HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 541 " - . . . .. . . ,I I,. ,,/ , , J" fI- :)''11 AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING CERTAIN PROPERTY INTO THE MUNICIPAL BOUNDAR IES OF THE CITY OF OCOEE. FLORIDA. AND ESTABLISHING THE ZONING CLASSIFI- CA TION OF SUCH PROPERTY. WHEREAS. KENNETH P. WILLIAMS and TIM G. POOLE. the owners of the following described parcel of real property have petitioned the City of Ocoee. Florida. to annex the same in and to the municipal boundaries of said City. and. WHEREAS. said owners have requested that a portion of the said property be zoned as an R- T district and a portion of said property be zoned as a C-2 district in conjunction with its annexation into said City. and WHEREAS. the owners of said property have filed with said City a site plan as required by Chapter 5. Section 5.3 (1) of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Ocoee establishing the areas of proposed R-T zoning use and C- 2 zoning use. and. WHEREAS. a public hearing was held on the question of annexation of said parcel of real property after due public notice thereof published not less than ten (10) days nor more than thirty (30) days prior to said public hearing. and. WHEREAS. the City Commission of the City of Ocoee, Florida. has made an independent examination of said property and determined, and does hereby find and determine. that the area involved qualified for municipal benefits and that it is to the best interests of the City of Ocoee that such area should be annexed to and be included in the municipal boundaries of the City of Ocoee. Now Therefore. Be it enacted by the People of the City of Ocoee: Section One: That the following described parcel of real property situated in Orange County. Florida. to- wit: The North one-half (N~) of the Northwest quarter (NWt) of the Southwest quarter (SWt). Section 20, Township 22 South. Range 28 East. That portion of the Northeast quarter (NEt) of the Southeast quarter (SEt) of Section 19. Township 22 South. Range 28 East. lying east of the Orlando- Ocoee Road and South of Story Road. Containing 3.82 acres, not including road right of ways. Page One . . ~~ And That part of the South one- half (st) of the Northwest quarter (NWi) of the Southwest quarter (SWi) of Section 20. Town- ship 22 South. Range 28 East. (Lying East of the Road) which is described as follows: From the Northwest corner of the Southwest quarter (SWi) of said Section 20. run South 00 degrees 17 minutes 02 seconds East 691. 59 Feet along the West boundary of the Southwest quarter (SWi).r the point of beginning, said point of beginning being the Northwest corner of the South one- half (st) of the Northwest quarter (NWi) of the Southwest quarter (SWi) of said Section 20; thence continue South 00 degrees 17 minutes 02 seconds East 182. 91 feet along west boundary of the Southwest quarter (SWi); thence South 89 degrees II minutes 00 seconds East 219.20 Feet; thence North 00 degrees 17 minutes 02 seconds West 170 Feet to a point on the North boundary of said South one- half (st) of the Northwest quarter (NWi) of the South- west quarter (SWi); thence North 89 degrees 00 seconds West 209. 20 feet to the Point of Beginning. Section Two: The zoning for the property shall be R- T and C- 2 as depicted in the site plan filed by the owners thereof. which is hereby incorporated by reference herein. Section Three: This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its becoming a law. A UTHENTICA TION ~ The undersigned hereby authenticate the final passage of the fore- going Ordinance on the /9 eX Vf1~ day of . 197 / , by their signatures hereunto placed. L ~L: Ii t ! r1' aA / // 1/ A,"~ .' CL) V~ Clerk of the City of Ocoee Mayor. a Presiding Officer