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ormnrANcE No. ~_~.:::.:..
Begin at a point on the South line of the SE~ of Section 8, rrownship
22 South, H.ange 28 East, said point being 810.0 ft. S 880 Lt1' O/t" W from
the SE corner of said Section 8; Run thence N 10 18 '56" VI 337.50 ft.,
thence N 80"55'1011 E 20.0 ft., thence N 15D08'58" ti 89.73 ft., thence
N 28039'02" W 50.0 ft., thence N 61020'58" E 21.07 ft., thence N 28"39'
02" W 1}~.0. 0 ft. to the Centerline of the Atlantic Coast Line Hailroad,
thence S 61020'58" W along said Hailpoad Centerline 131Ll..92 f't. to the
South line of the SKl- of Section 6, Township 22 South, Range 28 East,
thence N 880 l~l' 04-" E, along sa:l.d South line, 12112.10 ft. to the Point
of Beginning.
lrJI-lliAREAS, the above described tminco1"porated land is lying contiguous
to the municipal bounc1ar:ie s of the City of Ocoee, Florida, and.
lrJHEREAS, said tract of land contains less than ten (10) registered
voters, and
WHEREAS, said land is susceptible of reeeiv:i.ng mtmicipal benefits of
the City of Ocoee, and
vfHEREAS, the City of Ocoee did on the 18th day of JUll.e, 195(3, duly
adopt an Ordinance declaring:its intent to annex the land descl'ibed
hereinabove to its present municipal boundaries in accC'l'dance with the
provisions therefor in Section 67 of the Charter of' the City of Ocoee,
Chapte1" 10951, Special Acts, Florida Legis1attu'e, 1925, and
HI-II~REAS, said Ordinance was duly posted as ppescribed by la.w upon said
land and in said Cit.y of Ocoee 1'01" the pel~iod prescl'ibec1 b~y- law, and
WHEHJ.!-;AS, no objection to said aDXlexation has been filed in the Cir'cuit
Court of Orange County, F'lorida, nmV' therefope,
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BE rr OHDAIJ:J""ED BY TIll!.: CITY COU1:lCIL (F f.nru: Crry OF OCOEE:
Section 1. That the municipal boun.c1al'ies of the City of Ocoee, Florida,
be, and they a1'e herehy, extended to include the folloHing described
land lying and situated in Orange Coun.ty, Flar'ida, and that said tract
of land be, and it is hereby, 8..ll_nexed to the mmlicipal territory of the
City of Ocoee, Florida, said land being more particularly described as
Begin at a point on the South line of the SE)~ of Section 8, Township
22 South, Range 28 East, said point being 610.0ft. S 8SoLI_l'O'-l-" W from
the SE corner of said Section 8; Run thence N 10 1[:) t 56" vi 337.50 ft.,
thence N 80055'1011 E 20.0 ft., thence N 15008'5etl vi 89.73 ft., thenc.e
N ~8639'02" W 50.0 ft., thence Ii 61020'5<::1" E 21.07 ft., trlence lIT 26D39'
02" 1rJ JJj.O. 0 ft. to the Centerline o:f the A tlaJ1.tic Coast Line Railroad,
thence S 61020'5(3" W a.long said Hailroad Centerline 131~..92 ft. to the
South line of the SEt- of Section 8, Township 22 South, Range 28 East,
thence N 88D tl_l' oJ~" E, along said South line, 12'12.10 ft. to the Point
of Beginning.
Section 2. That the City of Ocoee shall and will from the effective
da te of this Ord:itlulce exercise full power and authori t.y over the land
described in Section I hereof, in accordance with the Charter of the
City of Ocoee, Chapter 10951, Special Acts, Florida Legislature, 1925,
and the General Laws of the State 01' Florida, as fully and completely as
the City of ucoee now exepcises power, authority and jurisdiction over
other lands within it s municipal limits.
Section 3. Copies of this Ordinanc e shall be pos ted as provided :f..\.H' by
lavl and the Charter of the City of Ocoee.
Section. II.. 'I1his Ordinance shall becomo offective immediately upon its
becomine a law.
Seetion 5. All Ordinances and parts of Or'dinances in eonflict herewith
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are hereby repealed.
Section 6. Should any porti on of this Ol"'dinanee be held invalid, then
such portions as. are not declared. to be invalid shall remain in fhll
force and effect.
Done in open session, at Ocoee, Orange County, F'lorida, this
day of June, 1958.
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Approved by the May'or this ~ Iii
day of June, 1958.
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