HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-16-1977 MINUTES OF CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF THE CITY OF OCOEE HELD 16 AUGUST 1977 I I I Mayor Breeze called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. and the meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Present were Cornm.Stinnett, Crawford and Whitehead; City Manager, Vignetti; City Attorney, Rhodes and City Clerk, Gann. Comm. Lyle was absent. 2 AUGUST 77 COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES Minutes of the 2 August 77 Commission Meeting were read. Cornm. Crawford moved to accept as read, seconded by Comm. Whitehead. Unanimous. 9 AUGUST 77 ZONING BOARD MEETING MINUTES Minutes of Zoning Board meeting held 9 August 77 were read into the record for information purposes only. WATER SERVICE TO FIRST REALITY ADVISORS-19ACRES WEST OF RAMADA INN ON SR50 Mr. Hartzog came before council on behalf of his client and requested that council waive mandantory water service to above mentioned property for one year. City Manager stated that at todays prices the cost would be approx- imately $1,925.00 to run a water line from the fire hydrant next to the sewerage plant at Ramada Inn to the aforementioned property. Comm.Crawford moved to direct the City Manager to proceed with process of obtaining easements to install water line to the aforementioned property, seconded Cornm. Whitehead. Comm. Crawford & Whitehead yea, Cornm. Stinnett nay. Motion carried. Mr. Hartzog expressed his feelings about the loss of Sam Oliver and stated he would like to donate a plaque with Councils permission in honor of Sam. Council thanked Mr. Hartzog and accepted his offer. ANNEXATION ORDINANCE 1ST READING - 1ST REALITY ADVISORS-19 ACRES ON SR 50 Cornm. Crawford moved that City Manager read title only of Annexation Ordinance, seconded Cornm. Whitehead. Unanimous. City Manager read title only of aforementioned ordinance. Public Hearing and 2nd and final reading will be held on 6 Sept. 77. ZONING ORDINANCE 1ST READING-1ST REALITY ADVISORS-19 ACRES ON SR 50-ZGNE/C-:-3 Cornm. Crawford moved that title only of said Ordinance be read, seconded Comm. Whitehead. Unanimous. City Manager read title only of said ordinance. Public Hearing and 2nd and final reading will be held on 6 Sept. 77. The property is proposed tp be zoned C-3. WATER SERVICE TO BANK BUILDING ON MAGUIRE ROAD Jerry Kennedy came before council on behalf of the Bank of West Orange and requested that the city run a 1" or 2" water line to the new bank facility on Maguire Road. Mr. Kennedy stated that if the city would put in a 1" or 2" line for the present time) if and when the area developed the Bank would share in the cost of replacing the 1 or 2 inch line with a 10" line. Comm. Crawford moved to install a 6" main and fire plug to the bank building site, seconded Cornm.Whitehead. Comm. Crawford and Whitehead yea, Cornm.Stinnett nay. Motion carried. I I I (2) WATER SERVICE TO GODBOLD PROPERTY (LAKEWOOD AVE. BETWEEN 15th & 16th AVE. Comm. Stinnett stated that if the city had made an agreement with Mr.Godbold to furnish his rental property that is located outside of city limits with water service then that agreement would not carryover to any new owners. Comm. Stinnett moved to deny water service request to aforementioned propert~ seconded Comm. Crawford. Unanimous. TWIN LAKES PROJECT - KEN OSWALD Mr. Oswald came before council on behalf of Charter Land & Housing and the builder, Frank Schrimsher with a request to change the zoning on lots 73-80 inclusive from RlAA to RIA and from RIA to Rl on lots 81-105 inclusive. Mr. Oswald stated the lots were to remain the same only the square footage was to be changed. The City Building Inspector suggested that the zoning not be changed but that the square footage of a closed-in garage be considered in the 1200-1400 required square footage. The Mayor gave the citizens of the mentioned area an opportunity to speak. There were several present against