HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #12 a.b. 529 Ocoee-Apopka Road Meeting Date: March 17,2009 Item # ~ '*^- l h. Contact Name: Contact Number: Antonio Fabre, AICP 407 -905-3100/1019 Reviewed By: Department Director: City Manager: Subject: 529 Ocoee-Apopka Road Applicant: LMG Construction Case Number(s): AX 07-08-13 & RZ-08-07-05 Commission District # 3 - Rusty Johnson ISSUE: Should the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners approve the Annexation and the Initial Zoning (C-1) Ordinances for 529 Ocoee-Apopka Road? BACKGROUND SUMMARY: General Location: The property is located on the east side of Ocoee-Apopka Road approximately 1,800 feet north of Palm Drive intersection. Parcel Identification Number(s): 18-22-28-0000-00-083 & 18-22-28-0000-00-007. Property Size: 1.84 +/-acre Actual land use. proposed land use, unique features. and plan consistency of the subiect property: The subject property consists of two (2) parcels fronting on Ocoee-Apopka Road. The northern parcel is improved with a nonoperational (Collison Carey Hand) Funeral Home facility. The southern parcel is vacant and undeveloped. Both parcels are consistent with the adopted City of Ocoee Comprehensive Plan. The future land use & zoninQ classification of the subiect property: CURRENT Future Land Use-Joint Planning Area Land Use Zoning Classification Classification Northern Parcel Commercial A-I "General Agriculture" Southern Parcel Low Dcnsity Rcsidential A-I "General Agriculture .. (01 Less than 4 dwelling units/acre) PROPOSED Northern Parcel Commercial C-I "Neighborhood Shopping" Southern Parcel Low Density Residential A-I "Gcncral Agriculturc .. (0} Less than 4 dwelling units/acre) The current future land use and zonino classifications of the surroundino properties: DIRECTION: CURRENT JURISDICTION / CURRENT JURISDICTION / ZONING FUTURE LAND USE North Orange County / Low Dcnsity Orangc County / A-I "Agriculture" Residential East Orange County / Low Density Orangc County / A-I "Agriculture" Residential South Orange County / Low Dcnsity Orange County / A-I "Agriculture" Residential West City ofOcoee / Light Industrial City of Ocoee / I-I "Restricted Manufacturing & Warehousing" CONSISTENCY WITH STATE & LOCAL REGULATIONS: Annexation: With respect to State annexation criteria, Chapter 171.044 of the Florida Statutes grants municipalities the authority to annex contiguous, compact, non-circuitous territory so long as it does not create an enclave. The western boundary of this property touches the City limits. The subject property is considered contiguous to the City of Ocoee and, therefore, eligible for annexation. Joint Plannino Area Aoreement: The subject property is located within the Ocoee-Orange County Joint Planning Area (JPA) and is being considered for annexation as outlined in the JPA Agreement. Orange County has been notified of this petition in accordance with Subsection 13-A of the City of Ocoee-Orange County Joint Planning Area Agreement. Comprehensive Plan: The annexation is consistent with the Future Land Use Element Policy 2.5 that states in part, "The City shall consider requests for voluntary annexation into the City when those lands are logical extensions of the existing City limits, when services can be properly provided, and when proposed uses are compatible with the City's Comprehensive Plan, the JPA Aqreement. and the City's Annexation Policv...." DISCUSSION: Annexation Feasibilitv & Public Facilities Analvsis Report: Based upon the projected impacts of the proposed use and size of the parcel, Staff determined that the urban services could be adequately provided to the subject property. Should the property owners choose to develop the property in the future; however, they will be required to make certain improvements in accordance with the Land Development Code. Summary: The proposed annexation is a logical extension of the City limits, urban services can be provided, and the annexation meets state and local regulations. Upon annexation, the property will assume a Commercial (Northern Parcel) and a Low Density Residential (Southern Parcel) Land Uses per the JPA Agreement and the City of Ocoee Comprehensive Plan. The applicant is requesting an initial City zoning classification of C-1 "Neighborhood Shopping" for the northern parcel which will allow for the requested use of professional offices. There is no zoning action requested at this time for the southern parcel. DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: On January 28, 2009, the DRC met to determine if the proposed annexation and initial zoning was consistent with the City's regulations and policies. There was some discussion on the timing of the connection to the City water system and right-of-way dedication. It was determined that a 60-day connection to the City water from the effective date of the annexation was adequate. Accordingly, the Applicant agreed to this change to the Development Agreement. Based on the above analysis and subsequent discussions, the DRC recommended approval of the 529 Ocoee-Apopka Road annexation and initial zoning as presented. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: The Planning and Zoning Commission reviewed the proposed annexation and initial zoning on February 10, 2009. City Staff presented a brief overview of the project. City Staff and the Applicant answered several questions regarding existing conditions, uses allowed in the proposed zoning and future land use of the area. All of these inquiries were addressed adequately in the P&Z meeting. There was no one from the public to speak regarding this annexation and initial zoning proposal. After finishing its deliberations, the Planning & Zoning Commission voted unanimously to recommend approval of the Annexation of the +/-1.84 acre parcel of land known as 529 Ocoee-Apopka Road with an Initial Zoning designation of "C-1" for the northern parcel. