HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-16-1975
I.a&b, IIa. Meeting was called to ord~r at 7:30 p.m. with an offering of
prayer, followed by the pledge of allesiance. Minutes of the previous
meeting were read. Comm. Whitehead moved to accept minutes as read,
seconded by Comm. Stinnett. Unanimous.
III.a 1st Reading of Annexation & Zoning Ordinance of 3 parcels of land
owned by Robert Lyle, Edna Carter and Carl Carter: Mayor ask the City
Manager to read aforementioned ordinances. City Manager requested permission
to read heading only of both ordinances. Request granted. City Manager read
heading only of annexation ordinance. Comm. Whitehead moved to accept,
seconded by Comm. Stinnett. Unanimous. City Manager read heading only of
zoning ordinance. Comrn. Whitehead moved to accept, seconded by Comrn. Stinnett.
URanimous. The second and final readir,g of both ordinances will be read at
next regular meeting. There was much c.iscussion as to what direction to run
the water lines to the aforementioned parcels of land. It was decided to
tap into the 6 inch water line at Center Street and bring south on west side
of First Avenue, running west on north side of SR 438 300' ~ then boring jack
underneath SR 438 at that point. Motion was made by Comrn. Crawford that
Jim Turner do the underground work at SR 438, seconded by Comm. Stinnett.
Unanimous. City Manager was directed to obtain permits from county.
III.b Use of Municipal Ball Field by West Orange High School: Motion was
made by Comm. Crawford to reopen the discussion on the aforemention subject,
seconded by Comm. Whitehead. Unanimoul3. The City Recreation Director stated
that the Ocoee Junior High wanted to llse the field for three nights and there
would be no conflicts with any City r,:creation plans. After much discussion
Comm. Crawford moved to allow West Or.lnge High School the use of the field
for 15% of the gate receipts of each same or $50.00 minimum per game which-
ever is the greater amount, seconded 'by Comm. Lyle. Unanimous. West Orange
High School will line the field for their own games. Council stated that
the City would be responsible for cleaning up the field as the Senior League
will be operating the concessions.
IV.a Robert Deloach came before council requesting that the street on the
corner of Bluford and Geneva be closed. Mr. Deloach stated he did not think
the street in question was a City platted street. This street has been used
and maintained by the City for many years. After much discussion the Mayor
suggested that Mr. Deloach have a survey made in order for the City Attorney
to study the legality of closing said, street. Discussion tabled.
IV. b Gene Ritz of Tampa Central CrE:dit Union was ill and unable to attend
this meeting.
IV. c Mr. Jim Wilson of Orange County Community Development came before
council requesting that council entel' into an agreement for the corning year
with the county. If the council enters into this agreement the county can
then use the City of Ocoee' s populatj.on in applying for federal funds in
turn for this usage the county will allocate a portion of these funds back
to the City for a specific project. 110tion was made by Comrn. Lyle to sign
and enter into a Cooperation agreement with Orange County regarding the
Community Development Cooperation ag::-eement pending review of the final
draft of the agreement, seconded by I~omrn. Whitehead. Following a discussion
regarding the merits of the program, commissioners Stinnett and Crawford
voted nay and Comm. Lyle and Whitehe,ld voted yea. Mayor Breeze voted yea
breaking the tie and the motion carr Led.
IV.d Ed Davidson of the F.F.A. Club from West Orange High School carne
before council requesting that the club be given the opportunity to land-
scape the grounds at the new Police Building. Mr. Davidson stated that the
labor would be free and the cost of plants would be at least 50% lower
than those that could be purchased at any local green house. Council told
Mr. Davidson that the Ocoee Junior had promised to donate some palm trees.
Comm. Lyle moved to accept the aforemention offer, seconded by Comm'Whitehead.
IV.e Police Building Communication Eq~ipment: Comrn. Lyle and the City
Manager recently meet with a Florida Telephone representative on the
communication system for the new Police Building, for the proper equipment
it will cost approximately $100.00 per 'TIonth than the present cost ( six
phones with 3 lines with touch tone $213.00 per month without touch tone
195.90 per month). After much discussion council agreed to have the present
system moved to the new building unless the City Manager could negotiate with
the District Manager of Florida Telephone Corp. for a lower cost than the
IV.f City Manager stated that the State Unemployment office had ask per-
mission to use the Youth Center for two weeks beginning 31 Dec. 75. Comm.
Stinnett moved to grant said request, seconded by Comm. Crawford. Unanimous.
IV.g Mr. Rudolph Browd carne before co~ncil expressing his desire to serve
the City as City Attorney. Mr. Browd briefed council on his background and
answered questions from council. Mr. Browd stated he would accept the present
salary scale for City Attorney. Comm. Lyle stated that Mr. John Rhodes had
also expressed a desire to apply for City Attorney position. The City Manager
stated that Ms. Pelletier also wishes to apply for said position. Council
decided to hold a work session on the matter on December 29 at 7:30 p.m.
to interview Ms. Pelletier and 8:00 p.m. to interview Mr. Rhodes.
City Manager stated he would brief council on auditor report of the
preceding year at the next regular council meeting.
V.a Motion to pay auditor $2,500 acct#30l2 General Fund and $1,700 acct.#
1315 Water 0 & M Fund was made by Comm. Whitehead and seconded by Cornrn.
Stinnett. Unanimous.
V.b Motion to pay for new truck for water dept. $3,822.36 acct#13l7 from
the Water 0 & M Fund was made by Cornrn. Stinnett and seconded by Comm.
Crawford. Unanimous. _
V.c City Manager stated that Mr. Aubrey Thomas of the Wood~bf the World
had donated a flag pole to the new police building and would like to donate
a flag at the opening ceremonies.
V.d City Hall will be closed 25 & 26 of December.
V.e Sanitation Scheldule - Thursday pick up will be picked up Wednesday.
V.f Office Manager gave a report on up-corning employee Christmas party to
be held 19 December 1975.
V.g Police Building Progress Report: City Manager stated that to date
approximately $40,000.00 had been expended.
Chief Turner stated that Al Ewing of Al EWing Ford had offered to
donate or lease for $1.00 per year a van to the Police Department for the
use as a crime lab with the only stipulation being the city pay the insurance.
Comm. Lyle moved to accept pending inusrance coverage, seconded Comm.Stinnett.
Comm. Whitehead stated that the new paving on Geneva Street has cracks
in it. The City Manager stated Amick Construction will repair said cracks
Council decided that after the holidays they would invite the Florida
Power employees' that put up the City Christmas decorations on their own time
to dinner.
Meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m.
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