HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-15-1975 I MINUTES OF THE CITY commISSION MEETING OF THE CITY OF OCOEE HELD APRIL 15, 1975 PRESENT: mAYOR VANDERGRIFT, COMm.LYLE, WHITEHEAD AND CRAWFORD. ABSENTs comm.STINNETT. I Meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. with an offering of prayer, followed by the pledge of allegiance. Minutes of the previous meeting were read. mayor stated that the minutes on the policy of anyone entering City Hall after business hours should reflect that they would be accompanied by a police officer. Comm. Crawford moved to accept as amended, seconded by Comm. Whitehead. Unanimous. Minutes of the Special meeting were read. Comm. Crawford moved to accept as read, seconded by Comm.Whitehead. Unanimous. The mayor stated that if no one had any objections he would move his office to the Youth Center. mr. Dunaway came before council stating that the City had a policy that relatives could not be hired and he was asking council to reconsider said policy as he would like to apply to the Police Department but his father-in-law works for the City. After much discussion Comm.Crawford stated that in the past there had been alot of confusion with relatives working together and the policy would stand as is. It was further stated that the persons that were related and employed before the policy was made had been grandfathered in. Mr.Dunaway stated that he feels he is being discrimineted against. Eliazbeth Harrison came before council on behalf of mr.Smedley (Ocoee High School Chorus). After some discussion Comm.Crawford made a motion that if the chorus as a whole or only part of the chorus obtained the needed funds to go to Washington D.C. that the City donate $500.00, seconded by Comm.Whitehead. Unanimous. 1. Mr.Cowherd came before council on the subject of the completion of houses in Ocoee Hills Subdivision: mr.Cowherd was asking council that his firm not be required to pay full building permit cost. After much discussion Comm. Lyle stated that the City has a policy and under this policy the statute of limitations on the old permits had expired, and Mr.Cowherd would be required to obtain complete new building permits, water tap ins, septic tank permits and also to pay 550. per house for recreation assessment. Council further stated that if meters and recreation assessment had been previously paid for there would be no charge for them. In Dick Caldwells' absence (city attorney) John McDuma was present I 'to represent the City. 2. Mr. Weeks of Wurst Ins. Agency furnished council with a break down of the Citys now existing liability coverage. After much discussion I I I (2) Comm. Lyle ask Mr.mcDuma to relay this information from Mr. Weeks to the City Attorney and have him make recommendations to council at next meeting. 3. City manager stated that Ernie Higgins had ask that council be advised that dug outs were being built at the Senior League field and that an electric scoreboard had been donated. 4. Policy changes on entry to City Hall after business hours. In a special meeting held April 8, 1975 council directed the City Manager to include in the existing policy that any person other than the City manager, Office Manager or the City Clerk entering the City Hall after regular business hours must limit their time to fifteen minutes. 5. Ordinance Annexation and Zoning - 14 parcels of land: 2nd Reading; Comm.Crawford moved to read heading only of annexation ordinance,seconded by Comm.Whitehead. Unanimous. City manager read heading only of said ordinance. Comm. Crawford moved to adopt annexation ordinance, seconded by Comm.Whitehead. Unanimous. Annexation Ordinance adopted. motion was made and seconded unanimously to read heading only of zoning ordinance. City manager read heading only of the zoning ordinance. Comm.Crawford moved to adopt said ordinance, seconded by Comm.Whitehead. Unanimous. Zoning Ordinance adopted. 