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on the recommendation of the DRC and Planning & Zoning Commission, Staff recommends that the Mayor and City Commissioners approve the Annexation and Initial Zoning Ordinances for 529 Ocoee- Apopka Road. Attachments: Annexation Feasibility Analysis Report Location Map Surrounding Future Land Use Map Surrounding Zoning Map Aerial Map Annexation Ordinance Rezoning Ordinance Financial Impact: None. Tvpe of Item: (please mark with an "x'J X Public Hearing Ordinance First Reading X Ordinance Second Reading Resolution X Commission Approval Discussion & Direction For Clerk's DefJt Use: Consent Agenda _ Public Hearing _ Regular Agenda Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney Reviewed by Finance Dept. Reviewed by ( ) N/A X N/A N/A j' CITY OF OCOEE ANNEXATION FEASIBILITY ANALYSIS CASE NUMBER: AX-07 -08-13 ApPLICANT NAME: LMG CONSTRUCTION PROJECT NAME: 529 OCOEE-ApoPKA ROAD This form is used to evaluate annexation requests to determine the feasibility of providing urban services to individual properties. Each department has filled in the appropriate section and the findings are summarized below. II. PLANNING DEPARTMENT J. Antonio Fabre, AICP I SCI Funeral Services of Florida Inc. B. Property Location 1. General Location: On the east side of Ocoee-Apopka Road aooroximately 1,800 feet north of Palm Drive. 2. Parcel Identification Number(s): 18-22-28-0000-00-083 & 18-22-28-0000-00-007 3. Street Address: 529 Ocoee-Apopka Road 4. Size of Parcel: 1.84 acres c. Funeral Home and Vacant Land Professional Offices Not to exceed FAR 3.0 Unknown D. Zoning and Land Use 1. Orange County Future Land Use: 2. 3. 18-22-28-0000-00-.083 Commercial and 18-22-28-0000-00-007 Low Densit Residential A-1 18-22-28-0000-00-083 Commercial and 18-22-28-0000-00-007 Low Densit Residential C-1 4. Pro osed Ocoee Zonin E. Consistenc 1. Joint Plannin Area 2. Comprehensive Plan: Yes 18-22-28-0000-00-083 Yes and 18-22-28-0000-00-007 No; this parcel will require a small-scale com . Ian amendment II. Chief Richard Firstner 2-4 minutes 1.8 miles from *Station #1 750 g.p.m. Page 1 of 3 T r Applicant Name: LMG CONSTRUCTION Project Name: 529 Ocoee-Apopka Road Case #: AX-07-08-13 1111. POLICE DEPARTMENT Chief Charles Brown 1. Police Patrol Zone / Grid / Area: Zone 1/Grid 118 2. Estimated Response Time: 2 minutes 3. Distance to ProDertv: 1.5 miles 4. Average Travel Time 4.5 minutes I IV. ECONOMIC VALUE J. Antonio Fabre, AICP 1. Property Appraiser Taxable Value: 18-22-28-0000-00-007 = $40,538 18-22-28-0000-00-083 = $341,779 2. Property Appraiser Just Value 18-22-28-0000-00-007 = $40,538 18-22-28-0000-00-083 = $341,779 3. Estimated Citv Ad Valorem Taxes: Unknown at this time. 4. AnticiDated Licenses & Permits: Unknown at this time. 5. Potential Impact Fees: These will be assessed when building permits are pulled. 6. Total Project Revenues: Unknown BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1. Within the 100- ear Flood Plain: J. Antonio Fabre, AICP No. I VI. UTILITIES David Wheeler, P.E. I A. Potable Water 1. In Ocoee Service Area: Yes. 2. City Capable of Serving Area: Yes. 3. Extension Needed: Yes. 4. Location and Size of 12 inch Water Main in Ocoee-Apopka Road R.O.W. Nearest Water Main: I B. Sanitary Sewer 1. In Ocoee Service Area: Yes. 2. City Capable of Servino Area: Yes. 3. Extension Needed: Yes. 4. Location and Size of 12 inch F.M. at Ocoee-Apopka Road and Palm Drive. Nearest Force Main: 5. Annexation Aoreement Needed: Yes. I C. Other 1. Utility Easement Needed: N/A 2. Private Lift Station Needed: Yes. 3. Well Protection Area Needed: N/A I VII. TRANSPORTATION J. Antonio Fabre, AICP 1. Paved Access: Yes. 2. ROW Dedication: Yes. 3. Traffic Study: No. 4. Traffic Analvsis Zone: 550 Page 2 of 3 J Applicant Name: LMG CONSTRUCTION Project Name: 529 Ocoee-Apopka Road Case #: AX-07-08-13 VIII. PRELIMINARY CONCURRENCY EVALUATION J. Antonio Fabre, AICP At this time, adequate transportation capacity exists; however, this condition A. Transportation: may change and will be subject to a concurrency evaluation during the site Ian a roval rocess. Adequate park capacity exists. B. Parks / Recreation: D. Stormwater: At this time, adequate water and sewer capacity exists; however, this condition may change and will be the subject to a concurrency evaluation durin the site Ian a roval rocess. The applicant will be required to handle the stormwater on-site, according to the City Code and the regulations of the St. John's River Water Management District. At this time, adequate solid waste capacity exists; however, this condition may change and will be the subject to a concurrency evaluation during the site Ian a roval rocess. Actual impact fees will be calculated during the site plan approval process. C. Water I Sewer: E. Solid Waste: F. 1m act Fees: I IX. SITE SPECIFIC ISSUES All Departments I The subject property consists of two (2) parcels fronting on Ocoee-Apopka Road. The northern parcel is improved with an old (Collison Carey Hand) Funeral Home facility. The southern parcel is vacant and undeveloped. I X. CONSISTENCY WITH STATE REGULATIONS: J. Antonio Fabre, AICP I Chapter 171.044 of the Florida Statutes grants municipalities the authority to annex contiguous, compact, non-circuitous territory so long as it does not create an enclave. The western boundary of this property touches the City limits. Therefore, the subject property is considered contiguous to the City of Ocoee and eligible for annexation. Page 3 of 3 e . 529 Ocoee-Apopka Road Annexation Location Map Q.) ~ .9 :I e . c. co :E -cQ) co CI) 0::J D::-c co r::: ~co c....J o Q) c.~ <C ~ I~ Q) ~ Q)LL 00) CJ r::: 0.- -c O')r::: N~ It) 0 ~ ~ ~ en e - - "-~-- -=-~::-~==:':"':---'-~.''''-'-'=- :;.---- - "~~ , . I CD ;: Q) E c. o ~ Q) - o Iii >-E .~ t:: c: ., ::l C. 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(!):> (!) 0 0 Q) .21 :J c: ~ (J)::lffiCl~(J)~~~~o~~o..Z()~a:::oc'.S~()~~Io..::l~ Il III ~ I ~,llllllllllmmlJfll~ "E Q) E 0- 0 ~ Qj ~ Q) Q) - u. o ~ 0 m >-E u> 0 0 .~ a3 N CD 0 co N " 0- N E Q) ;:1; ~ EO 0 0 .,.; 0 ro U co ... ::;) Q) '" c: 8 '" ro ... 