HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 384 ~' " , -'.. ORD~])[ANCE No. 3. 1(1' ~.,~ ~,.:''.: ,~:.> "!,,,"-:.:~,_~~it. :>~;,,:'~~;,~.,..~. ~"~II- J;ll'.t. '''- -~.._- ":',~ ORDnTAllfeE 'C11\l.:'iTHE CI~~Y OF' OCOEE;~ F;LOHIDA, ANNEXING A CERTAIN iRACT ,UNIlITCORPOHATED LAND LYING CONIIGTJOTJi3 1'0 ~BE 1l0i,!:,GIPAL BOTTN;),iRLE:S OF TIJE CITY OF' OCOEE,.{VHILSITUATED IN ORANGE COmJTY, FLOHIDA~ TO'.W:LT: , J. " . . --1"<., ~b . . J_.' __ ,. n r, r . - . ,_ r) '.', -',' . . c' ~ n .!-. r''',nJ 8.C -eno c":rnc:e O"u','j'GeL,.LUll U, .,_UvJJ.L,: ,_)IJUvl1, ',",b,0.~, tW .J-f'")C11.qC~ c~ ,()? ['llli-)II,H ::If ()-1(-\'1'~;; -'- Cln(I~'~'~(~'l'1-J J)"11-':"') '"11() (') ,p{_~:"\+: -l-h':-.)r)(IC\ T'T 1 lil-'ll [~()if i.J,~'''' liJ,:, k) u.).,___ '-'1_ . c,._~,[ Ccl I" Uu r()L~~. __.." _,... "_ "~'" V_..'.'_....",' "" ..' .._..' ,., "1')'7 .Jo J' l. 'h --- "l(, Cl-'I le"'; ')').1 J> t" I,T '1'" (""1 ,-',)11.' r;" '. J,) ..:.>' J~ ee.u ~ -CL..:.Ol1G8 rJ (J) ;J~) ___ j I ::_J__. C J (1(:~-G, 'CiJ.GL1C'() ~,j __.:~) ,)/....; .:JL' ~_-~i . 1.5 :L \ t' 1" ,. n n (' I " ") j/ 'r C n 0.'-' t ' I . "T {., ,.., ()" I f~ () 11 r: J {. ,., (. .n n -'- !.. I., :; 1J 'c' I,T ") , -~ tJ.OI1C e \) C'~u .J ~J !,)C_ ';~J _) v. 1 GO , -cllGJ.1CG .LJ OJw L~ ~)l)' .~!1 _..t.:.). {u .1 Gc.. G, vf.lt,.~.C~.... .d L\ ", 0 1 (\? 11 'r I) 10 0 ,n"", J_ .L.) .L '],(' (' (' I" -I. ".., -- _0 .L r] (' '\ .,- J '\ '" .1- i C (' (, '" n ,I. T "I J"" .,,) <:J '11 n ." '\ (l ,1-1.1 ," 1:1 ( :; J U;._ ~'~ "'J~. J. ,;,Ie,:: lJl, GL..I 'j 0..J.l.J.~::_L ';.).L lJ__, ~ ~~;,,- u ..:;c,'-'_.:L~::1 ~ ;:J,-)~U_) v __..J._ ..dJ f ~I.C,___--::-;,-L "j~:. .,L) .. tn.__,"":. ~ 01 2015::yl I: ,21.10 l'eot, thon~o 1\161 22li() 1 }tJ C)l}~C:.lj l~oet t(.;; -eno .l.';p.s-e,_u.I)O UI said SO<1;l;,.i.o.Q.At...j, t-l-:hortGQ. Sd 0 lu,lQ,lll E 10'7t'J.?,2d:C1oo'- :co]tl1G lJOlJ1.t o_f iJec,;:uulHlG~ I'IllMct5 1;;, fl~ 8.uOve esc!"lDeu unlnoo:oporaue an 1S .Y1ng -'contlguuus to the munioipal bour"daries of the City of Ocoee, Florida, and '~,1'. " Vv1ISREASs said tract of land contains less than ten (10) registered voters) and vmEREAS$ said lnnd is susceptible of reoeiving municipal benefits of the City of Oooee, and WHEREAS, the City of Ocoee did on the 2 day of Sopt ; 19 S3, duly adopt an OrCUnUl1C8 de:'lo,7':i.rg 5.ts inl.;ent to D.llnOX the laud desorU'ed hercinc.bove to j:bs p:roc,enb m;:'u:iJJ5.p.J.l hOiArdu.,'~('H1 in cwo u::,dan~e wi-bh the provisions therefor in 80(:C;:tOL 67 CI tho C'ho.l't;;n' of .j:hF3 C.vcy of OeoGeD Chapter 10951.!! Sp8G:al AciJs~ Florida Legislature", 1925$)1miE;D~.uE: ~~~~~'Jillldl>;,~ WHEREAS, said Ordinanoe was duly posted as