HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-19-1977 I I I MINUTES OF THE CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF THE CITY OF OCOEE HELD 19 JULY 1977 Mayor Breeze called the meeting to order at 7:30 P. M. and meeting was opened with prayer and pledge of allegiance to the flag. Present were Comm. Crawford, Lyle, Stinnett, and Whitehead; City Manager Vignetti; City Attorney Rhodes; and Deputy Clerk Grafton. 21 JUNE 77 COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES Minutes of the 21 June 77 Commission Meeting were read and accepted with the following correction: page two, paragraph one should read, "Comm. Crawford moved for revocation of the franchise for lack of service for thirty days." 28 JUNE 77 ZONING BOARD MEETING MINUTES Zoning Board minutes of 28 June 77 were read into the record for informa- tion purposes only. 12 JULY 77 ZONING BOARD MEETING MINUTES Comm. Whitehead moved to not read Zoning Board minutes of 12 July 77 meeting, seconded by Comm. Lyle. Unanimous. ANNEXATION ORDINANCE - 2ND READING - RONNIE & ANN SCOFIELD ANNEXATION ORDINANCE - 2ND READING - KERR MARINE SERVICE ZONING ORDINANCE - 2ND READING - SCOFIELD PROPERTY ZONING ORDINANCE - 2ND READING - KERR MARINE SERVICE PROPERTY Comm. Lyle moved that the City Manager read the following ordinances for the 2nd reading by title only: Annexation Ordinance, Scofield property; Annexation Ordinance, Kerr Marine Service; Zoning Ordinance, Scofield property; and Zoning Ordinance, Kerr Marine Service property. Seconded by Comm. Whitehead. Unanimous. City Manager read the afore- mentioned ordinances by title only. Comm. Crawford moved to approve all four ordinances, seconded by Comm. Lyle. Unanimous. Mayor called for opinions from audience. There were none. JOHN ARNOLD'S TAXICAB FRANCHISE Comm. Lyle moved to revoke John Arnold's Taxicab Franchise, seconded by Comm. Whitehead. Unanimous. APPOINTMENT TO ZONING BOARD - Tabled MR. ROBERT CARTER - WATER SERVICE Mr. Robert Carter came before council expressing disatisfaction regarding the way the water service to his home has been handled. Comm. Crawford moved to give back his money, deannex, cut off water, and give him thirty days to make other arrangements. Motion died for lack of a second. When pressed to define more specifically what he wanted from Commissioners, Mr. Carter said he'd just drop it. I I I -2- MR. ROBERT JOHNSON OF FMC - PERMISSION TO GRAZE CATTLE Mr. Robert Johnson of FMC came before council requesting permission to graze cattle on a portion of their grounds in an effort to cut down on mowing costs. Comm. Lyle moved that they be permitted to do so provided they bring in letters from neighbors stating their approval, seconded by Comm. Stinnett. Unanimous. MR. ERNIE HIGGINS - PERMISSION TO SELL BEER Mr. Ernie Higgins came before council to request authorization to sell package beer at a location on Highway 50 adjacent to the Sunoco Station. Comm. Crawford moved to grant authorization as requested, seconded by Comm. Stinnett. Unanimous. REPORTS AND INFORMATION - CITY MANAGER 36A Fire Contract has been signed. A letter has been received from Norman Burke re: Dassdorf case. Comm. Lyle moved to not settle, seconded by Comm. Crawford. Unanimous. West Orange Athletic Association and Lions Club of Winter Garden request the City to purchase an advertisement. Comm. Lyle moved the City take a ~ page ad for $45.00, seconded by Comm. Stinnett. Unanimous. Citizens in Foxfire Subdivision request street lighting and street signs. Comm. Crawford said to go ahead with them. Mayor suggested that where we have homes we should not wait for petition but go ahead and furnish them. City Manager requested authorization to pay for Sanitation Packer. Comm. Stinnett moved to pay $26,830 from Anti-Recession Funds and $10,210 from Sanitation Account #8046. Comm. Whitehead seconded. Unanimous. Bay Street Paving-Drainage is moving right along. Lake Lotta Drainage is at a standstill. Mayor will contact Comm. Fisher personally to stir him up. APRICOT PAVING City Attorney Rhodes stated that the excrow agreement brief does not address itself to whether we could assess more or less. He believes probably the wording of agreement indicates the funds will be paid to City when streets are laid, however, it is not clear cut. It does not cover land owners not in escrow and there is nothing to preclude assessing; also an existing house on an unpaved street can be assessed. Comm. Stinnett moved to complete the street, sidewalk, curb and gutter, and run the drainage the way the engineering shows it has to be run, and assess everybody adjoining it per front foot; seconded by Comm. Crawford. Unanimous. City Attorney cautioned against 100% assessment without researching legal aspects first and suggested commission start assessment plans at next meeting. MRS. RUTH McCULLOUGH - FIRE CONTRACT Mrs. Ruth McCullough came before council to request a figure for a fire contract for 101 homeowners on the Lake Butler chain. Mayor Breeze explained that everybody got in too cheap last year and this year the figure would be $100 per structure. I I I -3- MAYOR/COMMISSIONER REPORT Comm. Crawford moved to grant a taxicab franchise to James D. Moore with provision that should he go 24 hours without service the franchise is broken, seconded by Comm. Whitehead. Unanimous. Mayor Breeze directed City Attorney to draft franchise for next meeting. At 9:17 Mayor Breeze called a five minute recess. Upon reconvening City Manager gave Third Quarter Budget Report, ending with no recommendations to council and requesting their guidance. Mayor Breeze suggested an informal brainstorming for their own information as well as his. Comm. Stinnett raised the .question of construction of a new fire house. Comm. Lyle moved to use the $108,000 in budget to start construction on fire station, seconded by Comm. Crawford. Unanimous. Comm. Crawford moved to direct City Attorney Rhodes to purchase property in question for $45,000, seconded by Comm. Whitehead. Unanimous. City Manager requested permission to bargain for purchase price. Permission granted. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 10:37 P.M. ~~M U'~_______ ATTEST, ~+ ~RK . ,!J~ SEE CITY COmmISSION mE[TING MINUTES OF 2 AUGUST 77 FOR CORRECTIONS TO THESE MINUTES.