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\fliEREbS, the City of Ocoee is uesirous of setting the hours of closing
ana hours of sales for bars, restaurants, motels, hotels and other busi-
nesses selling alcoholic beverages, it is therefore ORDAINED as follows:
No alcoholic beverages shall be sold, consumed or served, or permitted
to be servea or consuoeu in any place holoing a license certificate from
the city between the hours of 12:00 Midnight and 7:00 A. M. of the fol-
lowing morning. No alcoholic beverages may be sola, consumed or serveo,
or permittea to be servea or consumea, in any place holding a license
certificate from the city between 12:00 rIidnight Saturday and 7:00 A.M.
the following Monday.
Within the meaning of this section a sale shall be regarded as being
made if the alcoholic beverage is delivered to any person during prohib-
ited hours regardless of whether payment therefor is made at some other
time. If any such licensea vendor be a corporation, then the officers of
such corporation shall be regarued as the ovrner thereof for purposes of
enforcement of this chapter. 1,>11 venuors holuing licenses to operate
places of business ana operating places of business in the city shall not
keep such places of business open for business during prohibiteo hours.
If any aoor of such place of business be opened during prohibited hours
except to aamit the mvner or one of bis regular employees, or if any
person other than the owner of one of his regular employees enters into
such place of business during prohibited hour~ it shall be prima facie
evidence that such place of business is open for business; provided,
however, that nothing herein shall be construea to prohibit the operation
of a business for purposes other than the sale of alcoholic beverages
during the hours between 12:00 Midnight Saturday ana 7:00 A. W. the fol-
lowing Monday; proviaea further, that any place of business holding a
license certificate from the city shall, at the hour of 12:00 Midnight,
cause all outsiae lights on the premises occupiea by it to be extin-
guished and shall cause all entrances and exits to such establishment to
be locked and the entrances ana exits shall not be openeu during the pro-
hibited hours, except to admit the proprietor of such place of business
and his employees to enter and to permit the egress of the proprietor,
employees and customers of such place of business from the premises, ex-
cept nothing herein shall prohibit the hotel, motel or restaurant from
carrying on its normal business unrelateo to tbe sale or consumption of
alcoholic beverages. Customers within the place of business at the hour
of 12:00 Hidnight ~7ho have prior hereto purchased any single drink of al-
coholic beverage and have not completed the consumption thereof shall be
permitted to complete the consumption of such alcoholic beverage and
shall be required by the proprietor or his employees to leave the place
of business as soon as may be reasonably possible. Nothing herein con-
tained shall be construea so as to permit any place of business to sell
or serve, or permit alcoholic beverages to be sold or served, during
prohibited hours.
In audition to the hours of sale of alcoholic beverages above pro-
vided, cocktail lounges exhibiting live entertainment and having a seating
capacity of 40 persons or more shall be permitteo to serve malt beverages,
cocktails an"'; other mixed alcoholic beverages, for consumption on prem-
ises only, during the hours from 12:00 Midnight to 2:00 A. M. from Tues-
day through Saturday mornings. The Provisions of this paragraph shall
only apply to sales by vendors holding those specific vendor's licenses
permitting the sale of alcoholic beverages regardless of alcoholic con-
tent and where consumption on the premises is permitteo (as presently
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def1ned in Section 56l.3L~ (4), Florid Statutes 1961, or within motels,
hotels or restaurants holding special licenses unaer chapter 31098 Spe-
cial Laws of Florida 1955).
In aduition to the Hours of Sale of alcoholic beverages, above pro-
vided, hotels, motels or restaurants holding special licenses under
Chapter 31098 Special Laws of Florida 1955, shall be permitted to serve
malt beverages, cocktails or other mixed alcoholic beverages, for con-
sumption on the premises only, during the hours from 12:00 Noon Sunday
through 12:00 Midnight Sunday night, provided that no such hotel, motel
or restaurant may serve or sale alcoholic beverages except in conjunction
with the dining room facilities of said hotel, motel or restaurant and
no cocktail lounge or bar shall be open during the aforementioned time;
however, the alcoholic beverages may be prepared in said bar or cocktail
lounge for consumption in the dining area. For purposes of this para-
graph any hotel or motel guest's private room shall be considered a
dining area.
Provided, however, that except as hereinafter provided, licenses for
the sale of alcoholic beverages in the city shall, on that date known as
New Year's Eve (December 31), be permitted to remain open for such sales
for one hour after the regular closing time established by this section.
Except, however, that at such times as New Year's Eve (December 31) shall
fall on a Saturday, so that the above-permitted extension of closing time
would allow such licensees to be or remain open on a Sunday, then, in
such event, the one-hour extension granted in this paragraph shall be of
no effect and the provisions of this section pertaining to closing times
of such licensees, exclusive of this paragraph, shall be in full force
and effect. Nothing herein contained shall be construed to allow any
licensee to remain open for the sale of alcoholic beverages on a Sunday,
except for hotels, motels or restaurants as specifically set forth herein.
DONE IN OPEN SESSIm~, at Ocoee, Orange County, Florida, this y
day of + .d-~<4Z-""'1 ' 1969.
Mtest:,9'A""'k! j~uf-'
/ Clerk
Approve<.1 .w the Hayor this
day of y. 1969.
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