HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-17-1976
I.a&b Meeting was called to order at 7:28 p.m. with an offering of prayer,
followed by the pledge of allegiance.
II.a&b Minutes of the previous commission meeting were read. Comm.Whitehead
moved to accept minutes as read, seconded by Comm. Stinnett. Unanimous.
Minutes of the Planning and Zoning Board were read into the record. Council
agreed that the Planning and Zoning Board should be given copies of the
approved commission meeting minutes.
III. Mr. Malva Hudson came before council requesting permission to replace
the old Minorville sign on Highway 50 and Bluford xVenue at his own expense.
Comm.Whitehead moved to grant said request subject to the State Highway Dept.
approval, seconded by Comm.Stinnett. Unanimous. Mr. Hudson further wishes to
place a memorial in the Ocoee Cemetery. Council suggested. that he contact
the cemetery caretaker, Mr. Horton.
David Crosby, Bi-Centennial chairman came before council with a report
on the 1975 Labor Day celebration. Mr.Crosby stated that the committee netted
$1,080.43 on the aforementioned celebration. Mr. Crosby also stated that the
Bi-Centennial committee is planning an old fashion day on April 25, 1976,
with a bike parade, games and a picnic. The committee is hoping to tie this
celebration in with the dedication services of the new City Hall building
IV. NEW CITY HALL: Mr. Guedes (architect) came before council with the
final plans for the new city hall building. Comm. Whitehead moved to accept
plans as presented, seconded by Comm. Stinnett. Unanimous. Comm. Whitehead
moved to proceed with construction of said building, seconded by Comm.Stinnett
Unanimous. Mr. Guedes ask council for authorization to work on a master plan
for the site on which the city hall is to be built. Mayor question Mr.Guedes
as to what the cost for said plans would be. Mr.Guedes stated he would need
a work session with council to determine what actual plans for the future
they desire. Comm. Stinnett moved that the Interim City Manager establish
a checking account for the new city hall building, seconded by Comm. Crawford.
V. Richard Gardner came before council requesting permission to sell
beer and wine to go at the R&L Market located on highway 50. Comm. Crawford
moved to grant said request based on approval of the Beverage Commission,
seconded by Comm. Stinnett. Unanimous.
VI. An emblem originated by the Interim City Manager was proposed to
council for usage as a city emblem. Comm.Crawford moved to adopt said emblem,
seconded by Comm. Whitehead. Unanimous.
VII. A revised copy of the "ov 65" program to include free cemetery lots
to eligible citizens was presented to council. Comm. Stinnett moved to
adopt policy as revised, seconded by Comm. Crawford. Unanimous.
VII. Interim City Manager briefed council on some of the surrounding cities
policy of horsebacking riding in the city limits.After much discussion council
instructed Interim City Manager to research the existing city ordinances to
see if the city has anything to cover this matter and if necessary consult
with the City Attorney.
IX. West Orange Chamber of Commerce has advised the city that they are
entitled to another chamber representative. Comm.Crawford moved to appoint
Comm.Stinnett, seconded by Comm.Whitehead. Unanimous.
X. Mr. Weeks of Wurst Insurance Agency came before council stating that
the physical damage coverage of the city is insured thru LLoyds London on a
stated amount basis and that if council desires $250.00 deductible the cost
will be 6% of the stateavalue or 4% of the value on $1,000.00 deductible.
Mr. Weeks stated that on the Special Multi-Peril Policy the cost for in-
creasing coverage from $25,000 to $50,000 would be $92.00 per year, from
$25,000 to $100,000 would be $177.00 per year. After much discussion council
agreed to have a special meeting on the aforementioned items on Thursday,
19 February 76 at 7:30 p.m.
XI. Timer for Lighting System at the Tennis Courts: After much discussion
Comm.Stinnett agreed to check the present system and let the Interim City
Manager know what needs to be done and the Interim City Manager will then
accept bids on same.
There was much discussion on the hiring of lifeguards for the
summer recreation program. The Mayor stated the city should have a written
contract with the lifeguards explaining that the position is temporar~ to
avoid paying Unemployment~Compensation at a later date.
Frank Moore of 144 Lyle Street came before council about the drainage
in said area. After much discussion council agreed to go look at Mr. Moores'
problem to try and determine how and if the city could relieve the problem.
Meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m.