HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-04-1977 MINUTES OF THE CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF THE CITY OF OCOEE HELD 4 OCTOBER 1977 I I I Mayor Breeze called the meeting to order at 7:32 P.M. and the meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Present were Comm. Lyle, Crawford, Stinnett and Whitehead; City Manager, Vignetti; City Attorney, Rhodes; and City Clerk, Gann. 20 SEPTEMBER 77 COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES The Mayor, Commissioners and City Attorney receive a copy of the previous meeting minutes in the mail aftereachmeeting.Comm.Stinnett moved to dispense with the reading of the minutes of 20 September meeting and accept them as written, seconded Comm. Whitehead. Unanimous. 27 SEPTEMBER 77 ZONING BOARD MEETING MINUTES Minutes of 27 September 77 Zoning Board Meeting were read into the record for information only. ORDINANCE-TELEPROMPTER-2ND AND FINAL READING-PUBLIC HEARING City Manager read title only of said Ordinance. No one wished to speak for or against said Ordinance. Comm. Stinnett moved to adopt the Ordinance, seconded Comm. Crawford. Unanimous. Ordinance adopted. ORDINANCE-BAKER PROPERTY-ZONING CHANGE (Rl TO Cl)- 1ST READING City Manager read title only of zoning change ordinance. Public Hearing and 2nd and final reading will be held at next regular meeting. Mayor suggested a map of the city be obtained for council chambers. 1ST READING DE-ANNEXATION ORDINANCE OF ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAYS City Manager read title only of ordinance de-annexing the following road right-of-ways: OcoeejClarcona Road, Fullers Cross Road, East Crown Point Road and SR 437. Public Hearing and 2nd and final reading will be held at next regular meeting. 1ST. READING -DE-ANNEXATION OP~INANCE OF ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY(MARSHALL FARMS RD) City Manager read title only of ordinance de-annexing the road right-of-way of Marshall Farms Road. Second and final reading and public hearing will be held at next regular meeting. City Attorney recommended that a surveyor look at legal description of said road right-of-way and establish a starting point. City Manager will take care of said matter. RESOLUTION-GRANT COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING ACT ASSISTANCE City Manager read said Resolution in its entirety. Comm. Lyle moved to adopt said Resolution, seconded Comm. Whitehead. Unanimous. APPOINTMENT TO ZONING BOARD (BOWNESS & }lCROBERT TERMS EXPIRED) Comm. Whitehead moved to accept the Zoning Boards recommendation and re- appoint Bowness and McRobert to said board, seconded Comm. Crawford. Unanimous. I I I (2) REQUEST - WEST ORANGE GIRLS CLUB Corom. Lyle moved to accept the Zoning Boards recommendation to permit the W.O. Girls Club to place three classroom type trailers on FMC property, with the provision that they must come before the Zoning Board yearly to renew said request, seconded Corom. Stinnett. Unanimous. TRI CITY AIRPORT AUTHORITY The Mayor gave a report on the Tri-City Airport Authority meeting. LAKE BUTLER FIRE CONTRACT City Manager explained that six people in the Lake Butler fire area had refused to contract with Ocoee and council had stated fire contracts in this area must be 100%. Mrs. LeyPoldt reque~ted more time to try and sign up the remaining six people. Corom. Lyle moved to give Mrs. LeyPoldt until the first meeting in November, seconded Corom. Whitehead. Unanimous. Meeting recessed at 8:13 P.M. and called back to order at 8:19 P.M. FIRE STATION CONSTRUCTION PLAN Mr. 'Vhittington, building contractor carne before council with rough drafts of construction plans of a proposed fire station. Mr. Whittington agreed to notify the City Manager when he had a full proposal ready for council and the City Manager would then call a work session. FLORIDA LEAGUE OF CITIES CONVENTION 27, 28 & 29 OCTOBER 77 Corom. Crawford moved that the City Manager and Mayor attend said convention, seconded Corom. Whitehead. Unanimous. Mayor suggested that all of council attend since it would be held local. Comm. Crawford, Whitehead and Stinnett stated they could not go, Comm. Lyle may be able to. AUTHORIZATION TO PAY FOR BAY STREET PROJECT Corom. Crawford moved to pay $15,000.00 for Bay Street Project (funds were appropriated from fund balance), seconded Corom.Whitehead. Unanimous. MAYOR/COMMISSIONERS/CITY MANAGER REPORTS Comm. Lyle asked about the status of Sam Olivers annunity plan. City Attorney stated he had been unable to contact Mrs. Oliver but would continue to try and contact her. Corom. Lyle moved to fill out the necessary insurance papers and assign the money to Mrs. Oliver. The motion died for lack of a second. Corom. Stinnett moved that the City Manager negotiate and contract with Slemons Paving to pave the road in the cemetery, seconded Comm.Whitehead. Unanimous. Corom. Whitehead moved to raise the price of cemetery lots to persons living outside the city limits to $300.00 per lot, seconded Comm. Stinnett.Unanimous. Comm. Stinnett requested that the City Manager remove the dirt pile on Story Road at the entrance to the Industrial Park. r I I I I (3) City Attorney stated he had received a call from an attorney representing the parties that have purchased the Godbold property (located outside of the city limits) and that attorney felt that the action council had taken recently regarding that property was illegal. Council felt that their action was justified and legal. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 9:35 P.M. ATTEST: c- ~~ CITY