0 ..., " 0 0 0'" N Q) '0 .s::; Q) 0 C .!: CD 0 it 0 0 ~ e 0 0 N I J ORDINANCE NO. (Annexation Ordinance For 529 Ocoee-Apopka Road) TAX PARCEL ID #s 18-22-28-0000-00-007; 18-22-28-0000-00-083; CASE NO. AX-07-08-13: 529 Ocoee-Apopka Road Annexation AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, ANNEXING INTO THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, CERT AIN REAL PROPERTY CONT AINING APPROXIMA TEL Y 1.84 ACRES LOCATED EAST OF AND ADJACENT TO OCOEE-APOPKA ROAD AND APPROXIMATELY 1790 FEET NORTH OF SILVER STAR ROAD; PURSUANT TO THE APPLICATION SUBMITTED BY THE PROPERTY OWNER, SCI FUNERAL SERVICES OF FLORIDA, INC.; ANNEXING ADJACENT PUBLIC ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY TO THE CENTERLINE THEREOF; FINDING SAID ANNEXATION TO BE CONSISTENT WITH THE OCOEE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN, THE OCOEE CITY CODE, AND THE JOINT PLANNING AREA AGREEMENT; PROVIDING FOR AND AUTHORIZING THE UPDATING OF OFFICIAL CITY MAPS; PROVIDING DIRECTION TO THE CITY CLERK; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; REPEALING INCONSISTENT ORDINANCES; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 171.044, Florida Statutes, the owner or owners of certain real property located in unincorpo~ated Orange County, Florida, as hereinafter described, have petitioned the City Commission of the City of Ocoee, Florida (the "Ocoee City Commission") to annex approximately 1.84 acres of property as more particularly described in Exhibit "A" hereto, into the corporate limits of the City of Ocoee, Florida; and WHEREAS, the Ocoee City Commission has determined that said petition bears the signatures of all owners of the real property proposed to be annexed into the corporate limits of the City of Ocoee, Florida; and WHEREAS, notice of the proposed annexation has been published pursuant to the requirements of Section 171.044(2), Florida Statutes, and Section 5-9(E) of Article V of Chapter 180 of the Code of Ordinances of the City ofOcoee (the "Ocoee City Code"); and WHEREAS, on February 11, 1994, Orange County and the City of Ocoee entered into a Joint Planning Area Agreement (the "JP A Agreement") which affects the annexation of the real property hereinafter described; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Ocoee, Florida, has reviewed the proposed annexation and found it to be consistent with the Ocoee Comprehensive ORLA_1199942.2 -1- Plan, to comply with all applicable requirements of the Ocoee City Code, to be consistent with the JP A Agreement, and to be in the best interest of the City of Ocoee and has recommended to the Ocoee City Commission that it approve said annexation petition; and WHEREAS, the Ocoee City Commission has the authority, pursuant to Section 171.044, Florida Statutes, to annex said real property into its corporate limits upon petition of the owner of said real property; and WHEREAS, the Ocoee City Commission is desirous of annexing and redefining the boundary lines of the City of Ocoee, Florida, to include said real property. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Authority. The Ocoee City Commission has the authority to adopt this Ordinance pursuant to Article VIII of the Constitution of the State of Florida, Chapters 166 and 171, Florida Statutes, and Section 7 of Article I of the Charter of the City of Ocoee, Florida. SECTION 2. Petition. The Ocoee City Commission hereby finds that the petition to annex certain lands, as hereinafter described, into the corporate limits of the City of Ocoee, Florida, bears the signature of the duly authorized representative of the City of Ocoee, the sole owner of the real property proposed to be annexed into the corporate limits of the City of Ocoee, Florida. SECTION 3. Annexation. The following described real property located in unincorporated Orange County, Florida, is hereby annexed into the corporate limits of the City of Ocoee, Florida: SEE EXHIBIT "A" (METES AND BOUNDS LEGAL DESCRIPTION A TT ACHED HERETO AND BY THIS REFERENCE MADE APART HEREOF). A map of said land herein described which clearly shows the annexed area is attached hereto as EXHIBIT "B" and by this reference is made a part hereof. SECTION 4. Annexation to Centerline of Road. The land annexed pursuant to this Ordinance shall extend to the centerline of any public road right-of-way located adjacent to the real property described on Exhibit" A" attached hereto, provided, however, that the annexation of any such right-of-way shall not serve to transfer any construction, operation or maintenance responsibilities with respect thereto, except to the extent such responsibilities are expressly transferred to and accepted by the City pursuant to an interlocal agreement in accordance with Section 335.0.415, Florida Statutes. ORLA_1199942.2 -2- SECTION 5. Consistency Findine:. The Ocoee City Commission hereby finds that the annexation of said land herein described is consistent with the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan and the JP A Agreement and meets all of the requirements for annexation set forth in the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan, the JP A Agreement, and the Ocoee City Code. SECTION 6. Corporate Limits. The corporate territorial limits of the City of Ocoee, Florida, are hereby redefined to include said land herein described and annexed. SECTION 7. Official Maps. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to update and supplement official City maps of the City of Ocoee, Florida, to include said land herein described and annexed. SECTION 8. Liabilitv. The land herein described and future inhabitants of said land herein described shall be liable for all debts and obligations and be subject to all species of taxation, laws, ordinances, and regulations of the City of Ocoee, Florida, and be entitled to the same privileges and benefits as other areas of the City of Ocoee, Florida. SECTION 9. Conflictine: Ordinances. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. SECTION 10. Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or portion of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct, and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion hereto. SECTION 11. