HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-01-1975 MINUTES OF THE CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF THE CITY OF OCOEE HELD. 1 APRIL 75 I PRESENT: ABSENT: MAYOR VANDERGRIFT, COMM. LYLE,CRAWFORD,WHITEHEAD AND STINNETT NONE 1. Meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m., with an offering of silent prayer, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Minutes of the previous meeting were read. Comm. Lyle moved to accept minutes as read, seconded by Comm. Stinnett. Unanimous. 2. Jack Spivey of the Ocoee Lions Club presented the "Presidents Trophy" ~hich was recently won by them at the Central Florida Fair) to council, requesting that it be put on display in City Hall for the citizens to enjoy. It was also requested that at such time the Ocoee Lions Club attains permanent quarters or upon request said trophy will be returned. Motion to grant request and thank the Lions Club was made by Comm.Crawford, seconded by Comm. Stinnett. Unanimous. 3. James Hood recently purchased Arnold's Service Station and he came before council requesting approval to operate said station: Motion to approve request was made by Comm. Crawford, seconded by Comm.Stinnett. Unanimous. 4. Mr.Ed Pratt gave council a progress report on the forth-coming Bi-Centen- nial celebration. Mr. Pratt also stated that the committee was asking council for a $250 donation to purchase oak trees at a cost of 36~ each from the foresty service and the committee was also requesting that the City designate where they would like the trees planted. After much discussion this subject was tabled. Comm. Lyle sta~e'he didn't want Mr. Pratt to feel his request for I a donation was being turned-/down for he felt the City should help defray the cost of beautifying same, however he felt oak trees was not what the City wanted. Mr.Pratt requested that council decide what they did want and let him know and then the Bi-Centennial committee would try to comply. 5. Mr. Amick came before council with pictures of homes he hopes to build in Fox-Fire (pictures are of homes already in existance at Quail Trail in Orlando). Mr. Amick wants a variance to construct houses with 800, 900 and 1,000 feet of living area. After much discussion Mr.Amick was told he must file a petition for a variance and go before the Board of Adjustment. Mr. Smedley of the Ocoee High School Gh!ous came before council stating that the ~hr_~us had done several fund raising projects to raise money to go to Washington D.C. but that they were still short about $3,000.00. Mr.Smedley was requesting a donation of $1,000 from the City. After much discussion the subject was tabled until next regular meeting. 6. Mr.Cowherd of the Ocoee Hills Subdivision project came before council stating that after thirty days the Pan-American bank of Miami would take over ownership of said project and it was their intentions to repair all unsafe conditions in said project and that all outstanding debts of Hodes Const. Co., from the project would be taken care of. After much discussion it was decided .that the City Inspector and a VA inspector would make ~inspection of the area and submit a break down to council of what needs to be done. Then council will notify Mr.Cowherd of what they feel should take priority. 7. City Manager stated that the City application for Flood Insurance had been accepted and would be effective as of 2 April 75. 8. Comm.Crawford moved to accept the Health Departments approval of the water I system, seconded by Comm. Stinnett. Unanimous. 9. City Manager submitted a resolution on double taxation. Comm. Lyle moved to read heading only of Resolution, seconded by Comm. Crawford. Unanimous. City Manager read heading only of said resolution. Comm. Crawford moved to adopt the resolution, seconded by Comm.Stinnett. Unanimous. Resolution adopted. (2) I 10. City Manager submitted a letter from Ronald and Sharon Strosnider requesting annexation. Comm. Crawford moved to grant said request, seconded by Comm. Whitehead. Unanimous. 11. City Attorn~r presented two Ordinances to council, one annexation ordin- ance on fourteen parcels of land and the other a zoning ordinance of the 14 parcels. Comm.Crawford moved to have the headings only of the ordinances read, seconded by Comm.Stinnett. Unanimous. City Attorney read heading only of the annexation ordinance. Comm.Crawford moved to adopt said ordinance, seconded by Comm.Stinnett. Unanimous. City Attorney read heading only of zoning ordinance. Comm.Crawford moved to adopt ordinance,seconded by Comm. Stinnett. Unanimous. This is the first reading for both ordinances. 12. City Manager reported that he had sent an ordinance with a letter and a map informing the county that the City was going to annex road-right-of-way of SR438 from Orange avenue to east side of Brentwood. City Manager further stated that as of now the legal advisors for the county were studying said material. 13. FHA Loan: Mayor stated City does not have to accept loan all the way up to approval, Mayor feels City should continue with loan application and hold a town meeting with all city contractors and try and build a municipal building at a low cost figure. Comm.Stinnett feels the city has no need for the type of building that was designed and that the city should not go in debt for anything at this time. Comm.Stinnett feels whole project should be scrapped.After much discussion Comm.Stinnett moved that the City Manager write FHA a letter thanking them for their time and inform them that the city wishes to terminate their loan application, seconded by Comm.Crawford Unanimous. City Manager submitted a bid. from West Orange Fence company to fence the Cemetery. Bid was $5,000 (1,894' of fence which includes two 16' rolling gates) Council instructed City Manager to obtain another bid, so they could have two, to chose from. Comm.Lyle ask the City Manager for a progress report on the bleachers for the Girls Softball Field. City Manager stated cost had gone from 56.00 to 76.00 per stringer. After much discussion the City Manager was directed to explain the afore-mentioned to Mr.Satterfield and ask him to come back before council. Comm.Lyle ask the City Manager if CETA employees could be obtained to aid in the summer recreation program. The City Manager stated additional employees from CETA had already been applied for. Comm. Crawford stated that a sign still needs to be put in the canal. Comm. Crawford also stated that vehicles were being parked on the south side of the city barn and that residents in that area had been promised that this would not happen. Comm.Stinnett ask the City Manager to obtain a cost to add an extension to the barn with no flooring.Comm. Crawford ask the City Manager to rent a fork lift to remove stumps at the cemetery before the fence goes up. Comm.Stinnett stated the Planning & Zoning Board could not get in City Hall last week to hold their meeting, and that some policy should be set up. After much discussion Comm.Crawford moved that the lock on City Hall be changed and a key be given to the City Manager, Building Inspector and Police Department and that the City Manager write a policy stating the preceding and that a log be kept at the Police Department as to who goes'-in City Hall (after hours) and the time of their arrival and departure also be logged, seconded by Comm.Stinnett.Unanimous. Mayor stated he objected to going to the Police Dept. for a key to the City Hall, he feels that all elected officials should have a key. City Attorney stated he felt City should review their insurance program to see if the~~aequate coverage or not. City Manager was instructed to have Doug Everd work with Wurst Ins. Co. and recommend to council any changes needed. I I (3) I Recreation Director ask council to make a decision as to whether or not only city resident teams could play on city field or if other leagues could also use field. Comm.Stinnett suggested that the Recreation Director make up schedules and everyone would have to work around his schedule. Motion was made by Comm.Crawford that persons that lived outside of city could be allowed to play on the field at the discretion of the Recreation Director, seconded by Comm.Stinnett. Unanimous. Mayor stated that the hyacinths need to be removed from lake now. Mayor read letter from Edgewood, congratulating City on 50th anniversary. Mayor read memo to citizens about Spring Cleanup,registration and the TV coverage of commission meetings. Mayor suggested these memos be delivered by the sanitation employees. Mayor stated that 5 or 6 years ago it was proposed that the point on Starke Lake be purchased for a park, the idea was dropped the~ because of the selling price. The Mayor stated he would like to pursue this project now with the idea of obtaining State funds to buy the property and make it into a park. Council gave their approval. Meeting adjourned at 10:10 p.m.. I s~ (l G~ CITY . ERK I-