HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-01-1976 MINUTES OF THE CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF THE CITY OF OCOEE HELD JUNE 1, 1976 I I I PRESENT: MAYOR BREEZE, COMM. LYLE, STINNETT AND WHITEHEAD ABSENT: COMM. CRAWFORD I a&b. Meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. with an offering of prayer from Reverend Crews, followed by pledge of allegiance. IIa,b&c Commission meeting minutes of May 18, were read. Comm.Stinnett stated that in paragraph 6, page 2 of said minutes it should state he was obtaining bids for a new water pump for the water works department. Comm. Stinnett moved to accept as corrected, seconded by Comm.Whitehead. Unanimous. Minutes of a Special Meeting of the City Commission held May 25, were read. I Comm. Lyle moved to accept as read, seconded by Comm.Stinnett. Unanimous. Zoning Board minutes of May 25, were read into the record. III a. Second and final reading of Annexation and Zoning Ordinance of Wofford Street Property (Seventh Day Adventist Church): Comm. Stinnett moved to read heading only of annexation ordinance, seconded by Comm. Whitehead. Unanimous. Heading only of annexation ordinance was read. Motion to accept was made by Comm.Lyle, seconded by Comm.Stinnett. Unanimous. Comm.~tinnett moved to read heading only of zoning ordinance, seconded by Cornm. {hitehead. Unanimous. Heading only of zoning ordinance was read. Motion to accept was made by Comm.Whitehead, seconded by Comm.Stinnett. Unanimous. Ray Lindsey came before council stating his mother lives at 729 Lakewood Avenue and the county had removed her driveway and they had said they were not going to put it back. The Mayor explained that the county was working on a drainage project for the city and the driveway being on the road right of way legally the county may not have to put the driveway back, however he would request that the Interim City Manager check into said problem. Second reading Zoning Ordinance of Theison property: Comm.Lyle moved to read the zoning ordinance by heading only, seconded by Comm.Stinnett. Unanimous. Heading only of zoning ordinance was read. Comm.Whitehead moved to accept, seconded by Comm.Stinnett. Unanimous. IV a. Designation of a Vice Mayor: Comm.Whitehead moved that Comm. Lyle continue as Vice Mayor, seconded by Comm.Stinnett. Unanimous. Council agrees that Comm. Lyle should continue to sign checks. IV b. Review of estimates for Federal Revenue Sharing Planned Use Report (due June 25, 1976): Estimated Revenue is $42,900.00. Comm.Stinnett moved to accept the Interim City Managers suggestions (see Atttached), seconded by Comm. Lyle. Unanimous. INFORMATION REPORTS - INTERIM CITY MANAGER Orange County Community Development office has applied for $35,000.00 to make drainage improvements in Ocoee during 76-77. Updated flood drainage area maps have been distributed to the Bank of West Orange, Orange Federal and Wurst Agency for their use in connection with flood drainage insurance. Speed limit sign has been moved to Peters Street. Mr. Queen of Pine Street has been officially notified that he is in violation of zoning ordinance. Comm. Stinnett stated he had talked to Mr. Queen and the house he had moved on to his property had 1,330 square feet of living area and that Mr.Queen had stated he would not go any further until after the scheduled hearing on re-zoning of said area and whatever the outcome of the public hearing he would comply with. Ross has been notified that he is in violation of ordinance on high weeds on his unimproved property in Sleepy Harbor, dead- line is June 7, 1976. Sealing and marking of parking lot of City Hall and I I I -2- Police Building will begin June 2, 1976. Order has been placed for address sign of new city hall. For 30~ per day the city can rent barricade~ with- flashers and for 40~ per day they can rent steady burns.Mayor requested that the Interim City Manager find out if it would be cheaper to buy a few to have on hand or rent as needed. Council agreed that if the city rents them any department head should be authorized to order them as needed. Interim City Manager ask City Attorney to look over an employment contract for lifeguards he had drawn up. City Attorney stated that the intent to establish a specific date of employment should be clarified. Comm. Lyle stated contract should also include that summer employees are subject to the city personnel policies. Mayor ask the City Attorney to research and make sure the contract covers city from paying unemployment after summer program has ended. Financial disclosures are due June 15, 1976. III b. Mr. Weeks of Wurst Insurance Agency came before council with cost figures as follows: Building coverage of $125,000.00, fire and vandalism cost of $619.00 per year, Contents coverage of $37,000.00, fire and vandalism cost of $268.00 per year. Liability cost are similar to old City Hall cost. Glass coverage in Police Building $46.00 per year, glass coverage in City Hall $58.00 per year. Policy written at 80% coinsurance, which means pay- ment will never be more than amount of stated value in policy.Mr.Weeks stated that if contents are de.stroyed a detailed inventory must be given the insurance company and the city will be p.?id, on a: depreci:ated book value. Interim City Manager feels city can insure for less than value with co- insurance clause and if total loss occurs the city can collect the full value. Interim City Manager requested permission to get an opinion on coinsurance from the Insurance Commissioner. Permission granted. Mr. Weeks stated if proven wrong he would change stated value and reduce premium. Mr. Weeks is to be at next regular meeting with cost figures on personal liability. Comm. Lyle moved to cover city hall building for $125,000.00 and the contents :of said building for $37,000.00 and to include glass coverage on both buildings, seconded by Comm.Stinnett. Unanimous. Comm.Stinnett stated that three poles at the municipal field are crack- ed and since the poles cost $1,295.00 a piece he was suggesting that as soon as the games are over the lights be taken off poles. There was much dis- cussion on turning the ball field around. Interim City Manager is to have the Street Department Supervisor fix the curb on the street by Wurst Agency. Comm. Lyle stated the zoning board had recommended annexing the Brown property and zoning it A-I. City Attorney stated the zoning would be in- consistent with the surrounding area. Comm. Lyle stated he was willing to annex with Rl-A zoning and to let Mr. Brown keep his trucks there as he is now doing. After much discussion council agreed Mr.Brown should be written a letter stating the city proposed to annex his property with Rl-A zoning. Comm. Whitehead stated that Mr. Beech had a drainage problem. Interim City Manager is to look into said problem. City Attorney stated he felt that the previous City Attorney could follow through with the Teleprompter Appeal case much cheaper than he could as the previous City Attorney had started on the case at the beginning and he would recommend that the previous City Attorney continue with said appeal. Comm. Lyle moved that previous City Attorney Caldwell represent the city in the Teleprompter Appeal, seconded by Comm.Whitehead. Unanimous. Interim City Manager stated that T & R Advertising had requested per- mission to put up safety signs in the city but that said signs would have advertising on them. Council had no objections as long as the placing of the signs met with the Police Departments approval. Chief Vandergrift came before council stating that his department had written to a local business warning them that they must comply with fire regulations or they would be closed down. Meeting adjourned at 9:25 p.m.. S\hCJ-C~ CITY ~LERK I I I ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION FEDERAL REV. SHARING PLANNED USE REPORT, 7/1 - 12/31/76 ($42,900.00) DEPT. 1. 7,0001 at $2.55 per ft., 10" pipeline WATER WURST ROAD TO BRENTWOOD (MATERIAL ONLY) $17,850.00 POLICE 2. ONE (1) HAND HELD RADAR 900.00 FIRE DEPT 3. CONSTRUCTION OF NEW FIRE DEPT. 24,150.00 $42,900.00 ___J