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect upon passage and adoption. Thereafter, the City Clerk is hereby directed to file a certified copy of this Ordinance with the Clerk of the Circuit Court and the Chief Administrative Officer of Orange County, Florida and with the Florida Department of State within seven (7) days from the date of adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this _ day of ,2009. APPROVED: ATTEST: CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA Beth Eikenberry, City Clerk S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor (SEAL) ORLA_1199942.2 -3- , , FOR USE AND RELIANCE ONLY BY THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA; APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY THIS DAY OF , 2009 FOLEY & LARDNER LLP By: City Attorney ORLA_1199942.2 ADVERTISED AND READ FIRST TIME , 2009. READ SECOND TIME AND ADOPTED ,2009 UNDER AGENDA ITEM NO. -4- . . EXHIBIT "A" ILegal Description) PARCEL ONE: From the North V4 corner of Section 18, Township 22 South, Range 28 east, run South along the V4 Section line 385.04 feet for a Point of Beginning, run thence S 8T 19' E 202.25 feet; thence S 2041' W 33.81 feet; thence S 8T19' E 41.22 feet; thence S 2041' W 157.09 feet; thence S 89035' 30" W 234.10 feet to the V4 Section line; thence North 203.73 feet to the Point of Beginning less the West 30 feet for Road right of way (per O.R. 4794, Pg. 1773, of the public records of Orange County Florida). Together with PARCEL TWO: A portion of the Northwest V4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 18, Township 22 South, Range 28 East, Orange County, Florida. Being more particularly described as follows. Commence at the Northwest corner of the Northeast V4 of said Section 18; thence run due South, along the West line of the Northeast V4 of said Section 18 for 588.80 feet; thence run N 89035'30" E for 28.65 feet to the Point of Beginning, on the East right-of-way line of State Road 437; thence run N 89035'30" E for 205.62 feet; thence run S 2041 '00" W for 202.78 feet to a point of intersection with a line 180.00 feet North of and parallel with the South line of the North 3/4 of the Northwest V4 of the Northeast V4 of said Section 18; thence run N 89059'49" W along said line 196.33 feet to the East right-of-way line of State Road No. 437; thence run N 0003'39" E for 201.08 feet to the Point of Beginning (per O.R. Book 4794, Page 1773 of the Public Records of Orange County, Florida). ORLA_1199942.2 -5- I . . . EXHIBIT" B" 529 Ocoee-Apopka Road An nexation Location Map n ~ ~------- I I ~ T I a.. \ \ \ ~ o >- ~ ~ ~ ~ '~ c ~\ ~ ~ V~& ~~~~0 ~ ~~\ TT-~~.u LLL , ' - ~ ~. - c-- ==i 9 =.4-~- -",," ~ -IV - .......j =l-r-it::'i '---- r-I ORLA_1199942.2 -6- 81 i--,---, _L- ( ~L- -;.. VI\I ~ :~ ~ll~~U~ ;t...-J .:: - ~ ---<,---, - - -L- -1fT K\ I ' .f ORDINANCE NO. (Rezoning Ordinance for 529 Ocoee-Apopka Road) TAX PARCEL ID #s 18-22-28-0000-00-083; CASE NO. RZ-08-07-05: 529 OCOEE-APOPKA ROAD AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION FROM ORANGE COUNTY A-I, "GENERAL AGRICULTURE" TO OCOEE C-l, "NEIGHBORHOOD SHOPPING" ON CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY CONTAINING APPROXIMATELY 0.91 ACRES LOCATED EAST OF AND ADJACENT TO OCOEE-APOPKA ROAD AND APPROXIMA TEL Y 1790 FEET NORTH OF SILVER STAR ROAD; PURSUANT TO THE APPLICATION SUBMITTED BY THE PROPERTY OWNER; FINDING SUCH ZONING TO BE CONSISTENT WITH THE OCOEE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN, THE OCOEE CITY CODE, AND THE JOINT PLANNING AREA AGREEMENT; PROVIDING FOR AND AUTHORIZING THE REVISION OF THE OFFICIAL CITY ZONING MAP; REPEALING INCONSISTENT ORDINANCES; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the owner or owners (the "Applicant") of certain real property located within the corporate limits of the City of Ocoee, Florida, as hereinafter described, have submitted an application to the City Commission of the City of Ocoee, Florida (the "Ocoee City Commission") to rezone said real property (the "Rezoning"); and WHEREAS, the Applicant seeks to rezone certain real property containing approximately 0.91 acres, more particularly described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof, from Orange County A-I, "General Agricultural" to Ocoee C-l, "Neighborhood Shopping;" and .. WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 5-9(B) of Chapter 180 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Ocoee, Florida (the "Ocoee City Code"), the Director of Planning has reviewed said Rezoning application and determined that the Rezoning requested by the Applicant is consistent with the 1991 City of Ocoee Comprehensive Plan as set forth in Ordinance #91-28, adopted September 18, 1991, as amended (the "Ocoee Comprehensive Plan"); and WHEREAS, the Rezoning requested by the Applicant is consistent with the Joint Planning Area Agreement entered into February 11, 1994 by and between Orange County and the City of Ocoee, as amended (the "JP A Agreement"); and WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Section 6(B) of the JP A Agreement, the City has the authority to establish zoning for the real property hereinafter described and to exercise municipal jurisdiction over said real property for the purposes of Part II of Chapter 163, Florida Statutes; and ORLA_1199971.2 WHEREAS, said Rezoning application was scheduled for study and recommendation by the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Ocoee, Florida (the "Planning and Zoning Commission"); and WHEREAS, on , 2009, the Planning and Zoning Commission held a public hearing and reviewed said Rezoning application for consistency with the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan and determined that the Rezoning requested by the Applicant is consistent with the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan, and is in the best interest of the City and recommended to the Ocoee City Commission that the zoning classification of said real property be rezoned as requested by the Applicant, and that the Ocoee City Commission finds that the Rezoning requested by the Applicant is consistent with the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, on , 2009 the Ocoee City Commission held a de novo advertised public hearing with respect to the proposed Rezoning of said real property and determined that the Rezoning is consistent with the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, this Ordinance has been considered by the Ocoee City Commission in accordance with the procedures set forth in Section 166.041 (3)(a), Florida Statutes. