HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-01-1977 mINUTES OF THE CITY commISSION MEETING OF THE CITY OF OCOEE HELD 1 FEBRUARY 77 I Mayor Breeze called the meeting to order at 7130 p.m. and the meeting was opened with the pledge of allegiance to the flag. Present were Commissioners Lyle,Whitehead,Crawford and Stinnett, City manager, Vignetti; City Attorney, Rhodes: and City Clerk, Gann. APPROVAL OF 18 JANUARY 77 COmmISSION MEETING MINUTES Minutes of 18 January 77 Commission meeting were read. Comm. Stinnett stated that on page 3, paragraph 2 of said minutes it should read "corner of Bluford and Lakeview", instead of "corner of Bluford and Silver Star Rd.". Comm. Crawford moved to accept minutes as corrected, seconded by Comm. Lyle. Unanimous. 25 JANUARY 77 ZONING BOARD MEETING mINUTES Zoning Board minutes of 25 January meeting were read into the record for in- formationl',purposes only. PUBLIC HEARING AND 2ND AND FINAL READING OF FIRE AND BUILDING TRADES BOARD ORDI NA NCE City Manager read the aforementioned ordinance in its entirety. No one wished to speak for or against said ordinance. Comm. Stinnett moved to ado~ordinance, seconded by Comm. Lyle. Unanimous. This Ordinance calls for nine members (7 voting members and 2 ex-officio members). The mayor and Commissioners are to submit names of persons for consideration to this board to the City Manager. I UPDATE-FIVE YEAR ROAD PROGRAm City manager explained that the county had requested an update from the city on their 5 year road program. After much discussion council agreed to submit the following: (1) Bowness Rd.,(2) Kissimmee Ave.,(3)maguire Rd.,(4) Sr 439 to SR 437 and (5) From Lakewood to Clarcona Rd. Y.m.C.A. BASKETBA LL Anthony Trowell came before council on behalf of the Y.m.C.A. requesting a 575.00 donation to help with the cost of organizing a basketball team for Ocoee 7th, 8th and 9th grade students. After much discussion Comm. Crawford moved to grant said request, seconded by Comm. Whitehead. Unanimous. FLORIDA FAIR - OCOEE COmmUNITY BOOTH Jack Spivey of the Ocoee Lions Club came before council requesting a 5500.00 donation to help defray the cost of the citys' community booth at the Central Florida Fair. Comm. Lyle moved to grant said request, seconded by Comm. Stinnett. Unanimous. PUBLIC HEARING-WINTER GARDEN CITY AUDITORJUM I A Public Hearing will be held on 3 Feb. 77 at 7130 p.m. in the Winter Garden city auditorium concerning the 201 Planning Study. -2- FIRE PROTECTION mEETING I There will be a Fire Protection meeting on 7 Feb. 77 at 5130 p{m. in the Orange County Services Building. FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING PROGRAm CHANGES City Manager stated that the changes in the Federal Revenue Sharing Program would include holding a Public Hearing to state how money will be spent and publishing same in the newspaper. BIDS ON SANITATION PACKER City Manager stated that bids were being accepted on a new sanitation packer. LA KE LOTTA DRA I NA GE There will be a meeting on the Lake Lotta drainage on 2 Feb. 77 at 3130p.m. PAYMENT TO ATTORNEY CALDWELL City Menager requested permission to pay $879.81 from General Fund acct#3010 to Attorney Caldwell for services rendered in the Teleprompter Suit. Comm. ' Whitehead moved to grant said permission, seconded by Comm. Stinnett.Unanimous. I CITY BALL FIELD LIGHTING Comm. Stinnett stated he and the Building Inspector had been working on the most economical way to salvage the lighting of the city ball field, but they have no definite cost at the present time. An approximate cost for services and re-wiring panels and a building to put services in would be close to $8,000.00. After much discussion Comm. Cramford moved that Comm. Stinnett and theBuilding Inspector continue will their plans for the ball field, seconded by Comm. Lyle. Unanimous. LETTER OF RESIGNATION - BOB PECK. ZONING BOARD mayor read a letter of resignation from Bob Peck of the Zoning Board, request- ing that council accept his resignation effective 1 Feb. 77. Comm. Whitehead moved to accept the resignation, seconded by Comm. Stineett. Unanimous. Mayor requested that the City Manager notify mr. Peck that his resignation had been accepted with regret and at such time his situation would allow he would be welcomed back to any form of city government. ADJOURNmENT meeting adjourned at 9100 p.m. ~~iii MA YOR I ATTEST. ~ CITY