HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-06-1976 MINUTES OF THE CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF THE CITY OF OCOEE HELD 6 JULY 76 PRESENT: MAYOR BREEZE, COMM. LYLE, CRAWFORD, WHITEHEAD AND STINNETT. I ABSENT: NONE I a&b. Meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. with an offering of prayer from Reverend Spitler, followed by the pledge of allegiance. II a,b&c.Minutes of City Commission meeting held 15 June were read. Comm. Crawford moved to accept as read, seconded by Comm. Stinnett. Unanimous. Zoning Board minutes of 17 June and 22 June were read into t~e record for information only. III a. Zoning Board recommends approval of Petition #76-3; A petition requesting the zoning of: West 180' of North 1931 of South 235' of the S.W. Quarter of the N.W. Quarter of Section 16, Township 22S, Range 28E (less West 30' for Ocoee Hills Road). be changed from~l-~..to C-I. Comm. Lyle stated that based on the commissioners' past record of ~~ mixed industrial, commercial and residential zoning when the residents were opposed he felt the request should be denied. Comm. Crawford stated that in 1969 when Mr. Vaughn (petitioner) purchased the property in question he did so based on the promise of the city fathers at that time that sa~d property would be zoned C-I. However later on a zoning board was founded and this promise was forgotten and the property was zoned I. Rl-A. Comm. Crawford feels this promise should be honored and Mr. Vaughns' request granted. Comm. Stinnett agreed with Comm.Crawford and further stated that he had contacted several lending facilities and they had assured him they would not loan money for residential purposes on this highway frontage. Approximately forty two residents of said area attended this meeting and all who wished was given an opportunity to express their views, all who did so were opposed to said zoning change. After much discussion from council and audience Comm. Ly~ moved to deny said reg~~~~ Comm.L~les' motion died for lack of a second.lf9mm. Crawford moved t~~nt ~~ld:toning change, Comm. Stinnett seconded motion and amended same with stipulation that the buffer zone be in accordance with the zoning regulations. Comm. Lyle stated that this was the first step in rezoning all property fronting Brentwood. Comm. Lyle further reminded council that time after time they had denied spot zoning. Comm. Stinnett and Crawford voted yea. Comm. Lyle nay. Gomm~Whi~ehead abs-tained-from- voting. Mayor questioned-City -Attorney as to legality of -abs-t=a-in-i:.n-g-from-vot-ing. City Attorney stated that according to state laws you cannot abstain from voting-unless you have a conflict of interest. Comm. Whitehead voted nay. Mayor voted yea breaking the tied vote and the request was granted. Comm. Crawford moved that the City Manager write the necessary ordinance for the zoning change and have the City Attorney approve, seconded by Comm. Stinnett. Unanimous. III b. Zoning Board recommendation on Pine Street/Sanders Drive area, change of zoning from Rl-AAA to Rl-A: Comm. Crawford moved to approve the Zoning Boards' recommendation and grant said zoning change, seconded by Comm.Stinnett. Unanimous. Comm. Crawford moved that the City Manager write necessary I ordinance for said zoning change, seconded by Comm. Stinnett. Unanimous. III c. Request to complete final inspections on homes located on lots 13 & 15, Ocoee Rills: Comm. Crawford stated that Mr.Little owns most of the un- developed lots in the Ocoee Hills area and to avoid complying with the zoning regulations he sells them one at a time and two of the homes that have recently been constructed are built on different lots from what the building permits were issued for. After much discussion Comm. Crawford moved - I MINUTES OF THE CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF THE CITY OF OCOEE HELD 3 AUGUST 76 I Mayor Breeze called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. and the meeting was opened with prayer from Reverend Titus, followed by the pledge of allegiance to the flag. Present were Commissioners' Crawford, Lyle, Whitehead and Stinnett; City Manager, Vignetti; City Attorney, Rhodes; and City Clerk, Gann. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes of commission meeting held 20 July 76 were read. The minutes failed to reflect that there was a unanimous vote on accepting Graves bid. Comm. Whitehead moved to accept as corrected, seconded by Comm. Crawford. Unanimous. Zoning Board minutes of 27 July 76 were read into the record for information. OCOEE LITTLE LEAGUE - PRESIDENT Bob Sorenson, president of Ocoee Little League came before council thanking them for their help and cooperation during the past season and presented them with pictures of the league and a trophy of appreciation. POP WARNER FOOTBALL JUm Beech came before council on behalf of the Pop Warner Football team, thanked council and city manager for their help and presented a picture of players from said team. Mr. Beech requested a donation of $300.00 for sponsorship fee of said team for coming year and also $100.00 for equipment. Comm. Crawford moved to grant said request, seconded by Comm. Lyle. Unanimous. I 2}IDAND FINAL READING ON ZONING ORDINANCE (CHANGE FROM Rl-A to C-I) City Manager read said ordinance. There was a group of residents present who were opposed to said zoning change and Mr. Chap Lewis acting as spokesman for the group expressed the groups views. It was the feeling of the afore- mentioned group that in order to comply with the law the ordinance should be published in the paper seven days before the final reading. After much discussion Comm. Crawford moved to publish said ordinance seven days before next meeting, Comm. Stinnett seconded motion and amended same that council comply with law as recommended by the City Attorney. Comm. Crawford, Stinnett, and Whitehead yea, Comm. Lyle nay. Motion carried. City Attorney recommends publishing ordinance seven days before final reading. Comm. Crawford moved to table, seconded by Comm. Stinnett. Comm. Crawford, Stinnett and Whitehead voted yea, Comm. Lyle voted nay. Motion carried. 2ND AND FINAL READING ORDINANCE ON ZONING CHANGE IN PINE ST. AREA 2ND AND FINAL READING ORDINANCE ON ANNEXATION OF JOEL F. HALL PROPERTY 1ST READING ORDINANCE ON ANNEXATION AND ZONING OF BROWN PROPERTY Comm. Whitehead moved to delay the reading of the aforemention ordinances until the next regular meeting in order for them to be published, seconded by Comm. Stinnett. Unanimous. I PERMISSION TO SELL BEER AND WINE TO GO Mr. Hughes came before council requesting permission to sell beer and wine to go at the old Mobile Station located on SR50/SR439. Comm. Crawford moved to grant said request based on Mr. Hughes obtaining a license from the 2 Beverage Commission, seconded by Comm. Lyle. Unanimous. COUNTY DRAINAGE PROPOSAL I Mr. Bob Newman, County Engineer came before council requesting permission to join drainage from the Maxie area and Orange County Service building area into the city drainage at the Industrial Park. Council agreed that if the county would clean out the culverts and ditches and install some larger culverts from the cemetery south to highway 50 and this proved to be helpful to the existing drainage situation then they would consider the countys' proposal. In the Ocoee Bay Street area the county feels the drainage should be drained into the railraod system and after a filtering process it should be drained into Starke Lake. Council agreed to general concept of program. APPRAISAL OF OLD CITY HALL BUILDING There was a letter from appraiser Hank Hinson estimating the value of the old City Hall building at $12,000.00. Courrn. Whitehead moved that an ad be placed in the paper advertising the old City Hall building for sale and that bids be submitted to City Hall, seconded by Comm. Crawford. Unanimous. BUILDING PLANS - FOOD STORE AND RENTAL AREA OCOEE HILLS RD/SR438 There was no discussion on thLs subject as it was directly associated with the ordinance on zoning change (from Rl-A to C-I) that was tabled at the beginning of the meeting. WATER SERVICE TO WALLICK ASSOC. - GENEVA ST. I City Manager explained that Mr. Wallick needed a six inch line to his business in order to install a sprinkling system. Due to conflict of interest the Mayor stepped down and Comm Lyle assumed the duties of Vice Mayor. After some discussion