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uCl.ul."L,l" \.iL l" U . ~) ,
OF OCOEE, FLOIUDA, pun 'rliE I~'IS C/'.l, l1:i;AH DE IT
!\.lTD I:HDIlTG Ocrl1t)J3EH 31s t, lCh 9.
Oli1 T}IYi~ CI ~{~{
1st, 19SD,
\:fl]J~amAS, tho Citv Council 1:18.8 hOJ~ OtofCiJ.'O as curtained and dotoI'mlnod
t;t t; co "/ ~ Ilr c'[~ . 'I q Jt.. J_'.
. (la' a sum 01 '.~_!.u,t) c'.;'J.) UJ nocos3al'~T 'GO c elray GllO O[J8raL>H'ig ox-
penses and retiroments of I'Oflmdinc: bc.ncls and :Lntcn'ost; thoreon for
, I .., . 1 I"' I." 1 '1' lC' I,J n ','" 1-' 'J J t
'GllO llSCfL yoaI' ;Je;::!;:LnnJJlg 'Jovmnoer _S'0, _ )::;0, arm enciJ_ng UC'vODep .)..S ,
1959; and
\nJEHEAS, tho City COlllwil has hereto:Core fL:\od tilO rate of taxatlun
[J.t 20 luills and levied said tax on tho pI'opert1es vJ:Lth:Ln the CUI'-
porate limits of tl:w City ror tho fiseal ~Toar beg:Lnning Novor:lber lElt,
1958, and ending October 3lst, 1959; and
lIHEHEAS, it is ant:l.cipatod that thore lJill bo available for uso an.d
d:l.sbuI'soment rovenue and f1Jll.ds i'I'om the follolJing sources and in tho
fullmJing amount s:
Ad VeJ.orOiTl t(1](
C:LC;8.r~Gtt,e iJflJ(
lJtility tax
l'Jater l'evernw
Finos and Forfoitures
lTi S Gc;J_IB..l'18 0118
,;;1)1., o::-~C). 80
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HHERl;L\.S, tho oper-Citing 0 xpons Eli3, retiremont of tho
Bonds and p8.ymont of lnt orest thoreen. Hill bo [UJ
Cityl s HefuncHng
Police Dopartment
stroot DepartnlOnt
Clo:l'l~ Sahu',T
viator DopartlTlent
l")o1.JeIl f:Jll,cl IJiE;!Jt8
Fire Department
Of:Ci ce 1~)~];)e.rls e
Le gD.l l~xpenrj 0 D~ A ueli t in[~
Telephone Service
Insuranco EG SU1'cd;y BO.nds
Ljoncl Interest
Bond:~otiI' mnen.t
" e,5ooo00
1'), C)J'--' C;[~
" C:on 00
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" 0-)0 ("()
c:,ul.~. .1_
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nO'VJ therefore,
Section 1. 'rbat the 3Uln of ,000.00 or such pOI'tion tb,orooC as
may bo realized from tho c llaction of anticipated revonuo fr~n the
Ad Valorem tax. be, a,nd the f:w.mo is lJ,C'JJ.'oby, Dl):[n'clpr'5.atecl and oJlu-
cated tC) the IntoI'8st S:1.nl::ing Fund of said (;:1..t fl,]: r'otil'GIilont
of r8J~lmc1:Lng bends :CCI' tho fis c81 year bCJgir:u.JLng ')V01T,ber 1st, J.9~~iJ,
E'r:'(] e1.]O' -'Lilt'>' (ie.t;o1'). <o'-:r' ':\1"". J C)[~()"
l.. .1.. _ . ~ ~ .. 0. '_' \J _' _ u u, - - ,,~/ .
Sect.Lon 2. 'l'hat the sum uf ,500.00 or such l)ortiun tbore f as
may be realized from the collection of anticipated revenuo from tho
Ad Valcn>mn tax bo, and tl18 ;3801118 is hereby, apprc)pr:.i.atc3d and allc-
ca ted to the Inte:ce.st a.nd ~):Ll1Jdnc; PUX1d of saill City for' paSi1l0nt of
irLterest on tb.e l'oful.Ldlnu; bonds :C')I' the f:U,cal :yer:..r bf:)8inn:Lng
November lst, 1958, and ending Octobor 31st, 1959. .
n ' .' ~ m l t;,l..l D .''-. i ~, II '} c' l~ I ' . , , ..,
0eC'Glon 5. J.r18: L> 18 3url 0.1 ',iLl.,), _c._);) UJ:' DueLl POI'"Gl.OJ.' 'Gi.lGI'CUJ P.iJ
may be realized from the collection of anticipated rovorUle as DboVG
'. set fOl'th be, and the same is .bore by, apPJ:'opl'~;"atod cud all:)c-ate( '1':;)
~.I .1 :.rt"';"
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the genoral fund of sa:Ld C:Lty foT' (1:LsbUJ~s8n8nt of the ,)pi3I':~ G Lilt; e:x-
pauses of said City in COnf(1rrilit.y to the provis5.:)J:1S ()f tt18 Charter of
C<Rl"d (;itv 'lup'in;r tho. fisl''ll V'C'Rj-~ bC"!}"J'nninu F',)""('ji1l)(>'.l' l'1t -IOl;!:)
J.,..Ie. . ".,., .j \. --.-0 .., __.__'--vt... v.\.J_,. ....J{:J---,.._~-_.;~:.:J ..VJ.I,..__'~ __k , --/.,._ ,
ending uctober 3lst, 1959.
Section I!.. 'rho. t the Burn l'oo.lizf3d fJ::,om tho co110ct:Lon:)1' C:lgaretto
'r-"LX Hevenuo be, and tho same is hOl'c)by, u,PPI'o]Jr:Lated, and allocat(Jcl.
Cor d:LB bursement :Ln. aCGordanee with tho ton.en' an(J offoet u.f Chaptor
210, Florida Statutos, 1957, dUl'i tbe f:Lseal beg:Lnn:Lrl[2; lJovO"!,boI'
1st, 1958, and onding Uctobee 31st, 195'-).
Sect-;ion. :;.
by lmf and
Copies of tbis ordlnoJ1Ce shall bo
tI:18 Cb,8_:rtjeI. of -tile Cit;::T ()~C Ocu(~e.
l}O~J -GO d,
1. Ol?
SoctiOfl 6.
its :pD.sSEtge
ing a law.
'llllis ol~dLlanco shall bOI>J;ne offective hm;J,odiately upon.
and approval by -t110 TlayoI', OJ:' upo,n its othoP1rd,38 becc;;n-
Section 7. All OrGlnanCOS and parts of ordlnaDcos :Ln conflict hoJ:'o-
v.J:L th are here by repealed.
-, ,. n Cl 1.'1 l ..1 i . r.> ... I .
~OC~lon o. 0 ou_~ any por~lon 01 COlS
tben such portion as are not declared t
full force and effoct.
01' (1 iJ.1ELY1C 0 b 0
be J.rlvu,l:td
bold invalid,
i3 hn 11, I'Olnain Ln
Done In open sossion at Ocoeo, :lrangc1 CCHmty, Pl"r'ida, th:Ls :21st
day of October, 1958.
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J1. t; t est : _~~, ;H:__I__.~~: if~~.~ _(~ f;tj'A,..._~~,.=",
/ CI01'l;:
Approved l)y tt18 I.lo.yor this 21st
chv rd' ()ct"])r:'l' l qr:;n
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