6. 1st reading of annexation and zoning ordinance on Strosnider property: motion was made and seconded unanimously to read annexation ordinance by heading only. City Manager read heading only of annexation ordinance. Comm.Crawford moved to adopt said ordinance, seconded by Comm.Whitehead. Unanimous. motion was made and seconded unanimously to read zoning ordinance by heading only. City manager read heading of said ordinance. Comm.Crawford moved to adopt said ordinance, seconded by Comm.Whitehead. Unanimous. 2nd reading of both ordinance's will be read at next meeting. 7. City Manager stated that Carol & Charles Sackett of 148 Silver star Rd. have requested annexation into the city. Comm.Crawford moved to grant said request, seconded by Comm.Whitehead. Unanimous. 8. Cemetery Fence Bids: West Orange Fence $4,348.00 with 2" line post and Kirkland $3,908.00 with I 5/8" line post. After much discussion Comm. Crawford move to give the contract to West Orange Fence based on the difference in materials to be used, seconded by Comm.Lyle. Unanimous. City manager recommended payment come from general fund account. Comm. Crawford stated City Manager should take payment from where ever he thought best. mr. Breeze came before council stating that on the corner of Geneva and Bluford where the Radio Station and Miracle Block offices are built\ I I I (3) a survey shows a road right-of-way going thru the buildings (know as Lak~~~ road right-of-way) mr.Breeze stated the right of way had been abandoned at least twice, but that it still appears on court house records. Mr.Breeze was asking for a letter from the city stating the street had been abandon based on Ordinance passed in 1971. Comm.Lyle moved to direct the City Manager to take the necessary action to have court house records show right of way has been abandoned, seconded by Comm.Whitehead. Unanimous. City manager read a letter of appreciation from Ocoee Girls Athletic Association. City manager stated a letter had been received from the county stating the annexation of the road right of way on Hwy 438 was in their opinion illegal. There is to be a Public Hearing on Fox Fire with the Board of Adjustments on 4-22-75. A letter has been sent to FHA terminating the loan application for the municipal complex. City Manager stated that Mr.Satterfield (president of Girls Softball Assoc.) wants city to pay the fee for the City Attorney to draw up necessary papers to form a non-profit corporation for the Association. Council tabled until they could obtain a cost from the City Attorney. City Manager stated stumps in cemetery have been removed and the speed sign in the canal has been installed. City manager request work session, a work session will be held thursday, April 24, 1975. Mayor request a telephone extension at recreation center. Mayor stated there will be a Tri-County league of Cities meeting on April 24. at 12:00 noon. The topic will be on double taxation, everyone invited. Meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m. s~O- Q. ('~ CITY ERK .. '.. .. ,,-----.... I~ '. , ..... .. SCOTT VANDERGRIFT MAYOR. COMMISSIONER RAYMOND CRAWFORD, JR. ROBERT LYLE WILLIAM STINNETT LEWIS WHITEHEAD COMMISSIONERS: r TELEPHONE 656.2322 JOHN L. VIGNETTI CITY MANAGER BEAUTIFUL LAKES CITY OF OCOEE ORANGE COUNTY OCOEE, FLORIDA 32761 GOOD FISHING GROUNDS NEW HOUSING DEVELOPMENT WELCOME TOURIST CITY OF OCOEE OP~ICE MANAGER'S SUPPLEMENT TO PRUV;r:;\JTTf{r'S flA/\TD-UTrr ON 1<trrptW:Nr7ROGRAM (BASED ON VISCUS~ION WITH MANAGER, OR L r\;JUO(H:'}-rCE-;-p'~1j1'-8rmLTfjSIfRANC-E Cf~ I. VI8TRTBUTIO,V OF PERIOOIC PAY,I,IE1H (BY INSURA~~C~_~Q..~ T~-c].tlJ ,: S % e.t1irJ.tOi[~_~1 a.. 45~ on pa.yme.nt i.6 dLstJtibute.d to .