HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-20-1976 MINUTES OF THE CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF THE CITY OF OCOEE HELD JULY 20, 1976 II PRESENT: MAYOR BREEZE, COMM. LYLE, CRAWFORD, WHITEHEAD AND STINNETT. ABSENT: NONE Meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m. with the pledge of allegiance. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes of 6 July 76 were read. Comm. Crawford stated that in III a of said minutes it should reflect that he moved to approve the Planning and Zoning Boards recommendation. City Attorney stated that in III a Comm. Whitehead did not abstain from voting and the last sentence before the adjournment of said minutes should be deleted. Comm. Lyle stated that in III a the word granting should be changed to denying. Council agreed the minutes should be re-written to reflect the changes. Comm. Crawford moved to accept with corrections, seconded by Comm. Whitehead. Unanimous. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCE ON ZONING CHANGE ON VAUGHN PROPERTY City Manager read said ordinance on change of zoning (from Rl-A to C-I). Comm. Crawford moved to accept, seconded by Comm. Stinnett. Comm. Crawford and Stinnett voted yea. Comm. Lyle and Whitehead nay. To break the tied vote the Mayor voted yea. Motion carried. I FIRST READING OF ORDINANCE ON ZONING CHANGE OF PINE STREET AREA City Manager read said ordinance on change of zoning (from Rl-AAA to Rl-A). Comm. Crawford moved to accept, seconded by Comm. Whitehead. Unanimous: I ANNEXATION AND ZONING OF BROWN PROPERTY I Comm. Crawford moved to table until Mr. Brown could be present, seconded by Comm. Whitehead. Unanimous. ANNEXATION REQUEST-JOEL F. HALL-8 ACRES LOCATED NORTH OF MOBILE LANE Comm. Crawford moved that annexation ordinance be prepared and that the Planning & Zoning Board recommend zoning for said property, seconded by Comm. Whitehead. Unanimous. FIRST READING ANNEXATION ORDINANCE OF JOEL F. HALL EIGHT ACRES City Manager read annexation ordinance. Comm. Crawford moved to accept, seconded by Comm. Whitehead. Unanimous. Comm. Crawford moved that Mr.Hall (owner of said 8 acres) be given water contingent on the passage of the ordinance on the second reading, seconded by Comm. Whitehead. Unanimous. LETTER FROM ORANGE FEDERAL S&L - PAVING OF APRICOT ST. I Mr. Dault of Orange Federal Savings and Loan has stated that $3,000.00 has been put in escrow for said paving. Council instructed the City Attorney to contact Mr. Dault and request a statement in writing from him that the city will receive the $3,000.00 when the street is paved. 2 PERSONAL INJURY LIABILITY - JERRY WEEKS I Jerry Weeks of Wurst Agency came before council with presentation on Personal Injury Liability coverage. The cost would be $100.00 per police officier, $25.00 per city official and $600.00 for remainder of employees. Comm. Lyle instructed the City Attorney to research said insurance coverage and make recommendation to council at next meeting. INFORMATION AND REPORTS On 1 January 77 the county will take over the city court system. Court will continue to be held at the Orange County Services Building. Booking of prisoners and any warrants issued will also be taken care of at the Orange County Services Building. City Manager explained that the City Engineer had recommended his approval of the Columbus Street paving and that payment of $1,846.43 from Street Dept. acct. #7048 had been paid to Amick Construction. Letter sent to Mayor Kinzey of Windermere on cost of fire contract for coming year, no reply. Letter was sent to State Attorney as per council request at last meeting, no reply. Letter with statement sent to Mr. Roy Dye (president Bel-Aire) as per council request, no reply. I Building permit was issued to Ray Meeks to rebuild his apartments that recently burned. Mr. Meeks was informed that when comuleted the apartments must conform to all building codes. Mac Street drainage project is almost completed. City Manager explained that Orange County was proposing that we allocate enough funds in our coming fiscal year to pave the Bay Street area and in any event they (Orange County) under the Community Development Grant was allocating $35,000.00 for the Bay Street area drainage. City Manager estimated $23,476.00 for paving of said area. Council tentatively agreed to join with Orange County in said project and requested City Manager have a representative from the county at next meeting to give a briefing on said subject. ' Disposition of old City Hall building: Council instructed City Manager to have the building appraised. THIRD QUARTER BUDGET BRIEFING City Manager gave third quarter budget briefing. Council agreed that tax milleage would remain at 5.00 mills and water and garbage rates would remain the same BIDS ON ADDITION TO CITY SHOP I Geiger Jones - $14,255.00, Graves - $9,995.00. Comm. Crawford moved to accept low bidder (Graves), seconded by Comm. Stinnett.~,,\ \' I I I 3 ADJOURNMENT Comm. Crawford moved to adjourn at 10:50 p.m., seconded by Cornm. Stinnett. Unanimous. Meeting adjourned. CITY OF OCOEE ATTEST: ~.c~