HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-18-1976 MINUTES OF THE CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF THE CITY OF OCOEE HELD MAY 18, 1976 I PRESENT: MAYOR BREEZE, COMM.LYLE,STINNETT,CRAWFORD AND WHITEHEAD ABSENT: NONE I I.a&b Meeting was called to order at 7:45 p.m. with an offering of prayer from Reverend Titus, followed by the pledge of allegiance. The Mayor introduced Marc Hall,D.V.M., presented him his occupational license and welcomed him to the city. Mr.John Minor came before council on behalf of the Bicentennial Committee requesting that the city purchase an ad in the bicentennial edition to be published July 1, 1976. Mr.Minor further explained that the Ocoee Bicentennial program would receive 1/3 of all cost of ads: sold in Ocoee. Comm.Lyle moved that the city purchase a full page ad, seconded by Comm.Stinnett. Unanimous. II.a&b Minutes of previous meeting were read. Mayor stated that in paragraph IIc of said minutes he had recommended A-I zoning not Rl-A. Motion to accept as corrected was made by Comm.Whitehead, seconded by Comm.Stinnett. Unanimous. Zoning Board minutes were read into the record for information. IlIa. Thieson Property Zoning - Adoption of zoning board recommendation to rezone said p:coperty from R-l to 1-3 Ordinance: Comm.Crawford stated he felt no ordinance was needed as the 1969 minutes reflect that it was zoned 1-3. City Attorney stated his doubts as to the citys' authority in 1969 to zone property. After much discussion, Comm.Crawford stated he would like the ordinance to state that no feritlizer,poulty,cement or asphalt plants would be allowed to be built on said property. After reading the 1-3 zoning reg- ulations the City Attorney explained that in 1-3 zoning all of the afore- mentioned plants would have to come before council under the section provided as "uses permitted on review". Comm. Crawford moved to accept ordinance as I written, seconded by Comm.Lyle. Zoning Ordinance was read in its entirety. Vote was unanimous. IIIb. Legality of naming street fronting new City Hall: City Attorney stated that if street fronting City Hall is a designated street then traffic could not be controlled on said street. After much discussion council agreed the address should be Lakeshore Drive and instructed Interim City Manager to obtain a number from the post office. Comm.Stinnett stated a "NO THRU TRAFFIC" sign should be placed at each entrance of thorough-fare. IIIc. 1st Reading Annexation & Zoning Ordinance for Wofford Street Property: Comm.Lyle moved to accept annexation ordinance, seconded by Comm.Whitehead. Camm.Lyle withdrew his motion, Comm.Whitehead withdrew his second. Comm.Lyle moved to read annexation ordinance by title only. Title of Annexation Ord- inance was read. Comm.Lyle moved to accept, seconded by Comm.Whitehead. Unanimous. Comm.Lyle moved to read zoning ordinance by title only, seconded by Comm.Whitehead. Unanimous. Title of zoning ordinance was read. Comm.Lyle moved to accept, seconded by Comm.Whitehead. Unanimous. Second and final reading will be held at next regular meeting on both ordinances. IVa. Sewerage billing and collecting monies from Cliff Freemans' sewer customers: Comm.Crawford stated he felt the 50~ fee we now charge Tyus for same service was not enough. After much discussion Comm.Crawford moved to table seconded by Comm.Stinnett. Unanimous. I IVb. There was a letter in the commissioners file from the Department of I Housing and Urban Development stating that they were going to conduct a flood elevation study for Ocoee. IVc. Bids on lining and sealing parking and roadway areas of new City Hall and Police building: Interim City Manager stated only one bid had been submitted to date. Council instructed Interim City Manager to obtain at least two more bids and then call a special meeting. I I IVd. Rezoning of Pine Street area from Rl-AAA to Rl-AA: Authorization for city to bear the expense for said public hearing: Comm.Crawford stated he felt the area should be zoned Rl-A, as possibly only one house in area meet the Rl-AA requirements. Council agreed. Comrn.Crawford moved to authorize the city to bear the expense of said public hearing, seconded by