presoribed by law upon sa1.d land and in said City of Ocoee for the period prescribed by lawg and ~ITIEREAS, no objection to said annexation has been filed in the Circuit Court of Orange County, F'lorida, now therefore, BE IT OHDAHfED BY THE CITY COUiTCIL OF THE CITY OF OCOEE: Section 10 That the municipal boundaries of the City of Ocooe, Florida, be" and they hereby a:ce,' extended to inolude the fo~lowing described land lying and sii;t~abed in Orange County!, Florida: and, that said t::,'aot of lMd be,9 und it horeby :ts" annexed to the municipal territol'y of tho Ci ty of Ocoeel' Florid8.;} said land being more particularly described as follows: Begin at tbo cornoJ:' of Se Gtion !3, 'lloHnsl1:1.p 22 South; IU:lngc 23 East; FW1 th~3.nee S 3D !!.l'OJ!,il 1)[ along the section. line Cll(t)'O .ree-~, thenGe 1 18 r 561'V/ 337.50 feot, . thence N' (30 55 'lO" E ~20. 0 :foct, the.hee IT 15 03153B h 89.73 .feot, '\)tlonce N 23 39'0211 Vi 50.0 feot, -CherICO IT 6l 2015311 E }.6.76 feot, the.nee H 28 39'0:::11 ~'J HI.O.O feet to the ConteI' of t AtlaD,tic COi'.[)t Lino Hai road, then,ce 61. ~20!58:r"E ;2h..10 foet"the,f1ljo N!l6.~ 22!O?01i?E.-.99,;:i.tJ) f[oet. t9 tho Fant 'I-ine 01' sald Seetlon u, tho.nee is 01u'OJ j.'., lOi' 02,_ .~oelJ 0 010 J!U.Ll.lv ? -'-''-'' ~-S~ction 2{, That the City ofOcoeo shall and 'Will from the effeotive begHln.:!.. date of this Ordinanoe exercise full power and autho:dt~r over the land described in Scction 1 hereof, in accordance with the Charter of the City of Ocooe~ ChuptGr !095:t~ Special Aots, Flori-:la Legislr.ture;. 1925, and the General Laws of tho State of Florida, as fuJ.ly and complete1.y us the City of Ocoec now exercises povm:r" r.uthority and jurisdiction over other lands within its munioipa.l limits. I', ,~t ;\, J?71 ,]' /}' \:t ~._~ ~ .~ '\ Section 30 Copies of this Ordinanoe shall be posted as provided for by law and the Chartor of' the City of Ocooo. Section 4. This Ordinance shall beoome effeotivo immediately upon its becoming a law. Section 5e All Ordinances and parts of Ordinances in conflict herowith arc horoby repoaled. Sootion 6e Should any portion of this Ordinanoe be held invnlid., then s~ch portions as are not doclared to be invalid shall remain in full force and effect. Done in OpOll sossion: at Ocooo, Ol~ango County" Floridall this 7tl1 day of Oetobop , 19 see ."", , /" ') . ,/ , .1 ~ /1 J ~,,', ,; " _ , . ,i lor' Ai . Attest: V-?4:l-~U(" l..- :Y/I~U<_"'/0L-- ----; Cle rk . .. 1 ,/<<> ~.. , 1/ ...J" . .. ,,'" . -_.of. . ./. '; r .4 Fr;8id~/;~"'~;C6~f"1:1/~U( I / / Approved by the Mayor this 7tlpay of (jc;toboy 1953. ~~ I//? 1- a Ii G.\..-<' I" l/'-'-~,,--n [!"hi ,f'_--~,.. ,