HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #02 Appointment to CACOPD AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Meeting Date: March 17,2009 Item # ~ Contact Name: Contact Number: Holly Moseley Ext. 1 023 Reviewed By: Department Director: City Manager: Subject: Appointment to the Citizens Advisory Council to the Police Department (CACOPD). Background Summary: Members of the Citizens Advisory Council for the Police Department (CACOPD) serve three-year terms. Currently the CACOPD has ten (10) members and their resolution allows no more than fifteen (15) members. We have received an application and resume from Ms. Wilda Schoeppler Pickett expressing her interest in serving on the CACOPD. Issue: Should Wilda Schoeppler Pickett be appointed to the Citizens Advisory Council for the Police Department to serve a three-year term ending January 2012? Recommendations Staff recommends that the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners appoint Wilda Schoeppler Pickett to the Citizens Advisory Council for the Police Department to serve a three-year term. Attachments: Application & Resume Board List Financial Impact: None Type of Item: (please mark with an "x') Public Hearing Ordinance First Reading Ordinance Second Reading Resolution _ Commission Approval Discussion & Direction For Clerk's Deot Use: _ Consent Agenda _ Public Hearing Regular Agenda Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney Reviewed by Finance Dept. Reviewed by ( ) N/A N/A N/A 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. CITY OF OCOEE . APPLICATION FOR SERVING ON CITY BOARDS . (please Print LegIBly) 1. 2. /B-mailAddress: 0.'5-+ ,,";d oceal("\@ 0.0 \. CO~ Heme Phone: "10' - be 3--4::>880 GS.L.. Name: (.t7, '-1>A s~u~e l\CJ<:a'I HomeAddress: ,a",S' t4~~ co;.- De City, State, Zip: oc.o€C" ~ 31of..,b I Business: <S~~ COV\'\PANY Business Phone: ~,- soa-EJ'1"3<1. Business Address: -3Qb" 'S~ eoA-D Brief Summary of Education and Experience: S€C ~~t\ED a.E'Sl)M~ 3. 4. S. 6. Are you a U.S. citizen? Yes ~ Are you a registered voter? Yes ...L... Resident of the City for 6 months or longer? Do you hold public office? Are you employed by the City'? Do you now serve on a City Board or Committee? PLEASE CHECK TIm BOARDS WInCH INTEREST YOU: No No 2- District # ....d ...L.. No No~ No~ No.....r:::....:. Yes Yes Yes Yes Indicate ofb1terest as first choice. #1 second choice. #2 etc. · General Employees' Retirement . · Board of Ad lIStment Trust Fund Board of Trustees Citizen Advisory CouneD for :FIre De rtment Human RelaUolIIIDtv Board Citizen AdvlIory Counell Parks and Recreation AdvIsory for Police De ent Board · Code Enforcement Board CommUDlty MerIt Awards Review Board Penoune! Board Construction Board of A lIStment and A Is · PIaIllliD &: Zonm Commission * Police Oalcen' and ll'lrefIabters' Retirement Trust Fund Board of Trustees ""'Ocoee School Advllo Board · FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE FORMS ARE REQUIRED rot..LoWlNG APPOINTMENT iloilo What school does yoW' child attend? (Only for Ocoee School Advisory Board) Oc.c>~ . . VV" \ DoLE" Sc...~ L 12. Why do you think you are qualified to serve on this board? ~ HaY_ ~ Ya2.~ t:'NC.E wol2tc"JI\JE:. ~ Oc:..PS A'5 W~~ AS :StlZ.\lI,..) 6 0..,) .'1Sic..HOO'- AO\I\ So,z" t:.o,\'\"" , Tt"'~ /iT 1'WO Dl~~ Sc..