HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-06-1976 Corrected CORRECTED MINUTES OF THE CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF THE CITY OF OCOEE HELD 6 JULY 76 I I I PRESENT: MAYOR BREEZE, COMM. LYLE, CRAWFORD, STINNETT AND WHITEHEAD. ABSENT: NONE I a&b. Meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. with an offering of prayer from Reverend Spitler, followed by the pledge of allegiance. II a,b&c.Minutes of City Commission meeting held 15 June were read. Comm. Crawford moved to accept as read, seconded by Comm.Stinnett. Unanimous. Zoning Board minutes of 17 June and 22 June were into the record for information only. III a. Zoning Board recommends approval of Petition #76-3: A petition requesting the zoning of West 180' of North 193' of South 235' of the S.W. Quarter of the N.W. Quarter of Section 16, Township 22S, Range 28E (less West 30' for Ocoee Hills Road). be changed fron Rl-A to C-I. Comm. Lyle stated that based on the commissioners past record of denying mixed industrial, commercial and residential zoning when the residents were opposed he felt the request should by denied. Comm. Crawford stated that in 1969 when Mr. Vaughn (petitioner) purchased the property in question he did so based on the promise of the city fathers at that time that said property would be zoned C-I. However later on a zoning board was founded and this promise was forgotten and the property was zoned Rl-A. Comm. Crawford feels this promise should be honored and Mr. Vaughns' request granted. Comm. Stinnett agreed with Comm. Crawford and further stated that he had contacted several lending facilities and they had assured him they would not loan money for residential purposes on this highway frontage. Approximately forty two residents of said area attended this meeting and all who wished was given an opportunity to express their views, all who did so were opposed to said zoning change. After much discussion from council and audience Comm. Lyle moved to deny said request. Comm Lyle's motion died for lack of a second. Comm. Crawford moved to accept the Planning and Zoning Board recommendation and grant said zoning change, Comm. Stinnett seconded motion and amended same with stipulation that the buffer zone be in accor- dance with the zoning regulations. Comm. Lyle stated that this was the first step in rezoning all property fronting Brentwood. Comm. Lyle further reminded council that time after time they had denied spot zoning. Comm. Crawford and Stinnett voted yea. Comm. Lyle and Whitehead nay. Mayor voted yea breaking the tied vote and the request was granted. Comm. Crawford moved that the City Manager write the necessary ordinance for the zoning change and have the City Attorney approve, seconded by Comm. Stinnett. Unani- mous. III b. Zoning Board recommendation on Pine Street/Sanders Drive area, change of zoning from Rl-AAA to Rl-A: Comm. Crawford moved to approve the Zoning Boards recommendation and grant said zoning change, seconded by Comm.Stinnett. Unanimous. Comm. Crawford moved that the City Manager write necessary ordinance for said zoning change, seconded by Comm. Stinnett. Unanimous. III c. Request to complete final inspections on homes located on lots 13 & 15, Ocoee Hills: Comm. Crawford stated that Mr. Little owns most of the un- developed lots in the Ocoee Hills area and to avoid complying with the zoning regulations he sells them one at a time and two of the homes that have recently been constructed are built on different lots from what the building permits were issued for. After much discussion Comm. Crawford moved to deny request for final inspection until the city has a firm contract for paving, drainage and curbing of Sed d area, seconded by Comm. Lyle. 2 I Unanimous. III d. Florida Telephone Rebate: Mr. Lovejoy (Florida Telephone represen- tative) is to meet with City Manager before next regular council meeting and City Manager is requesting that Ocoee join with Winter Garden in auditing Florida Telephones books if Mr. Lovejoys' figures on the tax and franchise rebate are not comparable with his. IV a. Annexation request - eight acres north of Mobile Lane - Joel F. After much discussion Comm. Crawford moved to table until commissioners could further study request, seconded by Comm. Stinnett. Unanimous. IV b. Windermere Fire Contract: City Manager explained that Windermere was preparing their budget for coming fiscal year and needed a cost factor for said coverage. After much discussion Comm. Crawford moved that the city charge $10,000.00 for coming fiscal year for same services rendered in past year and that the contract be negotiated on a year to year basis, seconded by Comm. Stinnett. Unanimous. V a. Columbus Street paving complete, authorization to pay Amick Const., $1,846.73 from Street Dept. acct#7048: Comm. Crawford moved that the City Manager pay