HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-21-1977 MINUTES OF THE CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF THE CITY OF OCOEE HELD 21 JUNE 1977 I Mayor Breeze called the ,mee.ting to order at 7:30 p.m. and the meeting was opened with prayer from Reverend Titus, followed by the pledge of allegiance to the flag. Present were Comm. Crawford, Lyle, Stinnett and Whitehead; City Manager, Vignetti; City Attorney, Rhodes; and City Clerk, Gann. 7 JUNE 77 COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES Minutes of the 7 June '77 Commission Meeting were read and accepted with the following correction; page one, paragraph eight should read" Mr.Vanlandingham appeared before council and offered to enter into a lease agreement on the old City Hall building. Council rejected the lease offer. Mr. Vanlandingham further proposed to enter into a sales agreement on the old City Hall building with the request. that he be allowed to pay $150. monthly for two years and at the end of the two years pay the city a lump sum of $10,000.00. Comm. Crawford moved to accept the sales proposal and instruct the City Attorney to prepare the necessary paper work, seconded Comm. Stinnett. Unanimous. 14 June 77 Zoning Board Meeting Minutes Zoning Board minutes of 14 June '77 were read into the record for information purposes only. I ANNEXATION ORDINANCE - 1ST READING - RONNIE & ANN SCOFIELD ANNEXATlON ORDINANCE - 1ST READING - KERR MARINE SERVICE ZONING ORDINANCE - 1ST READING - SCOFIELD PROPERTY ZONING ORDINANCE - 1ST READING - KERR MARINE SERVICE PROPERTY Comm. Whitehead moved that the City Manager read the following ordinances for the 1st reading by title only; Annexation Ordinance, Scofield property; Annexation Ordinance, Kerr Marine Service property; Zoning Ordinance,Scofield property; Zoning Ordinance, Kerr Marine Service property, seconded by Comm. Stinnett. Unanimous. City Manager read the aforementioned Ordinances by title only and stated that the Scofield property would be zoned RIA and the Kerr Marine Service property to be zoned C-3. NORMA STALLARD - OCOEE WOMENS CLUB Mrs. Stallard came before council explaining that the Womens Club was ralslng money to support the R.I.F. (Reading Is Fundamental) program at the Ocoee Jr. Hieh School and was requesting that council consider giving a donation to the program. No action was taken by council. APRICOT STREET PAVING BID I Amick Construction bid $7,362.00. Subject was tabled for City Attorney to study the agreement between the City and Home Owners in the-Apricot Street area. -2- REPORTS AND INFORMATION - CITY MANAGER I Statement of Financial Interest has to be filed on or before 15 July 77. City Manager met with Windermere Officials and explained that fire protection for the corning fiscal year would cost them $25,000.00. The Mayor of Windermere has contacted the City Manager by phone and stated that Windermere would accept the proposal, however nothing in writing has been received. There has been no word from Mr. Arnold in reference to his taxi-cab franchise. Comm. Crawford moved to revoke the franchise for lack of service for thirty days, seconded by Comm. Lyle. Unanimous. The 4th District Court of Appeals will be held in the Commission Chambers of City Hall on 6,7,&8 of September. The sign on the old City Hall building cannot be removed. West Orange Fire Control District contract has no~been signed by the county. Attorney Mims assures City Manager that the County Commissioners have been briefed. Council instructed City Manager to contact Mr. Mims and inform him that if the contract is not signed immediately the City of Ocoee will cancel out. City Hall will be closed Monday, 4 July, but the Shop and Sanitation will operate on normal schedule. MAYOR/COMMISSION REPORT I Comm. vlliitehead moved to cancel the 5 July commission meeting, seconded by Comm. Crawford. Unanimous. Comm. Lyle stated the dip on corner of Kimball and Wurst Road needed to be filled with asphalt. Comm. Crawford instructed City Manager to inform Mr. Carter that if he is not satisfied with the water line as it is) the city will cut the line, deannex his property, discontinue his service and refund his money. City Attorney stated he had the buy and sell contract on the old City Hall building and it was contingent upon a party wall agreement. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m. ATTEST: S1f~~ CITY CLERK I FOR ANY CORRECTIONS TO THESE MINUTES SEE MINUTES OF JULY 19, 1977.