HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-18-1977 MINUTES OF CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF THE CITY OF OCOEE HELD 18 OCTOBER 1977 I I I Mayor Breeze called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M., and the meeting was opened with prayer from Reverend Payne, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Present were Corom. Crawford, Lyle, Stinnett and Whitehead; City Manager, Vignetti, City Attorney, Rhodes and City Clerk, Gann. 4 OCTOBER 77 COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES Corom. Lyle moved to accept said minutes as presented, seconded Comm.Whitehead Unanimous. 11 OCTOBER 77 ZONING BOARD MEETING MINUTES Zoning Board minutes of 11 October 77 meeting were read into the record for information only. ORDINANCE-ZONING CHANGE-Rl-Cl-PUBLIC HEARING-2ND & FINAL READING-BAKER PRO- PERTY Comm. Crawford moved that title only of zoning change ordinance be read, seconded Comm. Whitehead. Unanimous. City Manager read title only of said ordinance. No one wished to speak for or against said ordinance. Comm. Crawford moved to approve ordinance as presented, seconded Comm. l?hitehead. Unanimous. Ordinance enacted. ORDINANCE-2ND & FINAL READING-PUBLIC HEARING-DEANNEXATION OF ROAD RIGHTS- OF-WAY (1) OCOEE/CLARCONA RD. ,(2) FULLERS CROSS RD. ,(3) EAST CROWN POINT RD. AND (4) SR 437 City Manager read title only of aforementioned ordinance. Comm. Crawford stated that if the proposed De-annexation Ordinance of Ocoee/Clarcona Road right-of-way included deannexing road-right-of-way in front of the Theisen and Hall property it was incorrect. Recess called at 7:47 P.M. to determine the above. Meeting called back to order at 7:55 P.M.Comm.Whitehead moved to bring ..discussion off table,' seconded Comm. Crawford. Unanimous. No one wished to speak for or against said ordinance. Corom. Crawford moved to approve the De-Annexation Ordinance as presented, seconded Comm.Whitehead. Unanimous. Ordinance enacted. DE-ANNEXATION OF MARSHALL FARMS ROAD - DISCUSSION Comm. Lyle moved to discontinue any action to de-annex Marshall Farms Road, seconded Comm. Whitehead. Unanimous. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROJECT FY 78/79 Paula Alexander and Dan Cahill came before council and explained future and past projects, projected and completed through. the Orange County Community Development Grant Program. Comm. Lyle moved to participate in said program for FY 78/79, seconded Comm.Whitehead. Comm.Lyle and Whitehead voted yea, Comm. Crawford and Stinnett voted nay, to break the tied vote Mayor Breeze voted yea. Motion carried. PROPOSED FIRE STATION - TOM WHITTINGTON Mr. Whittington, Building Contractor came before council with full proposal on proposed new fire station. Completed cost as presented $105,000. I I I (2) PROPOSED FIRE STATION - TOM WHITTINGTON - CONTINUED Council agreed to hold a work session next week to decide exactly what type of fire station the city could afford. TRI-CITY AIRPORT AUTHORITY-EXPIRATION OF THE 3 OCOEE REPRESENTATIVES-TERMS Mayor stated that the terms of Vignetti, Lyle and Maguire on said Board had expired and he recommended that council think it over and make recommendation as to whom to appoint to said Board at next meeting. CONSIDERATION OF ZONING BOARD RECOMMENDATION OF ZONING CHANGE-PETITION 77-6 Mayor Breeze stepped down and Comm. Lyle presided as Vice-Mayor. .Comm. Stinnett moved not to accept the Zoning Boards recommendation, but to grant the change of zoning request from C3 to II on petition 77-6(see attached), seconded Comm. Crawford. Unanimous. MAYOR/COMMISSION/CITY MANAGER REPORTS AND INFORMATION City Manager reported that the paving of the road in the Oemetery was completed. Council agreed to participate in the West Orange High School Parade. Comm. Lyle directed the City Manager to write a letter to the school reminding them that Ocoee was also a part of W.O.H.S. and they felt they should be allowed to host the parade every ot~er year as agreed when the school first opened. Comm. Whitehead moved to pay J.L. Slemons for paving Cemetery Road $3,250.00 from Cemetery Acct#11006, seconded Comm. Crawford. Unanimous. Recess called at 9:40 P.M. Mayor called meeting back to order at 9:50 P.M. City Manager gave fourth quarter budget briefing for FY 76/77. Mayor and Council commended City Manager for a job well done. Mayor stated that in the past the City Manager had been instructed to do business with the Bank of West Orange and he was recommending that in the future council consider instructing the City Manager to shop at Orange Federal S&L Branch located in Ocoee, when monies are available to use for pass book savings or C.D. 's. Council declined to make a decision at this time. 1ST READING ZONING CHANGE(FROM C-3 TO Il)ORDINANCE-PETITION 77-6 Comm. Whitehead moved that title only of said ordinance be read, seconded Comm. Crawford. Unanimous. City Manager read title only of said ordinance. Public Hearing and second and final reading will be held at next regular meeting. WATER DEPOSITS Comm. Crawford moved to raise any future water deposits effective immediately to $25.00, seconded Comm. Lyle. Unanimous. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 10:57 P.M. ATTEST: Q r~ ~.~"'\~ CITY LERK - ~.{,l.:;:~>i;' ' i"i)l~" ,. ';~:~~~t ' ;r.~~1i'l ;....':- ..:c....,-'":'~..-...............x;-J:~_........, .,~Y-., . .' ";:ti ~~ . ::'" -'.; ~,. ".' O'3/ctl aH'W""~ ^ "al3.L3W'J-;J '330JO .~ ,1./t'S81 /' ./ ,. /' ./ /~ . ' / ~/~ ~ ,.'. ,.' ~ ~/' ,. " ,/ '" .- ,,~., ~ -' 1::/ \6,1 /..--f't "'"" . '"" ~ .,./ .~ ~ ./1"0- '.~i": ~ .' eo. . /' .' ' '" ,. ,j.~.~;~,~ ' :. :< " ~t"~~'~~1~;t "".tW.;h..... tit~f!~~~t?: . , .,' )If! 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