Comrn.Stinnett. Unanimous. IVe. Comm.Stinnett moved that the $7,000.00 for the backhoe be paid from the general fund account #7045 and $6,000.00 for tractor loader be paid for from general fund account#7047, second Comm. Lyle. Unanimous. Comm.Crawford moved to pay $8,554.00 for the two new police cars from general fund #4048, seconded by Comrn.Stinnett. Unanimous. Comm.Crawford moved to pay previous city attorney (R. Caldwell) for his services in the Teleprompter case $2,171.59 from general fund account #3010, seconded by Comm.Whitehead. Unanimous. V. Interim City Manager briefed council on City Hall construction cost. Interim City Manager stated that $78,062.00 had been expended to date and that he needed permission to pay the architect and construction supervisor their final pay, which is 5% of total cost. Mayor stated he felt any furniture purchased for new building should be deducted from total cost and the architec and construction supervisor be paid 5% of that total. Council agreed. Comm. Stinnett moved to authorize payment to architect and construction supervisor their 5% based on construction cost only, seconded by Comm.Crawford. Unanimous. There was a letter from Mr.&Mrs. Mervin Brown requesting annexation into the city. Comm.Cr~wford moved to refer letter to zoning board,seconded by Comm.Whitehead. Unanimous. Comm.Crawford moved to officially appoint George Wood as Interim City Manager, seconded by Comm.Stinnett. Unanimous. Comm.Stinnett stated the city needed some flares and barricades. Interim City Manager was instructed to purchase same. Comm.Stinnett stated he was obtaining bids for a new water pump for the well. Comm.Crawford stated that the water in Sleepy Harbor and Bel-Aire smelled so bad the residents were having to boil it before drinking. Comm. Crawford further stated that tomorrow he was expecting an explanation from the water department as to why the water smelled so bad. After much discussion council requested that a list of all complaints be given to them at each meeting. Comrn.Lyle stated that in Amberwood Subdivision several man-hole covers'were off. Interim City Manager was instructed to check on this situation Comm.Lyle further stated he felt the city limits sign on Wurst Road should be moved to Peters Avenue and a 25 mile speed limit sign be erected near there. Interim City Manager is to find out if street is in city. Comrn.Whitehead thanked Comrn.Stinnett for installing breakers at ball I field. I City Attorney stated a suit had been filed against the City and Sgt.Dodson for false arrest and a pleading must be filed by June 7, 1976 City Attorney further stated he did not believe city had insurance to cover this matter. City Attorney stated he could not defend the City and Sgt.Dodson and council should decide if they were going to pay for Sgt.Dodson an attorney. After much discussion council decided to table matter until all facts could be gathered, then a Special Meeting would be called. John Sapp came questioning council as to when did city start hiring unqualified people to ride the ambulance? Mr. Sapp stated Wayne Vaughn was not qualified. Council stated city did not have ambulance only a rescue vehicle for which all you needed was First Aid Training.Comm.Stinnett stated he had investigated the matter and could not find where Mr.Vaughn was working in an unqualified position. Mr.Sapp stated he had been suspended from the volunteer fire department for calling Jacksonville on the matter. Council explained they were not involved in the hiring and firing of personnel, that was left to the City Manager and Department heads. Mr.Callon came before council stating Mr.Sapp had been told to quit his job that the city was hiring him, then they kept putting him off and finally suspended him from -3- I the volunteers. Mayor stated the City Manager had checked into this matter thoroughly before going into the hospital and was satisfied with the answers he had received. Comm.Stinnett ask that Doug Everd be called and questioned as to bonding procedures for city employees. City Attorney stated some type of liability for employee actions should be looked into. Meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m. St.. ~. CIT CLERK taI;~~~ MAYOR ,/' I I