HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 456 ORun.!ANGE j\)o. _'i.:L~_ -~~ AN Oi:tDU,!!\I'.!CE APPjzOp:U!\.TING \ND ALLOCATING TlUj K~WSNUE OP 'J'IIE CITY OF OC~()EE, FLOlUDA, POR TrLE PL3C!\L YEA.< B~G ,NT-lING NOi/21'InE:i, 1st, 1964, AND l~NDING OCTOJ3J~,R 31st, 1965. , the City Council that a sum of $152,720.00 penses and retirements of the fiscal year be~innin 196 ; and ha3 heretofore ascertained ancl determinecl is necessary to defray the operating ex- refunding lJonds an,] il1tcrest tl1creoD. for u'/cLbcT 1::.:t, 1964, and er!.din,: Oct()b(~r 31st, , t'[1P,', ("-i'tv (~(lqnc';111as 11PJ'etoForp -r~xc..,ri +'['1'" r'o;-e' of '['-rIV'''''-1C)11 ~_ 'J_ J '..J___\'''_ .1_ '_<~ ~- - - .LJ_~_ '-... r,.. -....... _C'..~ - ,(q..(:"'Cl..L...;.._ at 20 mills and levied said tax on the properties within the cor- :JOratc liliiits of the Ci t: for the fiscal year be innin rDver::ber 1st, 1964, and endin~ October 31st, 1965, and , it is anticipated that there will be available for use and " , t 'f' 'C '1 c 11 . l' "[ '" C13!Jur,seL,en ~ revenue and -unos :croLl t lC:CO 01f'!:Lng sources ane, 111 [; lC followin;:: ar,ounts: Ad Valorer;' 'Tax Ci;.,arette tl'a.-;( Utility Tax 'dater rtevenue Fines Forfeitures Licenses (~arba:,e C~ollection, ,.., t ' ..~ \.--1 r [tIl C 11:L ,'3 e 1 a)~ scellaneous Incouc Total ancI, :)42,042.00 30,000.00 21,000.00 35,03 D.OO :),000.00 4,000.00 10,000.00 3,300.00 1,>00.00 7- "') 7')0 el() -..~') 1_' r.--J , ' i_l.j. . 't \Vl--Ll~i<,,':.~i\S , Fj (1 (t c1 S 2~1~l rj -the operatint~ eX\Jenses, rctiren~en-t {:\ \,TJL e 11 t i rl t ere s t t ]-l. ~:::: r c:; 0 n Vi i 11 be t eli:: Ci. t'l t S 2,,:;f 011 01NS . LZe ~f url(l i n.;--, olice DeD;lrtl1 p.nt 3treet IJepartn1en't Sanitation De)artn:erd: .:'~"OVJ(~ ~.t" :!...., i t"l t:3 \,jater Oe~')artr~~e\1t L~ ire ~)(~"r; .~\ r tt,C rJ.. t \~lcr}~-. t s ,~~;~llar)l i::1.ce Le~al Auditin Tel.c one ~er\rice I n 3 lJ r a.rl C e ;:1 n,r} :-~) :.l_I"' r~: t "/ C; ';'lej S ;:>OrlC1. J~ 11 t c r () s t i.~)()11(l :~,~:: t i3: eJ erl'i: .'~{e C I" e :.~, t i 03:1 rr D tal now tb,e:ccfor'(:, rl P .:.)-;~ I rT ORIJ111 l<:'r'~f) i3~{ 'T!'L:~ (~I "_f,"{ (:()lJ1.,:t'_,:;I G;~ ,900.00 44, 00.00 L ,OOU.OO 11,UOO.OO ;).4,/0.UO ,OOD.OO 3, DO.OO 1, 00.00 2,750.00 tOO.OO 1 00.00 :2, ()O.OO 3,000.00 3,000.00 _;1 2,720.00 1",'1' ;--,r -- -, .!_ .l--l.~~, (\ ~(_/_":2 !,_:XI-r:l (.if! SectiOJ1 1. l'l1a~t -i.:he ~3t'.l; cJ' ;;3.,000.00 O[ sue1'}. ;'\c:,~,~~'Licn, t'.l.C)::-(~'C Ct.:) a.;7 'be rC;:Jl:Lzccl :C:rciL the cc'll~~ctior.l r~:.f 2tr.~.::ici >z~,tc;,:-? l'"c~\r:'~:'_'),L1.C t'~rul: -c ':L',J. :'f lor eL:_ t (}.,)( ()e, 3.l1;j the ~) ~U,I( c:; i~) j'J e:r c t)~;" Z-1. T (,:' :_0lX' i at!::? c';, a lIt} (1.110- c;ltcc1 tu th :':nt;- :,:i: ','" 1 of said City for rctirer.lcnt o.E reftlnclill 'l);)lld.s J-or t:'lC~ fiEjC2~J ',1{-::c1..C L)(~ in.D_irl j'n-vi-:-.lj':,l.'f('"l;-" "["-::'-;- 'il.i{'~ll , . '" , ~ ' ,,-, ,,,-.. 1 H -, , , and endin October 31st, 1965. '3ection 2. That the :~Ul of >;2,00.00 o:t st1ch f)Cn:ticn t!'". :,ur ;;,~; ay'.. 'be :rc_aliz'2(l _frDIu tl1C collect u u:c arltic~ ;~'.t~c;~.