{.n.6uJtaI1c.e. pOJ:tion, whic.h Jte.DJte.6e.nt.6 the. gua~a.l1te.e.d DOJttion 06 youJt pen.61ol1. b. 55' 06 payme.nt 1.6 di.6tJtibuted to 1nve..6tme.nt pcJttlcl1. Amou"~ 06 emptoyee.'A .6haJte. in e.xce..6.6 06 5% (0& gJtOJ.6 i~come.) i.6 1J...6 t!:.).n'J.ted e.:diJte.R.~! in ..tnve..6tme.n.t po Jt.tio YL. c.. . r ~ ~ cl u.JtJ.l1g th e. 11. e.liJt e.m e.nt pJto 9 .I!. am y e. aJt, tit e. am 0 unt r~tuJbuxe.d to the. in~~anc.e p'oJttion acc.umulate..6 an e.xee..6.6 .6u66i- cic.l1t :to p'a..!f 60Jt al1 addA..-tlol1af. $1,000 06 lVL.6uJtance., :the.n PJtu.de.l1t-La'i atttomrttlc.aliff il1.C'..te.a.6e..6 tlte. haee. value. 06 the. In-6uJtance. r.o-tic.j by 52,000. A .6 uppte.meIttto tlte. OiL-Lglnal policy will be. i~~ue.~ to the. emplolje.e.. d. A6te.Jt about (9) ue~Jt~ theJte. will be. no mo~e iVL.6uJtal1ce. CO.6t. 45% 06 afl D~0'ment~ will c.oJ1t1nue to be paid into the. ln~uJtance poJt~lon 06 the. Re.tiJteme.nt Fund, building up the. ca~h value 06 the. policy. II. VISTRIBUTION OF RETIREMENT FUNVS AFTER TERMINATION OF COVEREV EMPLOYEE. ct. An e.mploye.e. wiLe. Jte.c.e.lve ~t .the. e.nd 06 the. c.ontltact ye.aJt all 06 th e. em ploy e. e. '.6 .6 hr.t!!. e. v af.u e. ctn d 2 0 % ( a6t e.Jt l.6 t Y eaJt; 40% a6te.Jt 2l1d ye.aJt; 60% a6t~Jt 3Jtd ye.aJt; 80% a6te.Jt 4th ye.aJt; tool a6te.Jt 5th qe.aJt) 06 the employe.Jt~.6 .6haJte value in .the. .i.nve.6tme.nt ~ul1d pOJttlon 06 the Re.tlJte.me.nt PJtogJtam. f ,. - I~ -' ::--. . -.- A. (. . . P.ETIREMENT PROGRAM SUPPLEMENT PAGE 2 b. The poR..-tc.y automa.:t-tea.e.e.y .te.J1.m-tlta.:te.6 un.e.e..6.o .:the. .teJ1.m-tna.te.d e.mpto yee. aJ1.J1.ang e..6 ())-t.:th Pltude.r..:t,LaR.. .:to co n.:t-tnue. Lt 0 n h-t.6 own. c. An e.mployee may aJ1.J1.a.nge .:to l~ave. the vatue. o~ 11.1.6 pOJ1..:t1on o~ .:the 1I'LV12...6..tme.n.t .6hMe.6 w1.:th Plwdevd;,,[,::.R.. unt1t he. J1.e.ac.he.o J1.et11te.- men.t age. and bene.6-t.t oltom d1vid.end c:.e.c~m(llation.6 and wha.:teveJ1. .the maJ1.k.e-:t..walue 06 hi.6 .6 haJ1.e.6 i.o a.:t ..the dcde. 0 it J1.e..:t.i.J1.e.me.lt.:t. (1) M~h~t vatue. on inve.6tm~n.:t .6haJ1.e..6 c.an be. dete~mine.d bw J1.e.ading .:the publi.6he.d c.to.o-tng 0' ~ell-tng pJ1.i~e. on the. da.:te. 06 J1.e..:tD!.e.ment. It i.6 -tde.n:ti6ied a.6 PJ1.U SIP un FUJtd,~ in .6toc.k. ma.JtR.e.:t pa.g e6 06 :tit e OJ1.taYldo S en.tiMa. IT!. DEATH BEFORE RETrREMENf . a. 16 ~n employee ~e6 F4kO~ ~ J1.etiA~e~ be60he :the. ea~h vaPufl., fZ.xc.te.d~ .:the 6avc.e utteu.e., the be.t1e6-i,c.i.aJu( w~R..l J1.ec.eive :the. f,ac.e. vaeue. 06 h1...6 poUe.g p.eU.6 any ac.cUIrlu.R.a.:ted d.w.ideYld.6; wlt.Leh, ..i.6 ~e~.t on de.poJ.,A;.t w~h P,'tud<?.n...tio..t C'..oufd ~ct~ltl .the. efllfto 1je.e..6 41n..t-Lupa.ted pe.n.6.tCJlt. ~The amoult.:t ll!-l1'Uii"tU..the empR.Dyee woutd ha.ve" nOAma.R..e~ Jt...e.:t.Ut.e..d woutrl be. dea..Uv be.ne.6it pltoc.e.e.d.6. b. 16 a.n e.mp'R.()Cjee.. d.,[u p/L.iOlLt-o h.e.,ti,'Lemen.t llnd a6.teJ1..- .the-. C.r1.6 h v ctlu e ex ce eo.l.J th. e. 6 a.e. e v a.tu Q., th e Den e. 11 i c.ia/t..y (viR...e l[. C: e ei \J e. .the. C.M Ir. vai.L~e D 6 h-t.6 pO.P..-tc_y ptu.o dny a.c.c.umuR.ate.a dividel1dJ. IV. f?..~!!_~.Qf_~~r.__pAYMEIJT '0 .TEN rEARS CERTA1 N a. uJhen ,({.11 e.It1pR.oY1Lt!. Jr...e.tiJ1.e.!J {1Q. w-LR.R.. l':.e.c.e..Lve. hi.6 c.ompu..ted he.~ed fag U~~ h~ d-te~. b. Should dea.th OC0uJv pJ1.-<.OJ1. to :th.e e.nd (10 I ljea.J1./) J U6 b e. H~ 6 .icl..~ -t.6 9 uctJ1.an.t....u..o whate. v Q.J1. J1. e.t11 (t.t11,Cltg ,Y.J aym e. n.:t.6 c..l;~ e. du e U l1.:ti f the. 1 O.tlt If UV1. .:tA 0.';1.4 pA.1t e.4/. 1/. IR€Q..UIREMENTS FOR' RET1REftJEl1T BENEFITS ct. klORMAL RETrREMEf../T: Upon J1.e.a.cJU.na a.ge. 6$ and cOJ'llplr:..:ting (10) ye.aJ1.~ 06 pa.J1.:t.tc.~p~t~n, bu.t no.t hewand .the ann1ve~.6a~y date. rtt CUI e. 7 0 . b. EARL~ RETIREMENT: Upon J1.eac.h-<,ng age. 55 and c.otlll'.te..:t-Lon On (101.yt~ 0 c.o~nu~- ~~ic.~ and c.ompfe..t~on ob (5; ~e.a~1.J 06 p~c.A..ra..Uo n in .the ~a..+1. * a.t ag e. 6 5