representative from said group corne before council with lIDre information about the group. The Mayor read a list of drainage problems in the City and asked that the corrnnissioners to draw up their own prioirty list. Corrm. Harper suggested the Mayor present a list of the ones he had to each corrnnissioner. Meeting adjourned at 10:05 p.m. I ~~ Q.~ CITY C ~~~oI- 1