HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 385 . . ... .,'; .:t~~:;'"i~;!1~.:' AI! OIWINAJ'Jc'~l\ , .....- '.l 0/ O~lpINANCE No. ~ ~ ~. ",,;;...; '.i: .!f,,,(~.1:, "':;~,(~ . "F{'l'A DIIlIG 'I'lJE 1\. I IO UlJ'I' UJ? OCC)ID]!:, IjlIJ011II).L~ lil()I~ frru..J: rJII~)C/\IJ jJT,TT) Fl'IDDJI+ C'I'C'BF'P II st ] qr::;q . _,...I- . -- .J". . \. ).1 ._ HJ l __ _ I , . ~./ . . DE T 0 J?~r~i\jllTC r~c}ill" lITer NOV]i;Tfmm Is t, CITY 1 () [-' ,(~ w!... -'......) ,_" , ~'i}ill}{J~:.fiE~, "tr1G City frD,]C l\.8S (;8 SOl'1 tlCt S b,er~et()~Cc)r1 e l)l')13I)arocl a.n. ass es ::4":.11o.rt pull of th.E) ta,xable pl'JpOJ:>ty tb(~ Clty of Ucoeo, ,'cind tho respoctivo values thoI'oof, and as fal' D.S practicable tho UHllO:t'S thel'oof; 8n(} lrIIfii;I1EA,':l, the City assessment rull bas beOJl sulJl\Iitted to tbe Cit;y Cuun- ell; and 1111EHl!.~AS, notice given to pI'oper'ty Ulmel'S l;rhosG Pl'OPOl.ty b.Ei.s boe.n jn- cl'oased or corrected 0.3 to valuos; and I~TOGHEAS, a l'eviE:nJ and equalization of tho a[Jses~mlont poll by the City Council bas been concluded, .nml thepufoI'o, BE I'l' OlWAIlTJm BY IIIHE CITY COUNCIL ()l" III In,: CIII'Y U.F' UCUKE:: Section 1. 'rhat tbe Durn of :jrLI-r3,612.55 be, fl.nd the saIne is hereby, as cOl'tained and determined tf.lo amount no cos [W_I';Y to d. 8fl'ay tho oporating expenses and payment of intopest and. I'eti:r'emont of tho l'ofullcUng bonds u1' tho nmnic:Lpal government of the City of ()cc1oe:Col' the fiElcal year beginning, November 1st, 1958, and ending Uctcibel' 31st, 1959. Section 2. Copies of this ordinance shall be posted as provided fop by laH and the Cha:r'teI' of the City Df (leoGe. Secticm 3. its passage a law. rl1his ordinance sha1J. become ef'foctiv 0 hnrnediatoly upon and apPI'oval by the r1ayop, 01' upon i tC, othoI'vJiso becoming r I Section 11. All ordinances and parts uf ol'dinances in cuni'1J_ct boro- with are hereby repealed. Section 5. Should any pOl"tion of thh; opditlnnGO be held invLtlid, then suell pOl'tion as are nc,t declared to be invCllid slJJ:lll pemaln in full force and effect. Done in open so.ssion, at Oec,ee, ul'ango County,F'loP5_ds., this ~~lst day of October, 1958. ....--.. Attest: U' r ", \ .' /') \. //. .,' )... , ~ iJ " / r. / J' /I (1:1;~ (, ~/,( la. (,d.:,li. <_ I Clerk I .i\.PPl"uved by tho Jolo:yol' tb.i:::: 21st day of October, 1953. V"l .:J!::-I,/7 ~1 -!--./CJ. "- .f';:;J1::~ '... ,/t"'{.'~ ,Lyut ~