HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 386 /... ""I~~r."": . . ,~: :l;(r~ ." .."~'~'!'" ~iil" :.~t. ...4 '! ",,,.'_'..'"i', i ORDINl',NCE }\Io. 38_~_ AN OfmINl\.NCE .i?IXING 'rI-1E R!\'I'E 010 'l'AXNl'ION THiS CI'l':t OCU}l~E, FLOHIDA, I.J10H TID:.:G 1i'I~H~AI, -:CEAR BI~GnnrIITG NOVEJIBEH 1st, 19,5[\, l\ND Ti"I'!'D-ClJlr.!. (\ Crp n PTi'P ') J C!.L 19 r::' 0 ,cJ' . ,., J ,j ..." ,_)_J~' J . _ OJ v, . ;:) / . ldlillliEAS, the C it,'T Count;il has heretofoP8 as c8I'tained H..nd detoI'lrliJ10d that tho Silln of ~?LI,e,612oS5 is nocDssary to defray' tho actual opeI'at- ing expenses, pa;:nnent I::.<f interest and rotir'emont of tho I'eflU1ding bonds of the rnunicipal government o.f the City of Ucoee for the fiscal , . . "C 'b J' J 0 c' () '] 'L . ., 1- -- J' J () r' - year Deglnnlng I.JOVOllJ. 01" _.S'C, _ jjO, a,n.c. one lng UClJuoor j .S'C, ._:Jl), nOH therofore, r.1l"11 .LJJ....J IT OHDAINED BY 'l'lill Crl'Y COUJ\fCIL OF 'l'HE CI'rY ()F OCOEE: Section 1. 'rhat a nLL11ago of' 20 mills be, and tile flEiJ'l.e is rteI'oby, fixed as the l'8.te uf to.x8.tion for tr.te City of Ucoee for the fiscnl Y. o. ;,3, y' 1')'.' r:ol' 1"111 J" n{.)' l'-J ')'"0, nI1)o. ].' I c< t J C) c; [.)" (.' rlfl. 1J',',1,,02 !) C tl') ')0" i' ':( 1 Tl- 1 q [~Ci ~...... _ _ \....I 0 ., __0 _ 0 ,_ v ~;__"', ,~ _ IJ , _ ~ , ,~.Jo.. '-' --~ _' \, ~ ~, ,-. -" _J_ ,,- LJ, ~l.. 1'.,./ " · Section 2. fur by lavJ Copies an d t be of tb.i:3 Cb.o.rteI' ordinance shall be posted as provided n~ ~l16 C'l"~V nr Ocnee ,__ u \:j I Vel '-._ ~-" 'e Section 3. its passage ing a laH. ~L'his ordinance shall become effective inmJodiatoly upon and 8.pprovE1.1 b:T trIe HaY'OI', 01' UpCHl its otflOJ:'vds e becom- Section 4". All ordinances and portD of oI'cUnances in Gonflict hore- with are hereby repealed. Section 5. Should any portion of this ordinanco be held invalid, then sl.1.ch portion as are not declared to be invalid shall :remain in full for> c 0 and e ffo ct. DOYle 1n open session at Ucoee, (!l'a,nge Cou.n.ty, Ij11urida, this 21st day of October~ 195B. "'jj" ...-'" //~> '~"1/~' ,:.. ';/i,' _,"-- ,::. _ ,J'j (j) J":':.< . - /:- ,_;.-?j..;z,ty .e'?/2.?(f::Uf/ ) " -1 ,~ _' ,-'1 ~ - [' > eSlaenlJ of lJouncll /' littest;: ,J,. Approved by the I-layup this 21st day of Oetober,,1958. - I~~{~.V:-p-:/ +~ m1.yor !] -- \ .... ="""