~~. i'\1v I;D~lcA-'Tloc-.J BAC.I<"6CZO-.;M:) \St IN eove-vrnotoJ ANO wa2.K"' ~~l fE'NC.J# \1:) It../ e"SI~ 6\\11N6 W\t: ~ w lc-"1..\.. C2ovNQa:> 'M. ~ 13. Please attach re~6 ~ information to assist Commission in making appoin1ments. SJJINATUBJ!.'-. DATE: la-)O-O'ir Note: (1) Application eJfective for ONE YEAR. from dstc of completion. (2) If you have any questions, pleue call the Ci1;y Cledt's otfice at (407) 905-31 OS. O:BOARDLISTSlBclAppUUDC2004.doc Wdda Schoeppler Pickett 1245 Hawthorne Cove Drive Ocoee, Florida 34761 Phone: (407) 683-6880 E-mail: astridocean@aoLcom Objective Motivated, self-starter, with extensive computer and Mlminim:rT3tion experience seeking a challenging position. Ideally suited for an organization that combines a supportive yet progressive environment. Professional Experience Schenck Company, Orlando, Florida 2008 - Present Inside Sales / Customer Smice Represent4tive . 2008 Diaril:uicm Drive Inside Sales Award for l-iigbs Pcims Achieved Task Include: Call and ~:l ff'.:oi.. a ~d,ip wi:h CI.JStOOleI"i, rcdve cm:rrnvors' issues. Keep records of c:ustamer i:arcr.K:tions and tr\1!'1<;;lttioos, recading details of inquires, campl~nN;, and oomml"'f1t<;, as wdl as actions taken. Olxain and l"Y2niTV' infnrm21nn to verify ~ and to detmnine possible causes and ~l1tion~ Canfc-wilh cmta:ners byphace to povide infarmaticn about JrDduas and services. Micheals Arts & Crafts, Ocoee, Florida 2007 - 2008 Office Specialist / Bookkeeper Task Include: C~mring and making daily deposits, answering inmming ~ rtI41irmnning employee files, aMing office suppies, tm:kingpetty cash and daily sales m:ads. Sally D. M Kest, Attorney, Orlando, Florida 2003 - 2006 LegalAssistllnt . Ws:bin three mcmths, coImed over $5,roJ in l.i dett by impL-nvmi1'1g coIleaion and invoicing ~ . Increased biIlmg boors by over 35% by impuYingthe b1ling ~ Tasks IncJude: Scnednltd hearings, medi;ar;ons, ~nn!: and consulrarions. Ptepau~d ~ Orders, ~ ncttes, af:6cIaWs and aM- lq;al th,1ITll"I'tt Handled time re.baot th,lmt-nt!:, crdc:red office suppies, ~ ~ clicm:s and answering pm~ phooes lines. HiIlaest Elementary School, Orlando, Florida 2002 - 2003 Support Staff . ReducM late arrivals by 20% by c:rearing and ;mp1mJenring a recordiog system for late arrivals Tasks Included: Assisted teachers, staff, parents and students ~ various requests. Through school compUter, checked visitors in and out, and answered multiple phones lines. Johnny Rivers Catering, Orlando, Florida 2001-2002 Execudve Assistant . Cd1ecr~ over $4Q,roJ inddx byim~ rnIlectioo andinvcicing ~ Tasks Induded SchecL~ bancpJC!S and wail: aff, caring sales, pepared invaces forveodcxs, purchased suppies, e1t~ ae:litto dimts and p1q>ared Excel charts faraccoumanr. Walt Disney Worl4 Telecom Services /Call Center 1998 - 2001 Administnllive Supportand Guest SetUce Assistant · Prevented over SlaM in fines and avoided lawsuits by I'eCOmling a 57,0CfJ 911 rt.:1t;lbase · Partne:red with Account Representatives to c:onstrua a dar;liM for new resorts and parlts · Responded to over 300 calls per day and successfully resolved. issues for disappoimed guests Tasks Included: UpctM:cd ~h.