HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 390 .r= ORD:NilNCE NO,_.;J1..0 _ ~ AN Om)INANCE OF THE CITY OF' OCOEE:! I<'LOHIDA.l ANNJi;XlNG A CERTAIN 'lrRAC'll' OF UNINCORPORATED :LAND LYING CONTIGUOUS '1'0 '1'HE rtTJN::CIPAL BO(TR~./\.ELlES OF THE CITY OF' OeOEl!: AND SITUi'JT:8D IN ORANG.E COm~TY, FLOlUDA" l'O-W:iT: SEt or Section 8i Townsnip 22 South, Range 28 East, (Less the Nt of,the NW4 ). if!JH1"'REAS, the above described unincorporated land is lying contiguous to the municipal boundaries of tho City of Ooooell Floridu, and NfBREAS1 said traot of land contains less than ten (10) registered voters, ~nd ~~. ! r NHEREAS, said land is susceptible of receiving munioipal benefits of the ~ity of Ocoee" and the owners thereof have requested annexation; and rvHEHEAS, the City of Oooee did on the 3 day of'February 1959, duly J.dopt o.n Ord:i.nanoe de:'lo.:,.:ine; its intent to annox the laud desoribed 1ereinv.bove to Us p.r.eDent IT,;;:llie;ipo.l hound~L':.e::J in ace o::-oa1.lGO vd.bh the :>rovisions therofO'l' in 8e~~.ho.r.. 6'-; of tl;e C'hr"rt0l' of -;:ho C.d;y of OcoeoD )hapter 10951.p Sp~)cial Actsj Florida Leg:i.slature, 1925p and U1nm vHEREAS, said Ordinance was duly posted as prescribed by law upon said .and and in said City of Ocoee for the period prescribed by lawy and HIEREAS., no objection to said annexation has been filed in the Circuit :Q\u't of Orange C0untjl, Florida, now therefore, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OCOEE: lection 1. That the munioipal boundaries of the City of Ocoee, Florida, e~ and they hereby are" extended to inolude the following described and lying and situated in Orange County, Floridat and, that said tract ,f land be3 and it hereby is" annexGdbo the municipal territory of tho ity of Ocoee, Florida, said land being more particularly desoribed us 'ollows: >Ei or Section 8~ Townsnip 22 South, Range 28 East, (Less ~b.e Nt of tne XW"4 ). cction 2~ That tho City of Ocoee shall and vrill from the effective ate of' this Ordinance exercise full povrer and a'J.tho;?"ity over the land escribed in Section 1 hero ()f.. in aocordance with the Charter of the i'~y of Ocooe~ ChaptGr 1095\~ Special Aots,1 Flori:1a Legislr;tu.re, 1925" nd the General Laws of tho State of F'lor.ida, as fully and completely as he City of Ococe novIT exorcises powor 1l c.ubhor ity and jurisdiction over thcr lands within its m\4nioipal limits. action 3" Copios of this Ordinanoe shall be posted as provided for by ~w and the Chartor of the City of Ocooo 0 :lotion 4. TI1is Ordinance shall beoome effeotivo immediately upon its :Jcoming a law. ~~ :lotion 6e Should any portion of this Ordinance be held invnlid~ then ~oh portions as are not doclared to be invalid shall remain in full Jrco and effect. Done in open sossion, at Ocooo, Orange County, Floridaj this 17th 1yof Maron , 1959. ;test. ~~ '('k(/~ I-Clerk Approvod by the Mayor this 17 day of Muon , 19 59 / \... . (,I j/.=j>". . .! /1' .I _^~ ...._,.;." _~ _ / " ,,_...., I,' / . _' ;'".:P t.". .r- ,,(,;,.1' ,., /_, . i t'( t'ii. '" ..~ -~ ~,-