HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-06-1976
I. a&b Meeting was called to order at 7:25 p.m. with an offering of prayer,
followed by the pledge of allegiance.
II. a Minutes of the previous meetins were read. Paragraph Vc of said
minutes should read Woodsmen of the World instead of "Woods of the World."
Comm. Crawford moved to 'accept minutes ~s amended, seconded by Comm.Whitehead.
III. a Second and final reading of Annexation and Zoning Ordinances~ of
three parcels of land owned by Robert Lyle, Edna Carter and Carl Carter:
Mayor ask City Manager to read said ordinances. City Manager requested per-
mission to read both ordinances by heading only. Request granted.City Manager
read heading only of Annexation Ordinan:e. Motion to accept was made by Comm.
Stinnett, seconded by Comm. Crawford. Unanimous. City Manager read heading
only of Zoning Ordinance. Comm. Stinnett moved to accept, seconded by Comm.
Crawford. Unanimous.
III. b Approval of Final Draft of Comnunity
Comm. Lyle moved to accept the final dr~ft as
Comm.Whitehead seconded the motion. Comn.Lyle
Crawford and Stinnett nay. Mayor Breeze broke
Motion carried.
III. c Street Closing Request Corner )f Bluford and Geneva-Robert Deloach:
Mr. Deloach was not present. Mayor ask the City Manager to request that
I Mr. Deloach have a survey and deed of s~id property before coming to council.
III. d Appointment of City Attorney: Comm. Lyle moved to appoint John Rhodes
as City Attorney, seconded by Comm. Whitehead. Unanimous. Mr. Rhodes has agreed
to accept the same contract as existing City Attorney.
IV. a Bill Kinney of Mid Florida Power Boat Association came before council
requesting permission to hold the Silver Dollar Boat Regatta on Starke Lake
on February 21st & 22nd and also requested the assistance of the police and
fire departments. After much discussion Comm.Stinnett moved to grant said
request, seconded by Comm.Crawford. Unanimous.
IV. b The dedication of the New Police Building will be held at 1:00 p.m.
Jan. 17, 1976.
IV. c Chief of Police presented a letter of gratitude and thanks to the
Mayor, City Commissioners and City Manager on behalf of himself and staff
for the new police building.
IV. d Jerry Weeks of Wurst Insurance Company came before council informing
them that U.S.F. & G would no longer cover the City Employees with Workmens'
Compensation, Automobile Liability and Physical Damage. Mr. Weeks stated that
U.S.F.&G. would continue the Citys' Special Multi-Peril coverage. Mr.Weeks
introduced Mr.Cecil Shoemaker, a workmens compensation specialist. Mr.Shocmaker
presented and briefed council on his proposed workmens compensation plan for
the city. Approximate cost of said plan would be $17,719.00 for one year.
After much discussion council agreed to table the discussion and to hold a
work session of same on January 13th at 7:30 p.m. Council requested that
Mr.Weeks have a cost figure for them at that time on automobile liability and
, physical damage coverage.
I IV. e&f Deferred to last agenda items.
V.a The christmas street decoration will be taken down Wednesday or
Thursday of this week. Council directed the City Manager to coordinate a
dinner for the employees of Florida Power and their wives that donated their
time and services in putting up the christmas decorations for the city.
V. b City Manager stated the Fire Chief had requested the use of the old
police building. The Fire Chief withdrew his request. Council directed the
Development Cooperation Agreemen~
presented, after much discussion
and Whitehead voted yea, Comm.
the tied vote with a yea vote.
City Manager to terminate the rental of said building as of 1 February 76.
V. c City Manager stated the Unemploym~nt Services being held at the Youth
Center was working out fine.
V. d Underground utility permit from t'le county - $55.00: Comm.Crawford
moved to pay the fee from Revenue Fund .3.cct#1304, seconded by Comm. Whitehead.
IV. f City Manager stated that the cost for building the New Police Building
was $54,485.95. Comm. Stinnett moved to'?ay L. M. (Red) Folsom (builder) the
agreed price for building said building $2,594.57 from Police Building Fund,
seconded by Comm.Whitehead. Unanimous.
IV.e_ City Manager briefed council on 8'.ldit report for FY ending 9-30-75.
Comm.Crawford suggested that Mr.F)lsom and Mr.Guedes get together and
give council a cost figure for building a new city hall.
Comm. Crawford stated he'd like f)r Mrs.Whitehead to upholster the
couch and two chairs at fire station, c)uncil agreed.
Comm.Crawford ask council to consider giving free cemetery lots to
Senior Citizens for their own use.
City Manager expressed appreciati)n on behalf of the City employees for
the two days off at Christmas and New Years and also for the Christmas party.
Comm.Whitehead stated the cracks )n Geneva Street still haven't been
repaired. City Manager stated that Mr.Anick had looked at said cracks and had
stated that such cracks were normal on streets constructed with a soil base.
Meeting adjourned at 10:35 p.m.
I ~~ Q-~