} r\~\!,~: lIe :i::'."c!r' -CiJ '.\.(t i ,::t Lor C). t a::~ l.>c, elfl::J the 2. :}.L>~ ,':; U. C .~, 1 a. ~.! :.:1}~ u i :::.1. t? (--1 a'~"J 1 clll catccl to the Interc:::':;t arlcI .:"1i{'ll~ir.i f1Lln.(\ c.', '; fc,:(" (~i.... ~ .'=., irlterest on, th.e re_fu,cutirt2.:, 1.J011(15 ~Ec}Y.. Llle t.'isc:~!_,t -yr-(~::.t [) ~tlU}J..n l)D"\/er;'_l)er 1st, 196il., arlct {~rj.llin ()CLU1)e:r 1-~3t, 11)(;~~;. ,3cc~cion_ 3. I~Chat the ;~;:.n~ o.E ,:$111.'7 ,2;~O.OO Dr such 'C)[Il"tiDl1 therc~u-C as 1'2....1 [)(l Y"n::-"11?p(1 {-"T'c..r' i-l'1(~ cc,1"lr.1ct1()1'1 c",r -:;l]i-'jC'l~-.\:-=}t(.:)(l r:-..\,rc'rl11;::'l (lr,' ,_",;1.,.}O.'[O :~,' '._":'1., ~l'-, .....I~. f~\ ,.!,,... :j.,.'~ ;'"'' -..-,. -:"'.')' "'~~' ",.J ..- ".-. ~ ''-I -. ;"..' ") ~:: ~ j ".1- ,'- ",.- hI:) ~: : L. j.- '1 c ~ .:' "J' ,..,: l--~ ~'" '.;._~ ~...,'.. .,'.','. -{- ;._~. ,_l. - ,'~ ~1 ..... ... :~ '"J'- ;: >J '- '. ~ --~ .\}t-~- ~ " - 1_ ,,___ '_ ai](-~;'L D C .:~) (tIne :-. s L'-_~._ ..,.~ ,c.. ,_"" __ _ L. ',." 2.,1_.1_(:. ~:l, ~_ ~', r:; t.... d_"L C~_-i .~ \) tl-1C g'erleral ~CU.:(J-,j c.-r ,S:.:\j.c1 '.'~ity .foJ.~ (1 S()U.I'EJer:'(~nt l-bl~ C H:::r-;ltlll e.;(- .~\ e n~ .(~ ,.7> ::3 0 ~r S ?t i (1 ('"~ i :1- rl C () C r it '/ t Ci T '-1 ("" ~ ~(C' -v ,!_ :3 :1 i.":- r1 .~_~: u J~ .t t}. C :.~ h 2. :c' t (~ ~r :; :.1 i r-1. C~ i t;7 (l.Ll:r:L t11c Ci.sC::1.J. "'/ca:i.~' be 1 o '\l C J~~ D(~ '1 (.~ L,::J 19 (; 4, D..LJ.('j c n. c1 i n 0 c t 0 b C?t' 3 1 (,) t, 1 C) (I .~ . Sectio114. )'hat the sur; r"ea.lizcd. "'[OF: ;~Ca..!': :"t eve Tl "!J"e LJe, c.l~il(':. t 11 C S a[;~ (~ i:3 [1 e T' e ~:ur c1_isl)urscriierlt iri accDrcla11.cc t.,1 T!"1e 210, Plori(l.~l. ~;ta.tues, c1urirJ ttlC :fiscaJ. 1 , ao(} 211(.1111 (JctcllJcr 31st, 1~)6 . t:]'2 collection a..'p [Jr' 0 ~:)t., i at ed. a 1'1(J c"~~i ;.lrette alloccltcd :7car j-It.'") r ," , C J~- j~' C C T ',1 J, 11, .... IT I" C-~ ~t t CJ1D 1" !lncl cc be:--:- 1,': C , .j C~ c t i {) n by 18.H (ll.'1cl =o~')ies of t is Or(j,il1anc'~ th.e' 211actcr cJ the Ci ur ,] 11;1, 11 DC !JostC(1. ~:1, ,:-:; "; ") I~ CJ ~,l .:r Dr ()Cl)e(~ . _3ectioD_ 6. lI1his ot'(Jinan,ce s11al1 D'2CDr:(; ej~-.Ecc.t:ive ili:rnc:clia..tel)/ 1.J. 1)0 n. its 1~)(1sSat~e (1 rt d. ai)r)_rC>V~11 1)\1 the ,a'::c.)~L", Dr tt.")C)rJ_ it;3 uthcr\Ni~3C IJCCO:iJ-1- i 1"1,., a 1 ~:~ \V . ."cction 7. ALL ordinances ::,,)1(1 :nrts wi.th are i1cre r2peal(~d. O:L~(J~j~1.1,lr1Ce3 l.~n cotl.fl:1.ct ~le:rc:- See-tion u. Shoul,l any pClrtion e)f this ordinance be tb_c (1 S 1J.C I-t~)o I' ti 0 n. ctS 2tr e f10 t (Ie c 1 a:r cz.I -to ";)c; i 11\1' a 1 fIlII force ail(j cffec"tA he le1 :i.n \l a.l ic1 , E)11,~:"Ll1 I"Cliictirt iI1 I ;)rJrl~= in. O-i:-)Cll. sessioLl at ()coee, C>rztn:sc <~Dun.t:7, F1IDI":Lc1?, thi::::) __&__~ day of Cictob'~r, 1(;'64. 't :, .', ,'- '" ~.c . //'C~) L'" './ /,/<' n L L,.,;c' l. '~..a~.Z4~-~_..,_ (~le;: 1,,:, l.~''':;J ------ ()..-.-~;2., -.... .~.~.2._,~~~.t.~-L~.t...:A.' ~___._..,... ~":(:-'C'S:i.C1c;;nt 01: CD\J1~rI' I,~ ALjU~.'-€-"1 by tile OT this /... . --;'1'1 v ()t~ Cic 'l.L. (,L,p'~ 1 CI i) tl _~_<.L' ...'):'- ..c .~;- - - , . "',1 (/rt.-..4_ __V';~-c!0~d--?_ t.,ayor ( (