HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-06-1975
PRESENT: Mayor Vandergrift, Comm.Lyle,Crawford,Whitehead & Stinnett.
1. meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. with an offering of prayer
from Julian Revels (City Comm. from Winter Garden), followed by the Pledge
of Allegiance. minutes of the previous meeting were read. City Attorney
Caldwell stated that the Attorney that represented the City at the last
meeting was Mr. mcDonough instead of mr. McDuma. Comm. Crawford moved to
accept minutes as corrected, seconded by Comm. Lyle. Unanimous.
2. Annexation & Zoning Ordinance on Strosnider property, 2nd reading:
Comm.Crawford moved to read heading only of Annexation Ordinance, seconded
by Comm.Whitehead. Unanimous. City Manager read heading only of said
ordinance. Comm. Crawford moved to adopt annexation ordinance, seconded by
Comm.Whitehead. Unanimous. Motion was made and seconded unanimously to
read zoning ordinance by heading only. City Manager read heading only of
said ordinance. Comm. Stinnett moved to adopt zoning ordinance, seconded by
Comm. Whitehead. Unanimous. This being the second reading of both ord-
inances they were both unanimously adopted.
3. Annexation & Zoning Ordinance - Sackett Property: l~t Reading:
Motion was made and seconded unanimously to read heading only of annexation
ordinance. City Manager read heading only of said ordinance. Motion to
accept made by Comm.Stinnett, seconded by eomm. Whitehead. Unanimous.
There was a unanimous motion to read heading only of zoning ordinance.
City Manager read heading only of said ordinance. Comm.Stinnett moved to
accept) seconded by Comm.Whitehead. Unanimous. Second reading of both
ordinances will be held at next regular meeting.
4. City Manager reported that Vivian Davis of 307 Ohio Street has re-
quested annexation. Comm.Crawford moved to grant said request, seconded
by Comm.Whitehead. Unanimous.
S. Financial Disclosure Filing Deadline 5-15-75: City Attorney stated it
was his opinion that even tho you filed in 71 you must file again.
6. City Manager reported that the abandonment of 874' of Lakewood Ave.
(ord.#54l) had been officially recorded.
7. City Manager presented two closed bids that were submitted on the
wrecked rescue vehicle: L.m. ZEIGLER = $150.00 and JIM TURNER = $l75.00.
Comm. Stinnett moved to sell to high bidder (J.Turner),seconded by Comm.
Whitehead. U~animous.
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8. A letter was received from Orange County Public School Superintendent
stating that highway hazards exist at Silver Star Road within the city
limits of Ocoee, also on Adair Road between Oak Level and Wurst Road. The
letter further stated that the Wurst Road area between Adair & Peters should
be patroled during the hour before and after the opening and closing of
school. After much discussion council instructed City manager to write a
letter to the county asking them to put in sidewalks in the aforementioned
areas. Council also ask that a letter be sent to the superintendent of
schools informing him that the areas mentioned in his letter are county
owned roads.
City Manager stated that Mr.Mimmick was requesting that the City pay
for his car windshield which was recently broken during a ballgame at the
Municipal field (Mr.Mimmick was not a spectator and his car was parkeD in
the driveway of his home). Council instructed the City Manager to ask
Mr.Mimmick to find out if his comprehensive car insurance or his home
owners oolicy would pay for said windshield.
Mr.Amicks petition for a variance to the Adjustment Board was approved
on 4-22-75.
Comm. Stinnett moved to pay for two police cars =$6,900. from general
fund account #4048, seconded by Comm. Crawford. Unanimous. Motion to pay
$5,880. for a fire department equipment van from general fund acct#S046
was made by Comm.Stinnett, seconded by Comm.Crawford. Unanimous.
motion to pay $200. from Recreation Fund account#9080 for Winter Garden
Times advertisement made by Comm.Stinnett, seconded by Comm.Crawford.
Una nimous.
Comm. Stinnett made a motion to give all permanent employees a 5%
pay raise retro-active to I April 75, seconded by Comm. Crawford. Unanimous.
City Attorney recommended that council consider a insurance policy
covering either $300,000 per occurrence and $500,000 per person or an
umbre~la~ type policy for one million coverage. After much discussion council
ask Mr. Wurst of Wurst Insurance Agency (mr.Wurst was in audience) to
obtain a cost factor on the above type coverages.
Comm. Crawford questioned the mayor on statement he made to oress
pertaining to information being concealed from him at City Hall. Comm.