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. AUTHORITY. The Ocoee City Commission has the authority to adopt this Ordinance pursuant to Article VIII of the Constitution of the State of Florida and Chapters 163 and 166, Florida Statutes. SECTION 2. REZONING. The zoning classification, as defined in the Ocoee City Code, of the Property described in Exhibit "A" containing approximately 0.91 acres located within the corporate limits of the City of Ocoee, Florida, is hereby changed from Orange County A-I, "General Agricultural" to Ocoee C-l, "Neighborhood Shopping." SECTION 3. MAP. A map of said land herein described, which clearly shows the area of Rezoning, is attached hereto as Exhibit "B" and by this reference is made a part hereof. SECTION 4. CONSISTENCY FINDING. The Ocoee City Commission hereby finds that this Ordinance is consistent with the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan, the Ocoee City Code and the JP A Agreement. SECTION 5. ZONING MAP. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to revise the Official Zoning Map of the City of Ocoee in order to incorporate the Rezoning enacted by this Ordinance and the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to execute said revised Official Zoning Map in accordance with the provisions of Section 5-1 (G) of Article V of Chapter 180 of the Ocoee City Code. SECTION 6. CONFLICTING ORDINANCES. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed and rescinded. 2 ORLA_1199971.2 SECTION 7. SEVERABILITY. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or portion of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct, and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion hereto. SECTION 8. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon passage and adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this _ day of ,2009. ATTEST: APPROVED: CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA Beth Eikenberry, City Clerk S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor (SEAL) FOR USE AND RELIANCE ONLY BY THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA; APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY THIS DAY OF ,2009 ADVERTISED , 2009 READ FIRST TIME , 2009. READ SECOND TIME AND ADOPTED ,2009 UNDER FOLEY & LARDNERLLP AGENDA ITEM NO. By: City Attorney 3 ORLA_1199971.2 . . EXHIBIT "A" [Legal Description I From the North Yt comer of Section 18, Township 22 South, Range 28 east, run South along the Yt Section line 385.04 feet for a Point of Beginning, run thence S 8T 19' E 202.25 feet; thence S 2041' W 33.81 feet; thence S 8T19' E 41.22 feet; thence S 2041' W 157.09'feet; thence S 89035' 30" W 234.10 feet to the Yt Section line; thence North 203.73 feet to the Point of Beginning less the West 30 feet for Road right of way (per O.R. 4794, Pg. 1773, of the public records of Orange County Florida). 4 ORLA_1199971.2 . . I " EXHIBIT "B" 529 Ocoee-Apopka Road Location Map l - ------------ ------- I I Ie 1 \ ~ T I a.. T \ l L ~ g ~ ~ ~ ~~ w ~ I-~ ~ ~ ,\ ~H~~~;Y1o \ \\~~= ~~1ff ~ ~.= ~ 9 -~-.-- -. ---., -~ -- ----,u - I~ M=:J r--l 5 ORLA_1199971.2 e--~ ~ ml ~= r ~l 1 ~, ~ -t= ~ 1-,J.J ~ L{~ -"~iT I [ ~ -It -<~- LI Kr OC(-Od-7 Copy of Legal Advertisement Date Published 3/S/0Q Orlando Sentinel F4 Orlando Sentinel Advertisement Public Hearing Notices . CITY Fo NonCE OF RING 52!1 oColl ROAD . R HZ NonCE IS HEREBY GIVEN. pursu. ant to Article V. Section 5-\ E(2) of the tand Develop. ment Code. that on TUESDAY MARCH 17. 2lI09 ot Jj5 P.M. or as soon thereafter as gracti. ~rdN ;~WI ~~~~EacmB8c~~: ING at the City of Ocoee Commission Chambers. 150 North Lakeshare Drive. Ocoee, Florida. to consider rezoning property on one parcel generally located on the easl side 01 Ocoee.APOp. ka Road approxlmalelY 1.800 feet norlh of Palm Drive. The parcel identifi. calion number is .18-22.28. OQOO-OO.o83. oRo Interested parties may ap- pear 01 the public hearing and be heard with respect to the proposed actions. The complele case file may be inspecled at Ihe Ocoee Planning Deparlment local- ed at 150 Norlh Lakeshore Drive, Oeoee, Fler'ide be. tween Ihe hours of 8:00 a.m. fhnr~u~ ~ O~r Id:V;' e~g~ld~:, gal holidays. The City Commission may continue the public hearings to other dates and times, os it deems neceSsary. Any in. terested party shail be ad. vised of Ihe dates, limes. and places of any continuo- tion of these or continued public hearings. Any contino uances shall be announced during these hearings and no further.notices r:egarding these mailers will be pub. Iished. . You are advised Ihal any person who desires to ap. peal any d!:!cision mode at Ihe public hearings will need a record of Ihe pro. ceedings and far this pur. pose mov*'41eed to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made which includes the teslima. oy and evidence upon .which the appeal is based. . Persons with disabilllles needing assistance 10 par. ticipate in any of these pro- m~igYiri~a~fll~~n.u'c~a~~~ in advance ,of the meeting 01 407-905-3105. Beth Eikenberry I City Clerk OLS9436J5 3/5109 (Jq .-0 ')-(p Copy of Legal Advertisement Date Published F'L O.l Ctl,\d.O ,S'-ei"\ti r'lc..- \ T\J\ursclCUj . l\t\iu~dl 5/ '7-QO "1 CITY NOTICE OF FOR 529 OCO AN CASE NU AX-D7-111-13 ".' ... , NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN,' pursuant to Subsection 1-10 and 5.9 f the Cltr of 'Ocaee Land'Development Code. ,that on ~~~~f~ar.t~~JJb~crN ~~~M~S?~Na~i~n~I~'iie~DfL?t H EAR I NG at the City of OcoeeCommission Chambers, 150 North Lakeshore Drive. Ocoee, Florida. to cons,ider the annexation of two parcels generallv located on the ,ast side of Ocoee-Apopka Road approximatelv 1.800 feet 1arth of Palm Drive. The parcel identification numbers' Jre 18-22-28-?0oo-oo-o83 and 18.22.28-0000-0O-007. IRDINANCE ND:~OO4 "" f' ;. \N 529 OcOee-Apopka Road "';"exallon ,Location Map' . If the appllca'~t's reQuest is ;ppt,ved, .1ht~nnexatlon would incorporate the property Into .the City of Ocoee. pursuant to Subsection 5-9 A. of :the Land Development Code. the. property is contiguous to property alreadY with- in the current City Limits. The properties to be annexed are within the Ocoee.Orange County Joint Planning Area (JPA). and will not require an amendment to the JPA Agreement. " -" The complete case file; Including a complete legal de- scription by metes and bounds. may be inspected at the ~~~efo?ar~dl~f~~n~o~rhvL~e:e~~~~rifrl;~~/~b~i;n~ 1.Pr\~~ between the hours.of 8,00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. except legal holidays. Th~ Citv Commission may' continue the ;UbIlC hearings to ather, dates and 'times. as II deems necessary. Anv Inter- ested party shall be advised of the dates. times. and plac. f~g~fs~g~ ~nd~~~~t~~~do~J~I~~e t~~ ~~~~ii~~egn~u~~i~u~~~; notices regarding these matters will be ,published.. You are advised that anv person who desires to'appeal any de- cision made alethe public' hearings will need,a.record of the proceedings andlar this purpcise may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings 'is made,which includes the testimony and evidence upon which the ap- peal is based. Persons 'With dlsobllilies needing assistance t6 participate In any of these proceedings should contact" the City Clerk's Office 48 hours ill advance of the meeting at 407-905-3105. r .' ,.' , Beth"Eikenberry, City Clerk March 5 & 12. 2009 JL~943668-MAR.5.12 --=c ~ .:#~ \2_~ TillS INSTRUMENT PREPARED BY: Dorothy E. Watson, Esq. FOLEY & LARDNER LLP 111 North Orange Avenue, Suite 1800 Post Office Box 2193 Orlando, FL 32802-2193 (407) 423-7656 AFTER RECORDING RETURN TO: Beth Eikenberry, City Clerk CITY OF OCOEE 150 North Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, Florida 34761 For Recording Purposes Only ANNEXATION AGREEMENT (529 Ocoee-Apopka Road) THIS ANNEXATION AGREEMENT (this "Agreement") is made this _ day of , 2009, by and between the CITY OF OCOEE, a Florida municipal corporation (hereinafter referred to as the "City"), whose mailing address is 150 North Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee, Florida 34761, and SCI FUNERAL SERVICES OF FLORIDA, INC., a Florida corporation (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Owner"), whose mailing address is 1929 Allen Parkway, 9th Floor, Tax Department, Houston, Texas 77019. RECITALS WHEREAS, the Owner owns fee simple title to certain property located in Orange County, Florida, said property being more particularly described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof (the "Property"); and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 171.044, Florida Statutes, the Owner has petitioned the City Commission of the City (the "Ocoee City Commission") to voluntarily annex the Property into the corporate limits of the City (the "Petition"); and WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission has held a public hearing to review the Petition and at such hearing found the annexation of the Property to be consistent with the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan and Joint Planning Area Agreement between the City and Orange County (the "JPA Agreement"), and has recommended that the Ocoee City Commission annex the Property into the corporate limits of the City; and WHEREAS, the City has required that the Owner execute this Agreement as a condition precedent to the consideration of the Petition by the Ocoee City Commission; and WHEREAS, the Ocoee City Commission has reviewed the proposed annexation and found the proposed annexation to be consistent with the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan and the JP A Agreement and to represent a minimal fiscal and level of service impact on the City; and ORLA_1126396.6 WHEREAS, the City has determined that the execution of this Agreement is essential to the public health, safety and welfare and the ability of the City to plan for proper traffic circulation in the vicinity of the Property in accordance with the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the City has determined that, subject to the terms, conditions and limitations hereinafter set forth, it is feasible to extend municipal services to the Property on the same terms and conditions afforded to all property owners within the City except to the extent set forth in this Agreement; and WHEREAS, the City has conducted an Annexation Feasibility & Public Facilities Analysis with respect to the annexation of the Property and determined that this Agreement and the annexation of the Property is consistent with the goals, objectives and policies of the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual premises hereof, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows: SECTION 1. RECITALS. The above recitals are true and correct and are incorporated herein by this reference. SECTION 2. ANNEXATION OF THE PROPERTY. Prior to the execution of this Agreement by the City, the Ocoee City Commission has adopted Ordinance No. for Case No. AX -07 -08-13, thereby redefining the corporate territorial limits of the City to include the Property. SECTION 3. CONVEYANCE OF RIGHT -OF -WAY. A. Within sixty (60) days following receipt of written notice from the City requesting the same, but in no event later than the time of platting of any portion of the Property, the Owner shall dedicate and convey to the City that portion of the Property adjacent to Ocoee- Apopka Road more particularly described in Exhibit "B" attached hereto (the "Right-of-Way Land"). B. Prior to the conveyance of the Right-of-Way Land to the City, the Owner shall be solely responsible for the Right-of-Way Land, including but not limited to the maintenance thereof and the payment of all applicable taxes. C. The Right-of-Way Land shall be dedicated and conveyed by the Owner to the City by warranty deed free and clear of all liens and encumbrances except for those matters acceptable to the City. The form of the warranty deed shall be subject to the approval of the City. The Owner shall, contemporaneously with the dedication and conveyance of the Right-of- Way Land to the City, provide to the City, a current attorney's opinion of title, or a current title commitment, to be followed by a policy of title insurance, evidencing that fee simple title to the Right-of-Way Land is free and clear of all liens and encumbrances except for those matters 2 ORLA_1126396.6 acceptable to the City. The costs and expenses related to the conveyance and dedication of the Right-of-Way Land, including the cost of title work, shall be borne solely by the Owner. Real property taxes on the Right-of-Way Land shall be prorated as of the day before