-, puvided Ioog dibnce zmarizZoos fer capcxze personnel and answemimuhiple phones IiDes. Talent Tree Staffing Service, Orlando, Florida 1994 - 1998 Human Resource Assistant · Rednced unemployment losses by $60,000 per year, cut WaXer's Compensation claims by 45% and restricted c:mplayee turnOVer to only 5% by ~ implf!rTI.-.n1:ing a process to track time relevant and employee-related documents . Created accounting and control proc:eclw-es for collections and 1"l"'fl1m-.ulce of ourst2nrti~ accounts. . Converted poor audit ratings and expectations to a consistent "eJ'r~lI~ rating" · Effectively responded to time sensitive materials and reports by devdoping and maintaining a rdatianship with Carparae Office and various government agencies . Monitored daily reports and itLo-m:rtted and corrected. errors for accurate order processing Tasks Included: Pu:pared payroll fer 300+ ~ reautted staff for special events and holiday season, presueenecl and perf01'.llled badtgroond c:hecks on ~~ ~ oocnml'ntoo and testified on UlIClllploymem and waker's canpensatioo. cases, answemi phooes, created, updated and m2int2inKl employee h~c: and cdurtr.liningm~~ Microsoft Word WordPerfect T 1IIle Slips Outlook Bi.Lingual (English/Spanish) Skills Microsoft Works ~hinglCoun.~ling Public Notary Excel Netscape Education Florida Southern College, Orlando, Florida, 2008 A.A.S. in Education, Kingsborough Community College, 1986 Regents Honor Diploma, Abraham Lincoln High School, 1979 P~sonal Development Courses Tom Fox Sales Training (2008) CPR and AED Training (2008) ORRA Professional Real Estate Assistant Certificate (2007) Personal Power and Prosperity (2005) Public NotaIy in Florida (2004) Guide to Legal Assisting (2004) Corporate Image (2002) Conflict Management (2001) Dealing with Difficult People (1998) References available upon request CITIZEN ADVISORY COUNCIL FOR OCOEE POLICE DEPARTMENT Created by Res. #88-06 on 2/16/88/Amended by Res.#91-09, 92-07, 96-20, 2003-19 & 2006-006) 3 yr. terms (1S-member board) Member District Phone Number Term Expires 1. David Ball 1906 Jimson Avenue 1 407/877-8468 (H) davidball34 761@yahoo.com January 1,2012 2. John W. Grogan (Chairman) 1002 Sabrina Drive I 407/641-4595 (H) 407/560-5101 (W) igrogan2@cfl.rr.com January 1,2010 3. Thomas A. Hendrix Sr. 608 Jay Street (Mailing: P.O. Box 74) 2 407/654-5837 (H) 407/758-4056 (Cell) hendrix 1203 6@earthlink.net January 1,2012 4. Lloyd Hollingsworth 100 W . Washington Street January 1,2011 canesfantoo@earthlink.net 5. Victoria Laney 830 Hammocks Drive 2 407/294-1651 (H) victoria. laney @gmail.com January 1,2010 6. Robert M. McKey 1110 Wineberry Court 2 407/292-2586 (H) 407/292-2586 (W) ro bmckey@netzero.net January 1,2012 7. Robert Minarcin 618 Aldama Ct. 3 321-287-2253 (H) RMinarcin@cfl.rr.com January 1, 2010 8. Bradley Phillips 1603 A.D. Mims Road 2 407/654-0521 (H) 407/656-3097 (W) blohillips22@aol.com January 1,2012 9. Louis R. Torres 2047 Majestic Elm Blvd. 4 321/695-9575 January 1,2012 10. Fred Wilsen 1019 Shady Maple Circle 2 407/298-1574 fwilsen@gmail.com January 1,2011 Ex-Officio Members Rusty Johnson, Commissioner 3 407-656-2034 Charlie Brown, Police Chief 407/905-3100 x 3021 2 Citizen Advisory Council for Ocoee Police Department Randy Conyers, Sergeant 407/905-3100 x 3018 rconyers@ci.ocoee.fl.us Clerk Betty Decker, Recording Clerk 407/905-3160 #9-3054 bdecker@ci.ocoee.11.us