HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-04-1975
1. Meeting was called to order with an offering of prayer at 7:35 p.m.
followed by the pledge of allegiance. The minutes of the last meeting were
read. In item A of said minutes it should reflect that Teleprompt TV is ahead
of the schedule that was presented to council in the 3 September 74 meeting.
Comm. Lyle moved to accept minutes as corrected with the exception of paragraph
two (Retirement Plan Change) the City Manager is to check with Doug Everd
(Insurance Agent for the city) as to whether or not paragraph two is a correct
statement, seconded by Comm. Crawford. Unanimous. (~aragraph two should have
reflected the following: Doug Everd (City Insurance Agent) stated that if
an employee terminated at the end of four years he would receive 100% of the
value of what he had paid in and 80% of the value of what the city had
2. Bi-Centennial Program: Mr. Breeze came before council in behalf of Ed
Pratt stating that the Bi-Centennial Committee would like to have a 4th of
July, City celebration on the west shore of Starke Lake. Comm. Lyle made a
motion to grant said request as lorias the committee had the assurance from
the Police & Fire Departments that they could give protection for this event,
seconded by Comm. Whitehead. Unanimous.
3. The City Manager stated that Attorney John Rhodes had submitted a
preliminary Title Opinion on the city property on Bluford Ave. and Mr. Rhodes
had stated that some areas were not clear and could only be cleared with a
Quiet Title which could cost as much as'$l,lOO.OO. Comm. Crawford made a
I motion that Mr. Rhodes go ahead with the Quiet Title suit at the lowest cost
possible, seconded by Comm.Whitehead. Unanimous.
4. The City Manager explained to council that the water treatment plant
#3 has had the final electrical and tank inspection and the City Engineer
had recommended acceptance.Comm. Crawford moved to pay Chicago Bridge and
Iron the final payment of $1,000 from the tank construction fund, seconded
by Comm. Whitehead. Unanimous. Comm. Crawford made a motion to pay the
City Engineer a final payment of $1,237.68 from tank construction fund,
seconded by Comm. Whitehead. Unanimous.
5. Over 65 Program: The City Manager stated that letter of approval had
been given him from the bonding company and also a letter had been received
from the City Auditor. The City Manager recommends the free water be effective
(for persons on Over 65 Program) as of 1 April 75. Comm. Crawford made a
motion that the free water program be implemented as of 1 April 75, seconded
by Comm. Lyle. Unanimous.
6. Policy for Police Dept: Comm. Crawford stated he disagrees with the
Mayor trying to implement this program. Comm. Crawford stated that when the
Chief felt his employees' needed more training'he should be the one to request
such a program and the Mayor should not interfere with any department. 'Comm.
Crawford further stated that in the future the Mayor should direct his
attention to his duties which include the opening and closing of commission
meetings:. The Mayor so stated that anytime he felt that his suggestions
could help improve a department he would interfere. After much discussion
the policy was disreguarded.
7. March 11, Annexation Public Hearing: Comm. Stinnett made a motion that
II the Planning & Zoning Board be present at the Public Hearing in order to
acquaint themselves with the parcels of land to be annexed and that the
Planning & Zoning Board recommend zoning for the parcels of land to be annexed
to the City Commission, seconded by Comm. Lyle. Unanimous.
8. Flood Insurance Resolution: Motion to read by heading only was made by
Comm. Crawford, seconded by Comm. Stinnett. Unanimous. City Manager read
heading only of said resolution. Comm. Crawford moved to adopt said resolution)
seconded by Comm. Stinnett. Unanimous.
9. Capital Program: City Manager presented a suggested five year program
as requested by the Mayor. After much discussion the Commissioners' objected
to this program as each year new commissioners are elected and it was their
feeling that with each election there would be a continual change in the
program. There was much discussion on the building on a new police head
quarter s .
There was a letter from the Women's Club thanking the City for the cash
donation to help defray cost of air-conditioning said club. Comm. Crawford
ask that the record show that the reason the City didn't give a larger donation
toward said project was that since they only ask for $200 the commission was
under the impression that this was all that was needed to complete said project.
Mayor stated that he had been elected president of Tri-County League of
City Manager stated that under the Community Development Grant, Ocoee was
to receive $12,000 for drainage and $2,000 for recreation, but this has not
yet been confirmed.
The Recreation Director came before council asking if the city wanted to
charge for the use of the Municipal field. Comm. Crawford suggested that the
Recreation Director check with the neighboring cities as to their policies
on this matter and what they charge then come back to the city commission with
a recommendation as to charges.
Comm. Lyle requested that the Mayor not discuss the Citys' Over 65 Program
with Attorney Shevin. The Mayor stated that the meeting had fell thru.
Motion to rescind motion made at last council meeting to install street
light at Cumberland and Ohio was made and motion was made instead to upgrade
already existing light at said location by Comm. Crawford, seconded by Comm.
Whitehead. Unanimous.
Comm. Stinnett stated he had been requested to ask City if the Power
Boat Assoc. could build a permanent judges stand on Starke Lake. The City
owns the property but according to deed restrictions the only part that can be
built on is north of Oakland Avenue.
Mayor stated that the hyacinth problem was bad at the edge of Starke Lake
and there needed to be a sign installed asking boaters to check their props
for foreign grass. The Mayor further stated that the chorus wanted permission
to hold a bike rally and race on a city street. Comm. Crawford stated that
this request would have to go thru the Police Chief:
Meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m.
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