the City's acceptance of the dedication and conveyance of the same, and the prorated amount of such real property taxes attributable to the Owner shall be paid and escrowed by the Owner in accordance with the provisions of Section 196.295, Florida Statutes; provided, however, that if the conveyance occurs between November 1 and December 31, then the Owner shall be responsible for the real property taxes for the entire year. D. Neither the Owner, its successors and assigns, nor any other person or entity shall be entitled to any road impact fee credits or other compensation of any kind for, on account of, or with respect to the required dedication and conveyance of the Right-of-Way Land to the City. SECTION 4. CITY WATER AND SEWER SYSTEMS. Within thirty (30) days from the Effective Date hereof, the Owner hereby agrees, at the Owner's sole cost and expense, to connect all improvements on the Property to the City's water system. The Owner further agrees to comply with all City requirements for connection to the City's water system, including but not limited to the payment of all charges applicable to consumers within the corporate limits of the City with respect to water service for the Property. If City sewer service becomes available to the Property, the Owner agrees to connect the Property to the City's sewer system in accordance with all applicable City requirements. SECTION 5. CLOSING OF NORTHERN ACCESS POINT. As of the date hereof, the Property currently has two (2) access points along Ocoee-Apopka Road. In conjunction with any development of the Property, or any portion thereof, the Owner shall, at its sole cost and expense, remove the northern most access driveway to the Property and close such access point along Ocoee-Apopka Road. Contemporaneously therewith, the Owner shall, at the Owner's sole cost and expense, convert the southern most access point into a joint access point that will serve the entire Property. The Owner shall design, engineer and permit the foregoing as part of the first subdivision or site plan, as applicable, submitted for the Property, which shall be subject to the review and approval by the City in accordance with the City's standard policies and procedures. SECTION 6. NOTICE: PROPER FORM. Any notices required or allowed to be delivered shall be in writing and be deemed to be delivered (whether or not actually received) (i) when hand delivered to the official hereinafter designated, (ii) upon receipt of such notice when deposited in the United States mail, postage prepaid, certified mail, return receipt requested, or (iii) the next business day after being sent by nationally recognized overnight delivery service for next business day delivery, all addressed to the party at the address set forth opposite the party's name below, or at such other address as the party shall have specified by written notice to the other party delivered in accordance herewith. Owner: SCI Funeral Services of Florida, Inc. 1929 Allen Parkway, 9th Floor, Tax Department 3 ORLA_1126396.6 Houston, Texas 77019 CITY: City of Ocoee Attn: City Manager 150 North Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, Florida 34761 SECTION 7. NOTICES; DEFAULT. Each of the parties hereto shall give the other party written notice of any default hereunder and shall allow the defaulting party thirty (30) days from the date of its receipt of such notice within which to cure any such defaults or to commence and thereafter diligently pursue to completion good faith efforts to effect such cure and to thereafter notify the other parties of the actual cure of any such defaults. This Agreement is enforceable at law or in equity by the non-defaulting party, including, but not limited to the right of specific performance. SECTION 8. BINDING AGREEMENT ON SUCCESSORS. This Agreement shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the Owner, the City, and their respective successors and assigns and shall run with the land. SECTION 9. RECORDATION. The parties hereto agree that this Agreement shall be recorded in the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, at the expense of the Owner. SECTION 10. APPLICABLE LAW. This Agreement and the provisions contained herein shall be construed, controlled, and interpreted according to the laws of the State of Florida. SECTION 11. SEVERABILITY. If any part of this Agreement is found invalid or unenforceable by any court, such invalidity or unenforceability shall not affect the other part of this Agreement if the rights and obligations of the parties contained therein are not materially prejudiced and if the intentions of the parties can continue to be effected. SECTION 12. SPECIFIC PERFORMANCE. Both the City and the Owner shall have the right to enforce the terms and conditions of this Agreement by an action for specific performance. SECTION 13. RECOVERY OF ATTORNEYS' COSTS AND FEES. In connection with any litigation between the City and the Owner, including appellate proceedings arising out of this Agreement or the violation of any law, rule, regulation, ordinance, resolution, or permit, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover from the other party reasonable attorneys' fees, paralegal fees, and costs hereunder, whether incurred prior to, during or subsequent to such court proceedings, on appeal or during any bankruptcy proceedings. SECTION 14. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This instrument and its exhibits constitute the entire Agreement between the parties and supersedes all previous discussions, 4 ORLA_1126396.6 understandings, and agreements between the parties relating to the subject matter of this Agreement. Amendments to and waivers of the provisions herein shall be made by the parties in writing by formal amendment which shall be recorded in the Public Records of Orange County, Florida at the Owner's expense. SECTION 15. COUNTERPARTS. This Agreement and any amendments hereto may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original instrument, but all such counterparts together shall constitute one and the same instrument. SECTION 16. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Agreement shall first be executed by the Owner and submitted to the City for approval by the Ocoee City Commission. Upon approval by the Ocoee City Commission, this Agreement shall be executed by the City. The Effective Date of this Agreement shall be the date of execution by the City. [REMAINDER OF PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK] 5 ORLA_1126396.6 I_~~____ _n_ I IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Owner and the City have caused this instrument to be executed by their duly authorized officers as of the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: OWNER: SCI FUNERAL SERVICES OF FLORIDA, INC., a Florida corporation By: Print Name Name: Its: Print Name (SEAL) STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day, before me, an officer duly authorized in the State and County aforesaid to take acknowledgments, personally appeared ~ ~ ~ FUNERAL SERVICES OF FLORIDA, INC., a Florida corporation, who [~ is personally known to me or ~ produced as identification, and that s/he acknowledged executing the same in the presence of two subscribing witnesses, freely and voluntarily, for the uses and purposes therein expressed on behalf of the company. WITNESS my hand and official seal in the County and State last aforesaid this _ day of , 2008. Signature of Notary Name of Notary (Typed, Printed or Stamped) Commission Number (if not legible on seal): My Commission Expires (if not legible on seal): 6 ORLA_1126396.6 Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: CITY: CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA By: Print Name: S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor Attest: Beth Eikenberry, City Clerk Print Name: (SEAL) FOR USE AND RELIANCE ONLY BY THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA. Approved as to form and legality this day of , 2008. APPROVED BY THE OCOEE CITY COMMISSION AT A MEETING HELD ON , 2008 UNDER AGENDA ITEM NO. FOLEY & LARDNER LLP By: City Attorney STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF ORANGE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day, before me, an officer duly authorized in the State and County aforesaid to take acknowledgments, personally appeared S. SCOTT VANDERGRIFT and BETH EIKENBERRY, personally known to me to be the Mayor and City Clerk, respectively, of the CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA and that they severally acknowledged executing the same in the presence of two subscribing witnesses, freely and voluntarily under authority duly vested in them by said municipality. WITNESS my hand and official seal in the County and State last aforesaid this _ day of , 2008. Signature of Notary Name of Notary (Typed, Printed or Stamped) Commission Number (if not legible on seal): My Commission Expires (if nOllegible on seal): 7 ORLA_1126396.6 EXHIBIT "A" (The "Property") PARCEL ONE: From the North ~ corner of Section 18, Township 22 South, Range 28 east, run South along the ~ Section line 385.04 feet for a Point of Beginning, run thence S 8T19' E 202.25 feet; thence S 2"41' W 33.81 feet; thence S 8T19' E 41.22 feet; thence S 2041' W 157.09 feet; thence S 89035' 30" W 234.10 feet to the ~ Section line; thence North 203.73 feet to the Point of Beginning less the West 30 feet for Road right of way (per O.R. 4794, Pg. 1773, of the public records of Orange County Florida). Together with PARCEL TWO: A portion of the Northwest ~ of the Northeast ~ of Section 18, Township 22 South, Range 28 East, Orange County, Florida. Being more particularly described as follows. Commence at the Northwest corner of the Northeast ~ of said Section 18; thence run due South, along the West line of the Northeast ~ of said Section 18 for 588.80 feet; thence run N 89035'30" E for 28.65 feet to the Point of Beginning, on the East right-of-way line of State Road 437; thence run N 89035'30" E for 205.62 feet; thence run S 2041'00" W for 202.78 feet to a point of intersection with a line 180.00 feet North of and parallel with the South line of the North 3/4 of the Northwest ~ of the Northeast ',4 of said Section 18; thence run N 89059'49" W along said line 196.33 feet to the East right-of-way line of State Road No. 437; thence run N 0003'39" E for 201.08 feet to the Point of Beginning (per O.R. Book 4794, Page 1773 of the Public Records of Orange County, Florida). ORLA_1126396.6 EXHIBIT "B" A parcel of land located in the NE ~ of Section 18, Township 22 South, Range 28 East, Orange County, Florida, more particularly described as follows: Commence at the North ~ corner of said Section 18. Thence S 00-000000 W. Along the West Line of the NE ~ of said Section 18, for a distance of 385.06 feet; thence leaving said West Line, S 8,. 190000 E, a distance of 30.03 feet to a point on the Easterly Right-Of-Way Line of Ocoee-Apopka Road (also known as State Road 437) as described in Official Records 4794, Page 1773, of the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, and the Point of Beginning; Thence, leaving said Easterly Right-Of-Way Line, S 890190000 E, a distance of 10.96 feet; thence S 000300390 E, a distance of 201.54 feet; thence S 890350300 W, a distance of 12.74 feet to a point on said Easterly Right-Of-Way Line; thence along said Easterly Right-Of-Way Line. N 000000000 E, a distance of 202.14 feet to the Point of Beginning. Together with a parcel of land located in the NE ~ of Section 18, Township 22 South, Range 28 East, Orange County, Florida, more particularly described as follows: Commence at the North ~ corner of said Section 18, thence S 000000000 W, along the West Line of the NE ~ of said Section 18, for a distance of 588.80 feet; thence leaving said West Line, N 890350300 E, a distance of 28.65 feet to a point on the Easterly Right-Of-Way Line of Ocoee-Apopka Road (also known as State Road 437) as described in Official Records 4794, Page 1773 of the Public Records of Orange County, Florida and the point of beginning. Thence, leaving said Easterly Right-Of-Way Line, N 890350300 E, a distance of 14.09 feet; thence S 000300390 E, a distance of 201.19 feet; thence N 890590490 W, a distance of 16.10 feet to a point on said Easterly Right-Of-Way Line; thence along said Easterly Right-Of-Way Line, N 000030390 E, a distance of 201.08 feet to the Point of Beginning. ORLA_1126396.6 -9-