HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-15-1977 mINUTES OF THE CITY commISSION mEETING OF THE CITY OF OCOEE HELD 15 FEBRUARY 77 I mayor Breeze called the meeting to order at 7130 p.m. and the meeting was opened with prayer from Reverend Payne, followed by the oledge of allegiance to the flag. Present were Commissioners Lyle, Whitehead, Stinnett and Crawford; City manager, Vignetti; City Attorney, Rhodes; and City Clerk Gann. APPROVAL OF 1 FEB. 77 COMMISSION mEETING mINUTES minutes of 1 February 77 Commission meeting were read. Comm. Whitehead moved to accept as read, seconded by Comm. Stinnett. Unanimous. 8 FEB. 77 ZONING BOARD mEETING MINUTES Zoning Board minutes of the 8 February 77 meeting were read into the record for information purposes only. A PPOI NTmE NT T!LZ ON I NG BOA RD Council agreed to table appointment to Zoning Board until a recommendation from the Zoning Board members was made. APPOINTmENT TO FIRE AND BUILDING TRADES BOARD Discussion of the aforementioned appointment was tabled until there is enough nominees to complete the board and their credentials verified. I DOUG EVERD mr. Everd submitted a letter to council in answer to their request for an Insurance Consultant. Council questioned mr. Everd as to his cost for said services. Mr. Everd stated fees for this type service were usually between $l5.00 and 532.00 per hour. Council agreed to take mr. Everds' letter under consideration. REQUEST TO HOLD CIRCUS IN OCOEE Hazel Frazier came before council requesting permission to hold a circus in Oooee under the sponsorship of the Fire Dept. (the Fire Dept. will receive 15% of gross procee~s). mrs. Frazier also requested that any permit fees be waived. Comm. Whitehead moved to grant said request and waive permit fee. Comm. Whitehead amended his motion to include that "liability insurance coverage be fturnished both to the city and property owner where circus is to be held," seconded by Comm. Stinnett. Unanimous. OCOEE GIRLS CLUB - mR. SATTERFIELD I Charles Satterfield came before council on behalf of the Ocoee Girls Club requesting that the city do maintenance mowing on fifteen acres that the Girls Club has leased from F.M.C. Corp. and also requesting that the city provide approximately 100 loads of clay for the area. Council agreed to do maintenance mowing but the City manager suggested that Mr. Satterfield contact th county for the clay and the city would keep up the maintenance on a low priority basis. mr. satterfield further requested that council consider 2 leasing the old city hall building to the Girls Club for $50.00 per month on a three year basis with option to purchase and the city waive taxes and pay the light bill and insurance on building. Council agreed to consider proposal. I REQUEST TO VACATE A PORTION OF CITY OWNED RIGHT O[ WAY - mR. J.P. BRUCE mr. Bruce came before council requesting that the city vacate the 30' right- of way on the north side of West Street. Mr. Bruce stated he would like to have title to said right away if possible. mr. Bruce has been keeping up this property since 1959. City Attorney explained that when a right away is abandoned half goes to property owner on one side of right away and half goes to property owner on other side of right away. Council agreed to look in to this situation. SLEEPY HARBOUR SEWAGE PROPOSAL-KENT TYUS mr. Tyus came before council explaining that he wants to sell his sewer plant and if the city isn't interested in purchasing it he has a prosoective buyer. Subject was tabled in order for the City Attorney to study the agreement the city has with mr. Tyus. SANITATION PACKER - BID~PENING Council opened bids on Sanitation Packer, they were as follows: I BENNETT TRUCKING CO. ENVIROmENTAL TRUCKING CO. TRANSTATE EQUIPmENT co. $37,040.00 37,444.61 41,187.00 WITH TRADE IN WITH TRADE IN WITH TRADE IN Comm. Crawford moved to accept low bid of 537,040.00 from Bennett Trucking CO'I seconded by Comm. Whitehead. City manager stated he would like at least a six months warranty on the automatic transmission. Comm. Crawford amended his motion to include "purchase subject to approval of six months warranty on automatic transmission~ seconded Comm. Whitehead. Unanimous. POLICE VEHICLE - BID OPENING Council opened bids on new police vehicle, they were as follows; COLONIAL CHRYSLER CLARK CHRYSLER POTTER DODGE AL EWING FORD 54,967.30 4,985.25 4,977.66 5,217.58 Comm. Crawford moved to accept low bid of $4,967.30 from Colonial Chrysler, seconded by Comm. Stinnett. Unanimous. FIRE DISTRICT DISCUSSION - ORANGE COUNTY PLANNING I mr. Earl and mr. Kalakais, Orange County Planning came before council and explained how their study was being done and how district was divided. They further.stated that the city would receive 2.5 mills per structure value, this excludes the city limits and 36A. Council questioned the coverage of West Orange High School, Park Ridge and the Wauseon Bay area. With the exception of the aforementioned areas council agreed they were interested enough for Orange County to continue their study. -3- CITY MANAGER - mAYOR - commISSION - CITY ATTORNEY REPORTS I City manager stated that repairs have begun on the ball field lighting. City manager stated that three copies of the city code have been received and the City Attorney is checking them over. mayor reported on Public Hearing he and Comm. Lyle attended in Winter Garden regarding the 20l Planning Study. City Attorney stated a law suit has been filed against the City, City manager, and the Chief of Police and because of a conflict of interest he can only represent the City. Comm. Crawford moved that the City manager engage attorne~ as needed and consult with City Attorney on hiring, seconded by Comm. Lyle. Unanimous. CAMERA MAN - TELEPROmPTER Camera man from teleprompter stated he needed a 3' high by 5' square platform for his equipment. City manager will take care of this matter. ADJOURNMENT meeting adjourned at 10:20 p.m. I / I.'. a/ ;;;:;1L--' ~ ~ ATTEST 1 s. G~ CITY CLERK I