HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-06-1976 MINUTES OF THE CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF THE CITY OF OCOEE HELD APRIL 6, 76 II PRESENT: MAYOR BREEZE, COMM. LYLE, STINNETT, CRAWFORD AND WHITEHEAD ABSENT: NONE I.a&b Meeting was called to order with an offering of prayer, followed by the pledge of allegiance. II.a Minutes of March 16, 1976 meeting were read. Motion to accept as read was made by Comm. Crawford, seconded by Comm.Stinnett. Unanimous. III.a Chief Turner presented some awards to the Mayor for presentation to Sgt. Little, Patrolman Gailet and Reserve Officer Carpenter for their out- standing services. Mayor presented the awards to the aforementioned officers. b. Request for City Commission to review petition #76-2:Zoning Board granted permission to permit a trailer in a C-3 zoning district under use permitted on review. Comm. Crawford stated that as a private citizen he had made written request that the Commission review this decision based on the zoning ordinance, which states a trailer can be used in a C-3 zoning district for night watchmen purposes only and that it had been clearly stated in the Zoning Board minutes that the trailer in question was to be used for a resi- dence. After much discussion between council and the petitioner,Comm.Stinnett moved to reverse the Zoning Board decision and deny the request, seconded by Comm. Lyle. Comm.Lyle,Stinnett and Whitehead yea, Comm.Crawford abstained from voting. Motion carried. c. Request to close the S.W. corner of Geneva St./Bluford Ave.-Robert Deloach: Mr. Deloach was not present. Comm.Lyle stated he was not in favor I of closing said corner and felt Mr.Deloach should be sent a letter to this effect. Mayor stated that since Mr. Deloach had ask to be heard council may not have a legal right to refuse him, however perhaps he should be reminded to bring the legal description and a survey of said property when he appears be- fore council. IV.a Ocoee Hills Project, Parker Harrison: Mr.Harrison came before council stating that PanAmerican Bank now owns the Ocoee Hills Project and the houses are to be repaired. City Manager recommended that the project be treated as a new project as the building permits have expired and that there are some drainage problems in the area. There are three houses nearly completed in this project that will receive final inspection, but the remainder of the houses will be treated as a new project. There was much discussion on the acceptance of the streets and drainage in this area by the City Engineer. Discussion was tabled until the City Engineer could be present. b. Awardin~ of Columbus Street paving project: The bids were as follows: Slemons Paving=$9,500.00,Basic Asphalt=$8,100.00 and Amick Construction - $7,178.25 and alternate bid $6,250.65. Comm.Whitehead moved to accept Amicks' alternate bid of $6,250.65, seconded by Comm.Crawford. Unanimous. Mr.DeWitt of Amick Construction explained soil cemet base to council. There was some discussion on the parking lot paving at the Police Station. Mr.DeWitt promised to do whatever necessary to bring said parking lot up to par. c. Environmental Protection Agency Letter: City Manager explained there was a letter in each commissioner's file from E.P.A. addressed to the Winter Garden, City Manager. After much discussion Comm.Stinnett moved that the City I Manager send a letter to E.P.A. in reference to paragraph eight of said letter (paragraph 8 states:"Agreements are not provided by the County,Ocoee or Oakland on plan implementation") informing them that the City of Ocoee is not interest- ed, seconded by Comm.Crawford. Unanimous. . d. Mayor Breeze appointed Ray Lait to the Orange County Wide Technical Co~rdinating Committee. IV.e There was a letter received from 1st National Bank of Chicago regarding the refunding of street bonds. The letter states that the city owes them $2,000.00 on the payment of two $1,000.00 bonds. Comm Lyle moved I to pay the $2,000.00 for the recalled bonds from the Street and Interest Sinking Fund, seconded by Comm.Stinnett. Unanimous. City Manager explained that the City Attorney is working on July 1, 1976 as the recalling date for the bonds. f. City Manager stated that Attorney Caldwell had requested authorization to hire a C.P.A. for the Teleprompter hearing to be held April 19, 1976. After much discussion Comm. Crawford moved to grant said request, seconded by Comm.Lyle. Comm.Crawford,Lyle and Whitehead yea, Comm.Stinnett nay. Motion carried. Information Items: a. City Manager stated that the commissioners had a letter in their file from the county stating that the county would begin the drainage project on Mobile Land/Security Circle within ten days. b. Letter in Commissioners file on progress report of Tri-City Airport: Commissioners agreed that the City Manager should contact H.M. Maguire re- garding said letter. c. Public Hearing regarding Tom Rittens' request to abandon city owned easement will be held 20 April 76. d. There was a letter from West Orange Scholarship Foundation requesting the city to participate in said project. Comm.Crawford moved that the City Manager send a letter informing them that we will participate but we cannot donate the tax payers money, seconded by Comm.Stinnett. Unanimous. Comm.Crawford stated that the Ocoee rescue unit participates in more that half the calls in Winter Garden, leaving the citizens of Ocoee without 'rescue services.Comm.Crawford further stated that Bob Langfelt, who is in charge of the West Orange Hospital Ambulance Service had ask the Winter Garden City Officials to obtain a rescue unit for the Winter Garden fire department to ack up his services. Comm.Crawford feels that if the City of Winter Garden, is not going to help carry this burden then the Ocoee rescue unit should stay out of Winter Garden, city limits. After much discussion council agreed that our Mayor should contact the Winter Garden, Mayor and explain to him our position. Lou Bartoli came before council stating that three years ago he had purchased a water meter for $250.00 from the city and that he was moving to Valencia Mobile Home Park and he was requesting permission to move the meter from his present address to his new address. Council denied this request be- cause the $250.00 was for a water connection charge and not the meter itself. David Crosby, Bicentennial Chairman came before council request~ng that the commissioners help judge the games and etcetera.onApril'25th::Co~no~],agree~. Mayor thanked City Manager and ask him to convey his appreciation to the city crews for their response in helping clean the city up after the recent storm. Meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m. ~ IITY '--..- ~<<-:..a/Zr-- YOR-W.A. BREEZE 0