Amick Const. only after the City Engineer gives his approval on said project, seconded by Comm. Stinnett. Unanimous. V b. Mobile Lane/Security Circle drainage project completed. V c. Wurst Rd./Malcolm Rd. drainage project will be completed Thursday. V d. City Court will be phased out 1 Jan 77 - Meeting 9 July regarding this subject. V e. CETA program will phase out commencing 30 Sept. 76 thru 31 Jan. 77. V f. Comm. Lyle moved to pay Chicago National Bank $13,100.00 from Street Interest and Sinking Fund, seconded Comm. Crawford. Unanimous. City Manager explained he was working on budget and that at next regular council meeting he would give 3rd quarter budget briefing. Comm. Stinnett commended all persons putting together the July 4th celebration. Comm. Crawford stated that due to accusation against the Zoning Board published in a letter from a "Concerned Ocoee Citizen" in the Winter Garden Times he was instructing the City Manager to contact the State Attorneys' office and request that all City Commissioners and Zoning Board members be investigated by that office and a opinion rendered and made public, seconded by Comm. Whitehead. Unanimous. Comm. Crawford stated that Bel-Aire had already paid their share of White Road paving. Council agreed that there were no issues on Geneva Street. Comm. Crawford moved that City Manager send registered letter to Roy Dye (President of Bel-Aire) tomorrow outlining all phases of work done on Lake- wood and a break down of Bel-Aire's portion, seconded by Comm. Stinnett. Unanimous. Meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m. Hall: I I I .s~~ C~~ CIT"~CLERK I 2 to deny request for final inspection until the city has a firm contract for paving, drainage and curbing of said area, seconded Comm. Lyle. Unanimous. III d. Florida Telephone Rebate: Mr. Lovejoy (Florida Telephone represen- tative) is to meet with City Manager before next regular council meeting and City Manager is requesting that Ocoee join with Winter Garden in auditing Florida Telephones books if Mr. Lovejoys' figures on the tax and franchise rebate are not comparable with his. IV a. Annexation request - eight acres north of mobile home park - Joel F. Hall: After much discussion Comm. Crawford moved to table until commissioners could further study request, seconded by Comm. Stinnett.Unani- mous. IV b. Windermere Fire Contract: City Manager explained that Windermere was preparing their budget for coming fiscal year and needed a cost factor for said coverage. After much discussion Comm. Crawford moved that the city charge $10,000.00 for coming fiscal year for same services rendered in past year and that the contract be negotiated on a year to year basis, seconded by Comm. Stinnett. Unanimous. V a. Columbus Street paving complete - authorization to pay Amick Const., $1,846.73 from Street Dept. acct#7048: Comm. Crawford moved that the City Manager pay Amick Const. only after the City Engineer gives his approval on said project, seconded by Comm. Stinnett. Unanimous. V b. Mobile Lane/Security Circle drainage project completed. V c. Wurst Rd./Malcolm Rd. drainage project will be completed Thursday. Vd. City Court will be phased out 1 Jan. 77 - Meeting 9 ,July regarding this subject. V e. CETA program will phase out commencing 30 Sept. 76 thru 31 Jan. 77. V f. Comm. Lyle moved to pay Chicago National Bank $13,100.00 from Street Interest and Sinking Fund, seconded Comm. Crawford. Unanimous. City Manager explained he was working on budget and that at next regular council meeting he would give 3rd quarter budget briefing. Comm. Stinnett commended all persons putting together the July 4th celebration. Comm.Crawford stated that due to accusations against the Zoning Board published in a letter from a concerned Ocoee citizen in the Winter Garden Times he was instructing the City Manager to contact the State Attorneys' office and request that all City Commissioners and Zoning Board members be investigated by that office and a opinion rendered and made public, seconded by Comm. Whitehead. Unanimous. ~._Crawford stated that Bel-Aire had already-paid their share of White Road paving. and ~~~a-statement-was sent-them-foL-th~Ir-share-of -I:.ak-eweed-pav-ing-t:heY-W01xl-d-p13.y-tt":-Ci:ty-Attorney- feel-s--tha t Bel-Aire wou,ld .like-a-H.-i-s-sue-s-s"quared-away-b-efore-they-make-any-payments. Counc i 1 agr eed that there were no issues on Geneva Street. Comm.Crawford moved that City Manager send registered letter to Roy Dye (President of Bel-Aire) tomorrow outlining all phases of work done on Lakewood and a break down of Bel-Aire's portion, seconded by Comm. Stinnett. Unanimous. Ciq.L-At-t-orney-s,t-a-ted-he-saw-Ilo p:r-ool-em-in-handling-the-I.akewood-payment_and_the- 5%- recreation-owed ( separatel-y. Meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m. I I I ~"L Go ~ CITYF rif~~~~~~~ MA OR /