HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 478 .W .. l... . , #, ORDINANC':B NO.___4IL. i1J,] OHDINA1TCl~ A.3C.E~~T AI~\JING TH.E AlTQUIJT I~ECE3SARY TO OPERAT1E THE CITY o? OCOSE, FLOIUDA, F03, THE FISCAl 'rEA:~ BEGnnIING tIOVEI\~HEi1 1st, 1967 and ENDING OCTOB3R 31st, 1968. , :nl'::;REA'~, the Cit.r Ta)( Ac,sessor has heretofore prepared an assessment roll or the t3..x:ab1e propert.:r of the City of Ocoee, and tho respective va]'J8S thereof, and as far as practicable the owners thereof: and 1''1!2:;?BAS, the City assessment rolJ. has beensubrrd.tted to the City Council: ('tnd l)1-'E:tM;, notice [;1 ven to propert;? ov.'11ers ~vhose propert;;r has been in- creased or corrected as to values; and 'iJIEE?EAS, a review and equ3.lization of the assessment roll by the; City Council has b~en concluded, now therefore, D:S IT On,DAIr.JED ?y TH1~ '~I(?Y COUNCII-J OF TEE CIT~C OF OCO.EE: :3ection 1. That the sum of ;;::191.,695.00 be, and the sa_me is hereb:r, ascertained and determined the amount necessary to defray the operatinG ex!,ens'3S and payment of interest and retirement of the refunding bonds of tn"l municipal ,5overnment of the Cit;y of Ocoee for the fiscal Jear bei3aining Novcmbe::.' 1st, 1967 and ending October 31st, 1968. Section 2. Sopies of this ordjnance shal.l be pas.ted as provided for hy law and the ~harter of the City of Deoee. '3ection ). This ordinance shall hoconco effective immedLJ.tely upon its passage and approval hy the 1'~ayor, or upon its otherwise becoming a law. Section 4. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict here- with are herehy repealed. :'jection 5. Should any portion of this ordinance be held invalid, U:en such portion as are not declared to be invalid shall remain in full force and effect. -D- ___day Done in open session, at Ocoee, Orange Crnlnty, Florida this of tA,:r 1967. '.-...., ~ ,"~ /'--- / , / __.J_..;_LL~,,-_:r:.,L 'Z-Ji -:-~~ P~sident of Council: At test :).-~i<-~J.:.j-J ?t.C:~~t.e'l.-o~ ~ Clerk -. Approved by the.......\1ayor this :!*;ri ro// /(i/ 196'7 .. /_ ,-cay o~*_, , ,. /; ~ ;11', -:;-_', ._..../. .~ ......~ ..: , /J <' ." /) -' ,,-~ ! //1. UkL?itl{=- I -1Uo,-4:-["(__/ /1 !!cayor . --' / "/ // ~ ~ I ~ ~ \ ~ "- ~ I ; It ..4111