HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-22-1975
1. Meeting was called to order at 7:45 p.m. with an offering of prayer,
followed by the pledge of allegiance. Minutes of the previous meeting were
read. City Attorney stated that the insurance coverage he recommended should
be $300,000 per person and $500,000 per occurrence. Mayor stated that Mr.
Mimmick should be Mr. Minnick. Comm.Whitehead moved to accept minutes as
corrected, seconded by Comm.Stinnett. Unanimous. The Planning and Zoning
Board minutes were read, after some discussion the Mayor stat~ these minutes
would be discussed as item #10 on the agenda.
2. Mr. Stuart from "Book It" came before council stating he would be in
Ocoee tomorrow photographing points of interest for the Bi-Centennial, "Book
It" and if anyone had any memorbilla if they would bring it to the West
Orange Chamber of Commerce he would photograph it and return said item then.
3. Mrs.Engstrom of the Mid Florida Center for Alcoholism came before counci
and explained about the organization and ask council for a donation. After
much discussion the subject was tabled until the next regular meeting.
4. Mr. Satterfield was on the agenda but not present.
5. City Manager stated that the Planned Use Report for Federal Revenue
Sharing Funds (approx. $76,598) had to be sent in by 24 June 75. After much
discussion on the usage of the funds council suggested the following projects:
1. Up grade water lines, 2. streets , sidewalMs & drainage and 3. police build-
ing. To be reviewed at next regular meeting.
6. City Manager read a proposed Ordinance on Tampering with the Water
System. After some discussion, Comm. Lyle moved to accept the ordinance
and the reading be considered as the first reading, seconded by Comm.Stinnett.
Unanimous. 2nd reading will be at next regular meeting.
7. City Manager read a proposed ordinance on the Inspection of Mobile Home
tie downs and grounding. This ordinance was copied from the Florida State
Statute. In the future no mobile home owner will be insured unless his traile
meets with required laws on tie downs and groundings. After much discussion
council directed the City Manager to have a representative from the Depart-
ment of Motor Vehicles at next meeting.
8. 2ND Reading Annexation & Zoning on Sackett property:Motion was made and
seconded unanimously to have the City Manager read heading only of annexation.
ordinance. City Manager read heading only of said ordinance. Motion to adopt
made by Comm. Whitehead and seconded by Comm.Stinnett. Unanimous. Motion
was made and seconded unanimously for City Manager to read heading only of
zoning ordinance.. City Manager read heading only of said ordinance. Motion
to adopt zoning ordinance made by Comm. Whitehead , and seconded by Comm.
Stinnett; Unanimous. This being the 2nd reading of both ordinances they were
unanimously adopted.
9. 1st reading Annexation and Zoning Ordinance Davis property at 307 Ohio
Street: Motion was made and seconded unanimously to have the City Manager
read annexation ordinance by heading only. City Manager read heading only
of said ordinance. Comm. Whitehead moved to accept, seconded by Comm.Stinnett.
Unanimous. Motion was made and seconded unanimously for City Manager to
read heading only of zoning ordinance. City Manager read heading only of
said ordinance. Motion to accept was made by Comm.Whitehead, seconded by
Comm.Stinnett. Unanimous. 2nd reading of both ordinances will be held at
next regular meeting.
10. Planning & Zoning Board minutes: In September of 1971, Mr.James
Crosby, Sr. supposedly obtained a 120 day permit to put a trailer (mobile
home) on his property at 740 Lyman St., until his permanent home was
constructed. As of this date no permanent home has been started. City Attor-
ney stated council could either ignore the situation and let the trailer
stand as is, or take steps to remove it. City Attorney further recommended
that council either clarify the use of mobile homes in residential areas or
do away with the practice. After much discussion council instructed City
Manager to write a memo to the Planning and Zoning board asking them to do
away with the ordinance on Mobile Home usage in a residential area. Council
further instructed City Manager to write a letter to Mr. James Crosby,Sr.
and Stephen Rew giving them a specified time limit to start construction on
a permanent home or remove their mobile homes.
Comm.Whitehead made a motion based on recommendation from Planning and
Zoning Board to have the City Manager write a letter to Mr.Freeman (owner
of Valencia & Palm mobile park) asking him to follow thru with his recrea-
tional plans in both Mobile Home Parks, seconded by Comm. Lyle. Unanimous.
Comm.Stinnett moved to pay for Backhoe Loader = $10,250.00 from street
department account#7042, seconded by Comm. Whitehead. .Unanimo~~~~9pmm.
Stinnett moved to pay Glenn Thomas for surveying cost 562.1Qr~rom Water O&M
account#13l3 and 305.80 general fund acct#30l6, seconded Comm.Lyle. Unanimous.
Motion to pay $750.00 to update abstract from General Govt. acct#30l6, made
by Comm.Lyle, seconded by Comm.Whitehead. Unanimous.
City Manager stated that the Municipal Field score board had been
installed and that on June 2, Lake Moxie and Starke Lake would be open with
lifeguards on duty.
City Attorney stated that the cost for incorporating a non-profit
organization (Girls Softball League) was $300.00. Council instructed the
City Manager to inform Mr. Satterfield of the Girls Softball League of this
cost and also that they would have to assume to cost.
o ~ Comm.Stinnett stated that he had been ask if the city would mow the
lot on Bluford at the rail road tracks. The owner of said property is to be
notified and billed.
Mayor read a letter from a former employee of the City, Robert
Crockcroft requesting help in obtaining the funds he and his wife had paid
into the retirement program of the city. After much dicsussion it was
explained that the City pre-paid the retirement for all city employees' a
year in advance and MR. & MRS. Cockcroft quit in the middle of the year
and when their refund came the amount owed the City had to be deducted. It
was further stated that the Cockcrofts' had been informed'" of this.
Meeting adjourned at 10:20 p.m.