HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-15-1975 MINUTES OF THE CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF THE CITY OF OCOEE HELD 15 JULY 75 II PRESENT: MAYOR VANDERGRIFT, COMM. LYLE ,CRAWFORD ,STINNETT AND WHITEHEAD ABSENT: NONE II 1. Meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. with an offering of praye~ followed by the pledge of allegiance. Minutes of the previous meeting were read. Mayor stated that last paragraph of second page of said minutes should reflect, flags were to be put at Vietnam Veterans memorial not their graves. Comm. Lyle stated in paragraph four of same minutes it should read "the city will charge $5.00 for all returned checks". Comrn. Crawford moved to accept mInUtes as corrected, seconded by Corom. Whitehead. Unanimous. The Mayor introduced two boy scouts from Pine Hills, Keith Browning and Lee Riley. These boys were attending the meeting to earn a merit badge. 2. Edwin Pounds came before council requesting the Citys' help financially for a Bi-Centennial labor day project to raise money for the July 4, 1976 Bi-Centennial celebration. Mr. Pounds requested $300.00. Comm.Crawford moved to grant the $300.00 donation, seconded by Comm. Stinnett. Unanimous.Mr. Pounds further requested a representative from the council to serve on the Bi- Centennial committee. Comm. Lyle is to serve on said committee. 3. Mike Hamlin, attorney for Teleprompter came before council again explain- ing about the financial loses of Teleprompter and again asking for the full requested rate increase. After much discussion council informed Mr. Hamlin and other Teleprompter representatives that were present that they would stand on the decision made at last c~Cil meeting. (Teleprompter ask for an increase from $6.00 to $7.50 and $1.75 0 $2.00, council granted an increase to $6.75 and $2.00 on July 1, 1975). 4. Ordinance creating New Zoning District for Valencia & Palm Mobile Home Parks; After some discussion the City Manager explained that all this ordin- ance does is create a new section of the Zoning Regulations. The Ordinance provides for no zoning whatsoever, it just establishes an RT2 classification whereby Mr. Freeman can then apply for type of zoning needed. Comm. Crawford moved to have the Ordinance and Exhibit A (exhibit a is. to be part of zoning regulations which creates RT2 and provides for uses permitted and requirements), seconded by Comm.Whitehead. Unanimous. The Ordinance and Exhibit A were read. Motion was made to accept ordinance and exhibit a and declare as 1st reading by Comm. Crawford, seconded by Comrn. Stinnett. Unanimous. Mayor stated the Zoning Board wanted the deed restriction incorporated into the Ordinance. After much discussion council stated the deed restrictions would not be part of ordinance. Council further stated that after this ordinance was passed the Zoning Board could recommend restrictions to council. 5. 2ND And Final Reading of Mobile Home Inspection Ordinance: City Manager read the ordinance in its entirety. Motion to adopt made by Comm. Crawford, seconded by Comrn.Stinnett. Unanimous. Ordinance Adopted. 6. Ditch Easement Agreement City of Ocoee vs Roper Bros.: The above agree- ment states the City will do maintenance on said ditch. Comm.Crawford moved not to enter into said agreement, seconded by Comm.Whitehead. Unanimous. A. Geneva Street paving completed. B. The installation of the water lines along Lake Shore Drive is making constant progress. C. Fence around cemetery is 75% complete. Comm.Lyle stated there were rumors going about that the City was going to raise the city taxes and that the Senior Citizens Program might have to be discontinued. Comm.Lyle stated that these rumors were unfounded and untrue. Comm. Stinnett stated that if all cities were in as fine a shape financially as Ocoee they wouldn't have to pick. Comm Stinnett further stated that if the Sentinel coundn't print the true facts that should refrain from printing any- I (2) I thing at all. City Manager stated that Ford Hausman had recommended that in order to meet last years requirements the tax levy should be raised to 5.43 mills for the year due to the decrease in property assessment. Mayor stated that thru the Tri-County League of Cities the county had agreed to have three representatives from the cities and three from the county to discuss and research double taxation issue. Mayor stated there is to be a meeting Thursday at noon at Errol Estate of Tri-County League of Cities, and council is invited. Comm. Lyle made a motion that the City Manager send the county a letter stating that Ocoee officially supports the Tri-County League of Cities and rejects the countys' rejection of Ocoee's Resolution against Double Taxation. 7. City Manager gave council a 3rd quarter budget briefing. Council agreed to have a work session with Newly Breland on Thursday night. Comm.Crawford recommended changing the cost of cemetery lots for persons living outside the city from $250.00 to $175.00. Camm Lyle moved to accept Comm.Crawfords recommendation, seconded by Comm. Stinnett. Unanimous. Meeting adjourned at 10:40 p.m. Sir~~'~ I CITY C - RK MAYOR I