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'oJ --. ~_ ~ _ . ... --' j<,~ '--. ~J 6 J '-~., ~ " "-- AN aRDnJANCI~ DECJU'..IUNG THI~ DT'l'EJ\l'l'IOlil OIi' T'llE CI'l'Y OF UCC'EE)~:lLOHIDA, 'l'O',A.N:f:EX , ^ '0~'nmI\T-^;r rflf:ll'\"1Tl l')._Ti' IF!T'.l'~l',IRI!\')P')'fl:-,'n 'Jrl:\.."r\) l-,V'i-':\'C"- (~U'i'FilTG'TJnT':' rf1!\ 'Pl-TF' .i'.:rlFl.-.I-r~"."'~^I -Dc.)Ur'JI-'i,i\.,..')L-' i!. v~.r:,\..t.a_-'- ~,\.'-J"" J.,_l..__V L ,~\.H._~~.u J -'-".' ._~~,'," ~ ...~-'- l.UU -" _.,~~ -- ~___.Lr.a j L'., n~s OF THE CI'l']:' OF OCUEE AriD SI'I'UA'l'~~)J Ii'J UlU\l'TCfJ2: COUlT'll'2{ P/ji]-{LDI'.., 'l'i':;'-!.Jl'l': T:>O \- I-l ("", ",., t. co 'j' I 0 r)o") ct ' I ') c' () -'1' t D8SJ.11 a'u 'C'1.'3 ..).G C01'.nel' U1 :J8CClOn 0, '_Ol-JnS:'.:LiJ ,:..c 0C>U-'~I}.; .~\.an,ge 2,:, ...'..8.80; l'llll thence S 31304l10L~1l H 8010.00 the necttot1 line cnO.o feet, thenc:o :N lOlIJrS611 \J ,.)'),.)':17 5'0 f'AAt 'l:;r'lAI'I('(' 11 rlOoL~~II()H T,' r)() () f'Of"I- .l-I'lnnl'p F:. lc:;oClGI[~nll 1,) 1;0 7'/ -['c,('i- I . _, _ ~ 6 ,J.._ ,'.J _" _./ J .J..J C .- j.J uJ U ,. v__ J J -, .... ,. .... - .. - I. ,..J -.' ~ v, ,1_ he ''Ii' e I" ':"f) ..J') Cl I O?" \,"1 [~O (j' r'"' f' 'r-, .1-1_1 e'l" ,'.I' 'H vI:, 1 ,? C) , I~;i 0 Ti' l() r{c() p(' e f- of- h (., rl'" P !,[ ~)n D '-' L ,/J.~_' _} .L.~ c_, ) l- ........ _ ..::; ..I W" l.J L., _ _ -' J..~ -'- __' ....-' ',,/ ......J ,-, . - ~J v, V 'p" -'- ,_.J .J,." '--' 39'0211 VI lL1J).0 foot t,~, tho (>,onteJ:' oJ' the J\.tlant,'Lc Coast L:L~J.8 }ta~U_r~uf?cl;""then(~o , '10., (_) , [") HI" ol ., n" t 1-' " JD .... n I ~ () .'1 .., (" (' [.' -\.. r.' " I ' T' I:; ~. (~ \'0 c:., ....1U ;. C:__oJ__ lee', 'crlfcHlce Il ()__ (~< j . l,',; );I;,.,.j_oc'c 'ce' '~no ..'~ S'- .lltJ.O ,)c .", _ I. () .- ,,~() . r_ If - - , . r' . r r)' I .. qf'l,.." ;:lalct SeClJl(m 0, thence ,s 0 lu! 01 J':; JOi'O.2c feot 'C;C tbe prnnt U:CL")C;~_nnlnc;. \fI-JE1\.8;AS, the [1bove des (>,J.'jJ; Gll. 111'dJ1C01'por a to d ~lJl.nd is l.:rln[~ cont.i_gn01J.8 tu tho municipal boundal"ieD of tho City of OGOOO, FIC1I':lcta; aneJ ~nmH.E:,A.S, sl::tid tract of land contains 1e;33 th,-Ul -ten, (10) rogis toroel vote:t:'s; and tJI-mn"8-::AS, the said land is slwGeptil:ib of roce5.\r:Lnc; FlLud.c.ipal benefits of' tho C:L ty ()f () C~o8e; and. ~nn~?.lu\.s, tho City of OC'Joe cLosil'FJS to 8.nnoX tho said lanel to itf-l pr'esont nrunir~:i.po.l boundaries in 8.ccopdan.co I'lith the :lJI'ovis ions therefor' in. Sect:Loll of tho Chal~-tor fJf tho Cit,l/ of Ocooo, Chapto:r:' l09S1, Spocial Acts, F'l"I'ida l~p c"i Cj 10. tn'J.''''' 19? r: 'l')'^' t 1),,1" ('-((JI'p .' '," 0---1. ~ .f _ '-', .._/,..J.. ,1...,1 ~..,v_ ..1-_ '. v, ( ,~ I.) ( J:n " ..JD I'l' ()HDAIln:m OI::':Y '1'1-iE C 1'1'1" UJJUIL Ul" 'i'lIie: CI'lr{ UII' .:Jocdiion 1. Tb.o City of (leoGo hOl'(~b.'