Crawford presented clipping from a Miami paper that quoted the Mayor as
saying he had been denied access to public Decords. Comm.CRAWFORD ask
the Mayor if he would make a public retraction of this statement to nation-
wide press. The Mayor stated he would not retract the statement. Comm.
Crawford stated since he would not retract the statement he was asking for
his resignation and presented a "No Confidence" Resolution (see attached)
to council. Resolution was read aloud by the clerk. Comm. Crawford moved
to adopt the resolution, seconded by Comm.Stinnett. Unanimous. Comm.
Crawford referred to the newspaper statement as lies and the ~ayor stated
they were not lies but opinions. mayor stated that recently his children
were home alone and someone came into his yard terriozed his children, let
the air out of his car tires and erected the municipal sign in his yard and
if this person or persons could be apprehended he would prosecute. Comm.
Lyle stated he wished the record to show that to his knowledge no one
has ever been denied access to city records. Comm. Lyle further stated that
charges against the commission such as it being in a "Police state" should
not go unanswered and based on no retraction from the Mayor he felt council
should proceed with resolution. Comm. Lyle further stated he felt it would
be in the best interest of the City if the ~ayor would resign. Mayor stated
the'cnarges could be answered by giving him back a key to the City Hall and
his office. Comm.Stinnett stated he felt the City Hall should close at
5:00 p.m. and remain closed until the next morning unless the City ~anager
or Bookkeeper needed to work on the budget etc. Mayor stated based on
charter the resolution contained no grounds for his removal from office.
Mayor ask City Attorney in his opinion based on information presented and
information in charter does this consitute grounds for his removal from
office. City Attorney stated he could give no opinion for he had not
studied material. Comm. Lyle recommended that numbering the whereas's
in the resolution I thru 7 he thought #3,4 & 6 should be deleted. Mayor
stated that the charter so states he was to sign all legal documents,
yet Comm.Crawford had been signing all checks lately. Mayor stated he would
file a minority report (see attached) and continue as mayor. Mayor read
minority report. Comm. Lyle dise~reed. Comm.Stinnett ask City Manager to
obtain bids for paving Geneva, starting at Bluford continuing to the
north side of cemetery entrance, also for Lakewood and Columbus.
Mayor read proclamation, proclaiming 5-17-75 as poppy day.
Mayor stated he felt quarterly budget review should be done in open
session instead of a work session. City manager offered to give budget
briefing now or anytime anyone wo~ted briefing on financial status of the
Meeting adjourned at 9:35 p.m. -~
S""\~;'^- Q. ~~
MAY 6, 1975
To the effect that this action has perpetrated to gain in some
form an absolute power of authority with total disregard of the
feelings of the people who have elected us to serve their community.
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WHEREAS, The undersigned Commissioners of the City of Ocoee, officially
desire to express a vote of IINo Confidencell in the manner in which Scott
Va,ndergrift fulfills his role as Mayor of the City of Ocoee; and
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I WHEREAS, He has failed to provide the necessary leadership essential-;to"
.- ,
the welfare, progress and best interests of the City of Ocoee; and
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WHEREAS, Actions on his part strongly indicate that the office of the; ~ ,. ,.
Mayor of the City of Ocoee is just a stepping stone that would further .his '
political career and are not in the best interests of the City of Ocoee;.and
WHEREAS, Actions such as a strong advocate of the Municipal Complex,that
would place a heavy financial burden on the taxpayers of the City were desig~ed
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to enhance his personal image and political future.
'. ";';,
WHEREAS, His failure to fully understand and accept his responsibiJ~ties
i as outlined in the City Charter is a detriment to good government, management
and organization of the City of Ocoee; and
~ "
! WHEREAS, His involvement with the youth of the City was a complete failure
and resulted in an investigation of the Chief and Captain of the Police Depart-
ment by the States Attorney Office, reflecting unfavorably and a discredit-1o
the City of Ocoee; and
WHEREAS, We the Commissioners of the City of Ocoee have unanimously agreed
that a climate of dissention and disagreement will prevail until Scott
Vandergrift is removed from office.
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that as a result of the No Confidence in
the manner in which Scott Vandergrift discharges his duties and responsibiliti5
as Mayor of the City of Ocoee and in respect for all former Mayors of the Clty,
we the undersigned request his immediate resignation.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Resolution be made a part of the offici~
records of the City of Ocoee.