HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 497 .. . . - , , .' 4. OhDIN'j"NCE HO. if 9 ? ~,N ORDIW'li\TCE [,DOPTING T1:-lL SOUTHERN ST"J,NT;'l\KD PLUl'ffiING CODE, 1967 EIHTION INCLUDING THE 1968 L.EVISION ,d:ID 1"L1 FUTURE REVISIONS THEREOF BY THE CITY OF aeGEE, FLOkIDl~. BE IT OP,D1UNED BY TEL CITY COUNCIL OF TIlE CITY OF OCOEE, FLonIDl:~: . SECTION ONE: There is hereby adoptea by the City of Ocoee for the purpose of prescribing regulations governing the installing of plumbing in builaing structures locatea in the City of Ocoee, the examination 8nd regulation of persons engagea in the plumbing trade, and the aaministration of the regulations containcu therein, that certain COGe known as the Southern Standard Plumbing Code, 1967 Edition, including the 1968 revisions thereof, all future revisions and the whole thereof, save and except such portions as are herein- after acleteu, moaifieu, or eliminated, of which said code not less than three (3) copies have been ana now are filea in the office of the Clerk of the City of Ocoee ana the same are hereby aoopted and as fully as if set out at length herein, anu from the date on which this orainance shall take effect, the provisions thereof shall be control- ling within the limits of the City of Ocoee, Florida. SECTION TlJO: If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this Oroinance is for any reason held in- valid or unconstitutional by any Court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be aeemea a separate, distinct and inaependent provision ana such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion hereof. SECTION THREE: The penalties proviaed for any violation of this Southern Standard Plumbing COde ana/or this orainance shall be as follows: Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be oeemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fineo in an amount not exceeding $500.00 dollars or be imprisoneo in the City or County jail for a period not exceeding thirty (30) aays or be both so fined and imprisoned. Each Clay such violation is cOIT~itted or permitted to continue, shall con- stitute a separate offense and shall be punishable as such hereunder. SECTION FOlTf~: Copies of this Ordinance shall be posted as. pro- videa for by law and the Charter of the City of Ocoee. SECTION FIVE: This Oroinance shall become effective irm:nediately upon its becoming a law. . SECTION SIX: All Ordinances and parts of Orainances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. I .. DuN~ in open session, at Ocoee, Orange County, Florida, this ,1~ (l, "/ day of ~ , 1969. ~ ATTEST: . J~<"JIP k<~L City Clerk Approved by the Mayor this L ""- aay of a,~ , 1969. "..., "-._.~ .