Cornm. Stinnett moved to request an easement from Bel-Aire in order to obtain a utility easement for a water line to Wallick and in return for the easement w~ve the $6,000.00 recreation assessment Bel-Aire owes the city, seconded by Cornm. Crawford. Unanimous. Cornm. Lyle stepped down as Vice Mayor and Mayor Breeze assumed his normal position. ELECTION City Manager explained the youth center would be needed for elections to be held 7, 28 Sept. and 2 Nov. 76. Comm. Lyle moved that Nov. 16, 1976 be designated for the city run-off election if needed, seconded by Comm.Whitehead Unanimous. City Manager was instructed to inform Mrs. Vandergrift that the youth center would be needed on 7, 28 September and 2 November and possibly 16 November. PAYMENT OF LAKEWOOD PAVING ASSESSMENT Bel-Aire paid $6,337.75 for their share of Lakewood paving assessment. Money was deposited to General Fund revenue. I MAC STREET DRAINAGE PROJECT COMPLETED. AMENDED BID Comm. Crawford moved to accept Graves Const. amended bid of $9,411.00, seconded by Cornm. Whitehead. Unanimous. __..........-..t..-..i:._...~~..,f' _._.', ....-.a..........-~._~,;.-...._--~-"'_...._~.........,..~'-'-.....,...",..,.-...._..-..__...~._- .__,,~.._J.............__...__.,_............ ~.~._....... l ,;)1a RES 0 L U ~ ION OCOEE AREA DRAINAGE PLAN Upon motion by Commissioner Benham, seconded by Commissioner poe, and carried, the Board adopted the following Resolution: ~VHEREAS, Orange County is presently engaged in the planning and construction of several paving and drainage projects in the vicinity of Winter Garden and Ocoeei and WHEREAS, these projects will materially benefit the citizens of both the incorporated and unincorporated areas of the county; and WHEREAS, the City of Winter Garden has agreed to assist in furthering these projects by granting necessary rights-of-way and drainage easements; and WHEREAS, the county has removed several obstacles to drainage in the downstream channel leading to Lake Lotta and has authorized its consultant engineer to determine what further action should be taken and whether this drainage sub-basin should be incorporated into the primary water control systemi and WHEREAS, existing drainage channels within the City of Ocoee in the area known as West Orange County Industrial Park are the natural and logical means of conveying storm drainage from the projects to Lake Lotta: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of County Commissioners does hereby request the cooperation of the City of Ocoee in the execution of these projects by permitting the use of the above mentioned drainage system for the disposition of storm water. OCT 5 1976 3 CITY MANAGER REPORTS I City Manager requested input from council as to what streets they wanted paved next. Council agreed with Comm. Stinnett that Security, Mobile and Mac Street should have priority. Comm. Crawford instructed City Manager to obtain bids with curbing and without curbing. City Manager stated the Fire Department had requested a hurst tool, the approximate cost is $4,400.00. Comm. Crawford moved to grant said request, seconded by Comm. Lyle. Unanimous. PUBLIC PERIOD Sarah Green of 1207 Flewelling stated that the drainage in her yard had made a hole in her driveway. City Manager is to check into matter. City Manager was also instructed to have "Dead End" signs posted at Mobile and Security. COMMISSIONERS REPORTS Cornm. Lyle questioned the City Manager on the status of Florida Telephone. City Manager stated there had been no reply to date. Comm. Lyle stated that he intends to seek re-election in November. Comm. Whithead stated that now ball season was over the lights should be taken off the bad poles and he'd like to see the field turned around. Much discussion on che subject. City Manager is,:to check on the removal of the lights from the bad poles. I Mayor stated the county had called a meeting on fire protection for persons residing outside of municipalities. The meeting is to be held at 2:00 p.m. thursday at the Winter Garden city hall. ADJOURNMENT Comm. Crawford moved to adjourn at 11:10 p.m., seconded by Comm. Stinnett. Unanimous. CITY OF OCOEE i/ti~~/~Z1 ~ YOR / ATTEST: ~c~ CIT CLERK I