HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-15-1976
I & II. Meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. with the pledge of
allegiance. Minutes of 1 June 76 meeting were read. Comm. Stinnett moved to
accept minutes as read, seconded by Comm. Whitehead. Unanimous.
III a. Interim City Manager stated the city had paid $840.00 for down
payment on fireworks display for the Bi-Centennial celebration to be held
4 July 76 and there is a balance due and payable on 4 July 76 of, $360.00.
Motion was made bY" Comm. Crawford to approve the payment, seconded by, Comm.
Whitehead. Unanimous. '
IV a. Lester Dabbs, principal of West Orange High School came before
council requesting that they appoint a representative to the Scholarship
Foundation board of directors. The annual meeting is in October. Comm. Lyle
moved to appoint the Mayor to said board. Mayor stated that since he was
already on the school advisory committee perhaps it would be advisable ~t() I
broaden the representation. Comm. Lyle withdrew his motion. Cornm. Whitehead
moved to appoint Comm. Lyle to said board, seconded by Comm. Crawford.
IV b. Comrn. Lyle moved to approve full pay for City Manager retroactive
to 12 May 76, seconded by Comm. Crawford. Unanimous.
Mr. Lovejoy of Florida Telephone came before council explaining
that the City Manager had found that in the city reimbursement and franchise
payment from Florida Telephone there was a discrepancy. In February 1975
there was a rate change and the city was reimbursed less than they should
I have been on utility tax and more on franchise. The city was under remitted
approximately $2,000.00 thru February 1976. There were minor discrepancies
March, April and May and as soon as they are finalized the city will receive
a check.
IV c. Jerry Weeks, Wurst Insurance Agency came before council explaining
that he had contacted several companies to try and obtain personal injury
liability coverage for the city, to date all companies that have been
contacted are not interested in covering the city as a whole with this type
coverage, some of the companies contacted would insure policemen but with
only minor coverage. Mr. Weeks stated he would continue to search for a market
for this type coverage.
IV d. Assessments on Construction of Two Houses on Apricot: Interim City
Manager explained that Mr. Dault of Orange Federal Savings and Loan Assoc.
had called inquiring about the cost of streets and sidewalks on Apricot.
After much discussion Comm. Lyle stated a letter should be written to Orange
Federal informing them that before a final inspection will be given on
Apricot the streets, sidewalks and drainage must be brought up to standards
and approved by the City Engineer. Comm. Crawford moved to direct the Interim
City Manager to obtain at least two bids on bring' "the streets, sidewalks
and curbing up to the city's specification and have the City Engineer give
estimate on drainage, seconded by Comm. Lyle. Unanimous. The Mayor recommended
that only the City Manager be allowed to issue building permits and the
Building Inspector make inspections only. Council stated only a certified
Building Inspector can issue permits. Comm. Stinnett stated if the city could
I not find someone to put in the building department that was interested enough
to attend Planning and Zoning Board meetings and read the zoning ordinances
before issuing a permit then the building department should be turned over to
the county. After much discussion on the discrepancies of the building depart-
ment council agreed that all building permits would be countersigned by
either the City Manager or Interim City Manager.
The Municipal Code books are to be completed soon. CETA Youth
I Program was initiated Monday, only three of eleven assigned reported for
duty. Comm. Crawford stated at least two of the youths should be placed at
the cemetery. The Clerk of Circuit Court and County Court has submitted a
copy of the tentavtive plan for transition of Municipal Court to County
Court. Ross organization has complied with our request to mow weeds and grass
on their unimproved property at Sleepy Harbor.Comm. Crawford stated same
resolution and letter should be sent to persons owning property across from
Bowness Service Station (Julco Corp.). County says Wurst Road is not a city
road, it belongs to the county. Comm. Crawford stated the annexation ordinance
on South and North Springdale Sub-division should be checked to see if Wurst
Road was annexed when the aforementioned parcels of land was annexed. First
National Bank of Chicago was paid on their billing an amount of $32,112.90
for the redemption of bonds plus $997.46 in interest and bank charges. To
make these payments a $25,000.00 CD had to be cashed and $8,110.36 had to be
transfered from the Interest and Sinking fund savings account. There is still
$13,000.00 in bonds on the city books and we have requested a list of all
bonds paid for with the $32,112.90. City Attorney will draft a contract for
recreation employees to protect the city against paying unemployment on
recreation personnel employed for the summer months.
Comm. Crawford stated that there was twenty three or twenty four
lots in Bel-Aire with no construction on them and he wanted the opinion of
the City Attorney as to whether or not the city could put a lein on these
lots for the amount Bel-Aire owes the city for p~ing White Road and Lakewood.
The City Attorney stated that unless the city has a contract in writing
agreeing to a lein if monies owed are not paid then the city can not put a
I lein against properties, it is possible that the city could put an assessment
against them for money owed the city. Comm. Crawford moved that by next regular
meeting the City Attorney research the minutes and tapes on said subject and
render council an opinion as to what steps to take, seconded by Comm.Whitehead.
Comm. Crawford suggested selling the old City Hall and using the
money from the sale to make the basement of the new City Hall into a library
or some other useful purpose or possibly building a community building. The
City Attorney stated there was a Florida Statute controlling the sale of
public property and he would research said statute and report his findings
at next meeting.
There was much discussion on the drainage problem on Kimball Street
at Jim Beech's residence. Interim City Manager is to take this up with the
City Manager.
Interim City Manager stated he had bid on sixty seats for council
Meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m.