HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #06 Approval to Award Central Park Design Contract to DRMP
Contact Name:
Contact Number:
David Wheeler
407 -905-3100,
ext. 1504
Meeting Date: March 3, 2009
Item # lP ,
Reviewed By: . r r / /J
Department Director: Lf. ~ It....
City Manager: "-"
Subject: Award Central Park design contract to Dyer, Riddle, Mills, and Precourt, Inc. (DRMP) in the
amount of $28,725.00.
Background Summary:
The City has a continuing contract for engineering design services with the firm of Dyer, Riddle,
Myers, and Precourt, Inc. Work under this contract is authorized by purchase order following the
specification of a scope of work by the City and negotiation of a price proposal. Funds to expand and
improve Central Park, located on the north side of Flewelling Avenue, were budgeted by the City
Commission over several fiscal years. Most recently, $200,000 was allocated for FY 2009 and
$48,957.42 remains unexpended from FY 2008. From these funds, City staff has proposed a number
of improvements.
Among the improvements planned for this phase of the work are reconstruction of Armstrong Alley,
relocation of the existing volleyball court and basketball court and construction of stormwater
improvements, additional parking, enhanced access to facilities, an improved trail to the non-
motorized boat ramp, and the new boardwalk being constructed along the Lake Moxie shoreline. Due
to the nature of these improvements, design by a licensed engineering firm is required.
The Engineering and Parks & Recreation Departments have proposed that the City Commission
approve the price proposal of February 10, 2009, and award the design work to Dyer, Riddle, Mills
and Precourt, Inc. under the terms of the existing continuing contract and the project proposal.
The Engineering and Parks & Recreation Departments recommend that the City Commission approve
the proposed project scope of work, allocate $28,725.00 from capital budget funds previously
authorized for this project, and authorize the Finance Department to issue the required purchase
Task work order price proposal from Dyer, Riddle, Mills and Precourt, Inc. The total amount of the
proposal is $37,595.00; however, our acceptance is limited to Part I (Construction Documents for
$19,805.00), Part V (Meetings, Project Management, Coordination, and Quality Control for $7,920.00),
and direct expenses of up to $1,000 on a time and materials basis.
Financial Impact:
The $28,725.00 funding for the related purchase order will be financed by the existing budget for the
park improvement project.
Type of Item: (please mark with an ''x')
Public Hearing
_ Ordinance First Reading
_ Ordinance Second Reading
_ Commission Approval
Discussion & Direction
For Clerk's Deat Use:
_ Consent Agenda
_ Public Hearing
_ Regular Agenda
_ Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk
_ Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution
Reviewed by City Attorney
Reviewed by Finance Dept.
Reviewed by ( )
Dyer, Riddle, Mills
& Precourt, Inc.
Wilfne D. Chalifoux
Donaldson K. Barton, Jr.
Lucius J. Cushman. Jr.
Jon S. Meadows
laWl'ence L Smith, Jr.
, William T.Stone
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February 10, 2009
DRMP #09-0080.0MK
Al Butler, AICP, C.I.P. Manager
City of Ocoee
150 North Lakeshore Drive
Ocoee, Florida 34761
Proposal for Central Park Improvements
City of Ocoee, Florida
Dear Mr. Butler:
Dyer, Riddle, Mills & Precourt, Inc. (DRMP) is pleased to provide the City of Ocoee (the
City) with a proposal to perform engineering services for improvements at Central Park
located at 560 Flewelling Drive.
Per our meeting with Jeff Hayes and yourself at the park on February 3, 2009, we understand
the improvements will include the following: reconstructing the western entrance road to
reduce the slope of the vertical curve, eliminate "birdbaths" and to make the traffic direction
one-way, as well as adding diagonal parking spaces, constructing a boat unloading area and
space planning for the tentative relocations of the existing volley ball court and future
basketball court.
DRMP's Scope of Service will be to provide engineering design services to produce
Construction Drawings showing these improvements. The Construction Drawings will be
based on surveying performed by others. Included services will also encompass probable
construction cost estimating, bidding and award assistance and construction administration.
The attached pages outline our understanding of the project and our proposed Scope of
Services and Fees.
We have developed the following task-oriented scope of services based on our understanding
of the project. DRMP's scope of services will include the following tasks:
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The scope of this task is to prepare Construction Documents detailing the improvements as
described above, consisting of a set of plans in 24 in. x 36 in. format at a minimum scale
equal to 1" = 50'. This set of plans shall consist of the following items:
. Cover Sheet
. General Notes
. Existing Conditions Plan - Based on survey provided by others.
. Demolition Plan - Based on survey provided by others, showing limits of existing
improvements to be removed to allow the construction of the proposed
Mr. Al Buller
Central Park
February 9, 2009
Page 2 of 4
· Geometry Site Plan - Showing horizontal control of the proposed improvements as
well as associated pavement striping, markings and signs.
. Paving, Grading and Drainage - Showing vertical control of the proposed
improvements and any associated grading showing means to control site runoff and
conveyance to existing or proposed drainage systems.
. Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan - Showing limits of silt fence and other
methods of control site runoff to prevent erosion and silt runoff.
. Civil Construction Details - Will consist of details associated with work being
proposed, typical for Florida and for projects within the City.
. Technical Specifications - will consist of only technical specifications for the work
proposed. It is assumed that the City will provide the standard front-end contract
Construction Documents will be submitted to the City at 90% completion for an informal
staff review. Upon receipt of comments, DRMP will advance them to 100% and provide
them to the City for their use.
Lump Sum Fee for Part I - $19,805.00
DRMP will provide a construction probable cost estimate based on latest cost units published
by Florida Department of Transportation with the Construction Documents submittals.
Lump Sum Fee for Part II - $1,810.00
DRMP will assist the City in the evaluation of the bids and the awarding of the contract.
This task specifically includes attending one pre-bid conference to answer contractor's
questions and reviewing and responding to three (3) RFI and Bid Addenda.
DRMP will supply one set of reproducible construction documents to the City for plans
reproduction. The City is responsible for the bid advertisement, plan distribution, bidders
list, bid tabulation and selection.
Lump Sum Fees for Part III - $2,710.00
DRMP shall assist the City during the Construction Phase by providing clarification to
specific design elements and reviewing two (2) sets of shop drawings submitted by
Contractor. This task also includes three (3) site visits, including one at start of construction
activities, one at substantial completion and a final visit before Contractor close out their
construction activities.
\\OrI_c1usteriJ I \Profit-Center-Marketing\LDV\ORLANDO\2009\09-0080.0MK Ocoee Central Park\09-0080.0MK Ocoee - Central Park -
Proposal 2009.02.09.doc
Mr. AI Butler
Central Park
February 9,2009
Page 3 of 4
Lump Sum Fees for Part IV - $4,350.00
The scope of this task is to meet and coordinate with the City and the City's representatives
and consultants (Surveyor, Attorney, Geotechnical Engineer, etc.) on a time and materials
basis, according to our stated hourly rates, attached. DRMP anticipates one (1) pre-design
site visit and three (3) design / review meetings in conjunction with the scope as outlined
In order to ensure consistency amongst the plan elements, meet project schedule deadlines,
provide QAJQC and ensure effective communication with the City and this project's team
members, DRMP is budgeting time for overall project management and quality assurance
Lump Sum Fees for Part V - $7,920.00
ADDITIONAL SERVICES (Not part of this contract)
If the City desires to change or expand upon these services, an additional fee shall be
negotiated. This renegotiation shall be accomplished prior to further work on the project.
Renegotiation may be required for any of the following reasons.
. Revisions to the Construction Documents after its initial approval by the City due to
changes requested by the City or others
. Boundary, topographic or as-built surveys, legal documents or exhibits
. Formal Permitting of any kind
. Wetland review, design, mitigation or permitting related environmental services
. Flood plain, review, design or permitting related engineering services
. Geotechnical or hazardous materials investigating and reporting
. Off-site engineering design or mitigation
. Additional meetings beyond those specifically addressed
. Items not included in the above scope of services
. Copies of completed plans, travel mileage, any other subcontracts shall be considered
a direct reimbursable
DRMP will commence work on this project upon receipt of authorization to proceed and
electronic copy of a survey. 90% Construction Documents will be provided within two (2)
months of commencement. A detailed schedule of activities will be provided upon attending
a Pre-Design / Kick-off meeting with the City.
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Mr. Al Butler
Central Park
February 9. 2009
Page 4 of 4
The following summarizes the fees and billing terms as proposed by DRMP for the Scope of
Services as presented herein:
Part Scope Item Terms Fee
I Construction Documents Lump Sum $ 19,805.00
II Opinion of Probable Cost Lump Sum $ 1,810.00
III Bid and Award Phase Services Lump Sum $ 2,710.00
IV Construction Phase Administration Services Lump Sum $ 4,350.00
V Meetings, Project Management, Lump Sum $ 7,920.00
Coordination and QNQC
- Direct Reimbursable Allowance T&M $ 1,000.00
TOTAL $ 37,595.00
The above basic fees for the Scope of Service totals to $37,595.00 and will be performed per
the terms above. This will be billed in accordance with our Continuing Consulting
Agreement dated October 19, 2004.
We sincerely appreciate this opportunity to provide professional services for this project. We
have provided two originals of this letter agreement, if you are in agreement, please sign
where indicated and return one (1) copy to our office to constitute our Notice to Proceed. If
you have any questions regarding this proposal, please contact our office.
This Scope of Services and Fee Schedule is hereby submitted by:
Dyer, R' die, Mills & Precourt, Inc.
This Scope of Services and Fee Schedule as authorized above is hereby accepted by:
City of Ocoee
Al Butler, AICP
Cc: Christina A. Dixon, P.E.
John C. Kelly, P.E.
\\OrLctusterlll\Profit-Center-Marketing\LDV\ORLANDO\2009\09-0080.0MK Ocoee Central Park\09-0080.0MK Ocoee - Central Park-