/ elocl8.r'r;:3 its :Lntent tr,J n,nnex tho f,)llc)\J~tng d8~3cr:rhed lmincorptJI'Ercod land lyinG COj1.t:LGUC~.,'B;j to tho ;i~urLL(~:i.pal bonnda:eie3 of tho City 0:[' (kees and situJ],to(L in Oranc;o County, Florida, to its present 'iluni c.:Lpal bOlmdario s, there 1Yy extending its tel'I'ituI':lal li:cn:Lts to i nGlude tho said land \',rithin srdd tOl'ritoI':ial limits D.nd tu fJxeI'Gisc full pOHer Hlld authur:Lt; uvel' said land in aecf'!l'daneo Hith. the Chcu:,tu(' ut' tb~:) City 'J1" ucooo, Cha~)toI' len51, SpoGlo.l Act8, Florida Losj_slaturo, 19~:5, Clnd tho G011(n'al LaHf:: of tho State of' }?lu:r>:lc.1a, said laml b'Jinc; )!lU:L'O pal'tiG1.llf::ll'ly doseI'ibed fl.S follcHm: Bogin at th~ S1:.: cornor of Section 8, 'fOL,rl1.ship ;'~2 South; Hanc;e 2U EH.st; I'Llil thenGe S De l.!_l 'OL1H \v alone; tb.e soction lin.c 1310.0 feat, thonGe N 10113 y 5611 VI 33'7.50 feot6 thonee H [Jo"551J.Oll E 20.0 f(10to' thenco H 1':/'013'5311 \J [39.'73 feet, th,ence H 28 39' 0211 'd 50.0 feet, thon(~e 1': 61 20 '5[:\11 :c 16.76 feet, thenCI} H .;::80 ,.)') 0 I ()211 1,T J LI () O. l""e 0 +'. .1-n .,- ho ("E"'J.' +-.{YI' l) p t l''''' [>. '1:;1 f' '.j.l- ,0L (' (' () ," Ct .:-. T ,OJ 1'1 n i-JOLJ 'r' n ael ,[- flC1 n C (.'.' J,,'---' VU --r"'. v u~ U V~._V'J _~ .c.' ~.~ ._U.LU_~ ,.J_cc.)v _J..-,-_'/ "'8.---., , J_".... 61 20'58" 11: 21.10 feet, thence H 61022'30" E 995.1.3 foet to the East line of so.:Ld Section G, tberlce S O"lS'Oll! E 10'70.;~2 i'ef)t; to the point uf bec;inninG. ~ .~ 'i) ~" \. ~\ Qt ..,~ Seetion 2. 'l'b.e City of coee b.ex'oby declar'ofJ :~ts intent t:J enact an, Ol'dirw.l1cG at its fips t 1'0 gular moe tine.; hold af-G(:r tbe .t1.8Xt enDuing t111rty (30) clays from the effe ctlve date of this Ord5nnce, thol'eb,y ()J:,daining that the said Innd des cribecl in Seetion 1 hePGc.f be amv~xed -Go tt:B te:i:'I'll:;ol'ial limits of the C:i.. tJ7 of OcoGo,and opdairdng tfn t tho tepl'itol':i.s.l limits ()f thf.3 City of Ucoeo be eX-Gnnded tiO incllJ.de tho said. land as def-lcribed horein, ancl ordaininc; that from 11..n<1 after tho effoc.tivo date of s~dcl Urdinanc e that tho C~i.tv of ()coeo shD.l1 eXOl'CiDe full pOHee and n.uthority over said lanel in accorda~1ce Hith the Cllfu:>ter of ttm City of Ocoeo, Chapter 10951, Special Acts, Florida LeGislature, 1925, ani tho General LaHrJ of tb,J) state of Pl()l~ida. Section 30 Cupies uf this Ordinance shall bo pClstocl. rtS pI'ovldod for by laH and the Charter uf tho city- of U coeo. Soctir)l1 1-1-. This Urdinanc.o :'lhalJ. hcc.ome 8:ffnct5_ve im:uod:Lately upon its bOG,nning a laH. Section':;. All Ol'dinancefJ and pc..rts of' llrcUnal1ees in conflict hor ei'lith oI'e horeby ropealod.. Section 6. portions D.S Shuu.ld. any portion of thi:J Ol'dimulc.G bo held invalid, tllOr) suelt aronut declared to be invalid sl1o.l1 l'olll8.in in full fcrGe an.cl (')ffec Done in. opon sossio.n I1-G I)c(Joe, Or'u.nc;e C01U1ty, Plol'ida, th,ls 2nd day of Septembor, 1958. ^ .\-.\. ,." s'r . 0::;<. '., ,/, ~e: ~). {i ,. (5~,1 ,.l.1.V.JVI< iJ. ..~, ~ ~~ , ---- C'l e-'1"~ ,.- "-- , J_ l~ . R7 ~~: ". ,/~ /7 ti~p;tl // /Lr.)' ((-~.P"'.rJ ,,'" // " /'. -:'.' lku~- ) Pro.)rct;nt uf C01.mci 1 - this 2nd day Approved. bJ7' tho Hayul" Of S'('i>'\-Pll'll)AI~ 19c;:)) H ,..1 J,.~ l.J J. _"- -. J. , -- ~ '- . /' ,I .... / .j , "'< , / t .J..L._ ;1 / , I '\. , I,~ ' ....4--~1 , Thyor ".- .- "