HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-02-1977 MINUTES OF CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF THE CITY OF OCOEE HELD 2 AUGUST 1977 I Mayor Breeze called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. and the meeting was opened with prayer from Reverend Pace, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Present were Corom. Crawford, Stinnett and Whitehead; City Manager, Vignetti; City Attorney, Rhodes; and City Clerk, Gann. Comm. Lyle was absent. 19 JULY 77 COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES Minutes of 19 July 77 Commission meeting were read and approved with the following corrections: page three paragraph two should read, "Comm.Crawford moved to direct the City Attorney to purchase property in question for a price not in the excess of $45,000". Page three, paragraph three should read "Corom.Lyle moved to use the $108,000 in Federal Revenue Sharing money to start construction on a fire station," and page two, paragraph two should read, "Comm.Crawford moved to grant Mr. Higgins request to sell beer upon approval of the Beverage Commissionlll. 22 JULY 77 SPECIAL COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES Special Commission Meeting Minutes of 22 July 77 were read. Comm. Stinnett moved to accept as read, seconded Corom. Whitehead. Unanimous. 26 JULY 77 ZONING BOARD MEETING MINUTES I Minutes of Zoning Board meeting held 26 July 77 were read into the record for information purposes only. APPOINTMENT TO ZONING BOARD-VACANCY CREATED BY F.TURNER RESIGNATION Tabled for recommendation from Zoning Board members. TAXI-CAB FRANCHISE - JAMES MOORE Corom. Crawford moved to approve and grant Mr. Moore the taxi-cab franchise and to authorize the Mayor to execute the necessary paper work on behalf of the city, seconded Corom. Whitehead. Unanimous. }1AGUIRE LAND PURCHASE #2 - City Manager informed council that Miss Maguire had signed the contract and he was requesting authorization to pay her. Comm. Crawford moved to autho~ize payment of $41,500 for Maguire Land Purchase #2 from General Govt. acct#3084A, seconded Comm. Stinnett. Unanimous. Corom. Crawford amended his motion to include authorization of payment for any pro-rata taxes and filltng ,:fees, seconded Comm. Stinnett. Unanimous. APRICOT STREET - ASSESSMENT PLAN I City Attorney explained the street paving assessment plan. Comm.Stinnett moved that the city pay 20% of the pavlng cost and assume the legal fees and the remainder be divided equally among the seven lot owners of Apricot Street, seconded Corom. Crawford. Unanimous. Comm. Whitehead moved that the seven lot owners be given ten (10) years (maximum time) to pay their assessment at 6% interest, seconded Corom. Stinnett. Unanimous. I I I . , TOM HENDRIX - LIONS CLUB 2 /Jof) 77 Mr. Hendrix came before council on behalf on the Lions Club and requested permission to hold a Labor Day celebration on Starke Lake from noon til ? and requested that the City sponsor the fire-works for said celebration. Comm. Stinnett moved to grant permission to the Lions Club to use the lake for said celebration and directed the City Manager to look into the cost of fire-works, seconded Comm. Whitehead. Unanimous. JERRY KENNEDY-REFERENCE WATER TO BANK BLDG ON MAGUIRE RD. In the absence of Mr. Kennedy the City Manager explained that the Bank of West Orange would like a small water line installed to the new bank building on Maguire Road. On behalf of the bank Mr. Kennedy has assured the City Manager that if further developing is done in this area the bank will bear the cost of installing a 10" line. Comm. Crawford moved to table the request until Mr. Kennedy could be present, seconded Comm. Whitehead.Unanimoua ANNEXATION REQUEST - 19 ACRES ON SR 50 WEST OF RAMADA INN - MR.HARTZOG-C-3 Mr. Hartzog came before council requesting that 19 acres on SR 50 West of Ramada Inn be annexed into the City with C-3 zoning. Comm. Stinnett moved that the City Manager draw up the Annexation Ordinance, seconded Comm.Crawford Unanimous. Water service for this area was tabled until an investigation can be made to determine the cost and feasibility of putting in a water line in this area. WATER SERVICE REQUEST - MR. LITTLE AND MR. CONTELLO Mr. Contello came before council requesting that the city furnish water service to property located on Lakewood Ave. between 15th and 16th Streets. Said property is not in the city limits and cannot legally be annexed. The aforementioned property belongs to Mr. Godbold. Comm. Whitehead moved to table said request in order for the City Manager to research the old city records for an agreement that was supposedly made to Mr.Godbold some years ago concerning water service to the aforementioned property, seconded Comm. Crawford. Unanimous. REQUEST FOR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE - READING PROGRAM - MRS. STALLARD City Manager reminded council that at a recent council meeting Mrs.Stallard had requested from council some financial assistance for the local school reading program. Request was denied for lack of a motion. STATUS OF OLD CITY HALL SALE City Attorney explained that as soon as the survey on the old City Hall property is received the purchase transaction could be completed. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 9:15 P.M. for a work session ATTEST: ~,Q,~ CIT CLERK