said change. None present spoke in favor of the change. Comm. Crawford moved to deny the request, seconded Comm. Whitehead. Comm. Crawford and Whitehead.yea, Comm. Stinnett nay. Motion carried. SAM OLIVERS' ANNUNITY PLAN - DOUG EVERD In the absence of Doug Everd the City Manager explained that when the policy was taken it was agreed that at Mr. Olivers' death the policy would revert to the city and the city would in turn give Mrs. Oliver any monies received. Comm. Crawford moved to give the proceeds from the policy to Mrs. Oliver, seconded Comm. Whitehead. City Attorney recommended a two week delay in order for him to do some research. Comm. Crawford withdrew his motion and Comm. Whitehead withdrew his second. COMMISSION ACTION TO CHANGE TAX ASSESSORS' CERTIFIED MILLAGE City Manager explained that the reduction of city taxes from the Tax Assessors' certified millage of $5.155 per $1,000 assessed value to $5.00 per $1,000 assessed value needed council action. Comm. Whitehead moved to reduce the Tax Assessors' certified millage of $5.155 per $1,000 assessed value to $5.00 per $1,000 assessed value, seconded Comm. Crawford. Unanimous. ZONING BOARD RECOMMENDATION FROM 26 JULY 77 MEETING-ZONING CHANGE Rl TO Cl Comm. Stinnett moved to accept the Planning & Zoning Boards recommendation to change the zoning on M.S. Curry property (located on Franklin St.) from Rl to Cl, seconded Comm. Crawford. Unanimous. RESOLUTION-PAVING ASSESSMENT-LOT OWNERS APRICOT STREET Comm. Whitehead moved to read Paving Assessment Resolution by title only, seconded Comm. Stinnett. Unanimous. City Manager read title only of Paving Assessment Resolution. Motion to adopt as read made by Comm. Stinnett, seconded Comm. Whitehead. Unanimous. Comm. Crawford moved that 8% interest (maximum allowed by law) be charged to lot owners making payments on the paving assessment, seconded Comm. Whitehead. Unanimous. Resolution must be published in its entirety. I I I (3) MAYOR/COMMISSION, CITY MANAGER REPORTS AND INFORMATION Comm. Crawford moved to authorize payment of $41,271.62 for Maguire Land Purchase #2 from General Govt. acct#3084A and closing cost of $236.25 from General Govt. acct#3084A, seconded Comm. Stinnett. Unanimous. City Manager reported that J.L. Slemmons had agreed to pave Apricot St. for $6,200.00.. City Manager stated that the following were new Federal Revenue Sharing Requirements: (1) Public Hearing to receive inputs from citizens on how to use Federal Revenue Sharing monies. This public hearing was held after due publication on 8-15-77 as required. (2) Special Meeting to present entire Budget to Council, showing relationship of Federal Revenue Sharing funds to operating budget. Comm. Crawford moved to hold said Special Meeting on 22 August 77.with a work session to follow, seconded Comm. Stinnett. Unanimous. (3) Adopt Budget on 6 September 77. (4) Publish summary of Budget and how we propose to spend Federal Revenue Sharing monies Community Development Projects for this year include; Brentwood Water Improvement and constructing sidewalks on Bluford Avenue. City Manager reported that the Summer Youth Program terminates 19 August77, and it has been a very successful program. Comm. Crawford ask about the progress of the drainage project thru the Cemetery. Mayor stated County Commissioners were awaiting action from D.E.R. Comm. Crawford questioned City Manager on progress of caution light on Kissimmee Ave. at Story Road. City Manager assured Comm.Crawford light would be up within two weeks. Comm. Whitehead stated he felt city should purchase some type of plaque honoring Sam Oliver. Mr. Hartzog stated that when council decided what type of memorial to Sam they wanted they should go ahead and obtain it and send the bill to him. APPOINTMENT TO ZONING BOARD Comm. Stinnett moved to appoint John Timbes to serve on the Zoning Board, seconded Comm. Crawford. Unanimous. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 9:35 P.M. 4itt~$~~ OR / ATTEST: C;~ CITY CLERK