HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #13 New Fire Station and Fire Assessment Fee center of Gooc:J II ~ AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Meeting Date: March 17,2008 Item # --L3 Contact Name: Contact Number: Jamie Croteau X 1503 Reviewed By: Department Director: City Manager: MV --- Subject: New Fire Station and the Fire Assessment Fee Background Summary: Last fiscal year the City of Ocoee took the steps necessary to develop and implement a non-ad valorem assessment program to fund fire services. These steps included adopting a Resolution of Intent to Use the Uniform Method of Collecting Non-Ad Valorem Special Assessments, adopting an Ordinance authorizing the imposition of the assessment, and adopting both a preliminary and final fee resolution. The City set the fee at zero. As the City starts to prepare its budget for Fiscal Year 09/10, it needs to determine if the fire fee will remain at zero for the coming year. The coming year brings many challenges for the City, a contracting economy, a loss of property values, decreasing revenues, more attempted unfunded mandates from the state, and another possible round of tax reform. Among these challenges comes the need for an additional fire station to serve the northern portion of our City. In this year's budget the City added funding to support the operation of a temporary station along the Ocoee- Apopka Road corridor. The money in this year's budget allows for slightly less than half a year's operation of the facility and makes no provision for a permanent facility or continuance of the temporary station past the beginning of next fiscal year (FY 09/10). Discussion during the budget process centered around the implementation of a fire assessment fee that would, if not fully support fire operations, provide enough to offset fire costs so that an additional station could be supported. Attachment A shows a breakdown of costs for both the temporary station and the permanent station. On-going annual costs for a temporary station would be approximately $670,000 with costs the first year running approximately $753,000. The first-year cost includes set up of the temporary station and takes into consideration that the station would be located on property already owned by the City of Ocoee. To build a permanent station would cost the City approximately $3 million with on-going operational costs running approximately $1.5 million per year. The debt service payment ($240,800) for the new facility is included in the $1.5 million on-going annual costs for the station. This also assumes the station will be located on property already owned by the City. This means that the overall Fire Department budget will increase by approximately $400,000 for the temporary station and $1.2 million for the permanent station when taking into account the money the City set aside this year to start temporary operations. With revenues for the City expected decrease next year, the City needs to secure a funding source to support fire operations. One possible source is to assess the fire fee at a level that will offset some, or all, of the City's budget for fire services. The new station, temporary and/or permanent, were linked to the implementation of a fire fee in last years' budget discussions. Because the City set the assessment at zero, if the Commission desires to pursue the option of implementing a fire assessment fee, the City will need to follow the same steps as last year: setting a preliminary assessment fee, noticing all property owners within the City, and holding a public hearing to adopt the final assessment fee resolution. Staff is seeking direction on implementing a fire assessment fee and the Commission's direction on moving forward with implementation of the fourth fire station. If the Commission's direction is to move forward with the fire assessment then staff will need input on what assessment level should be set for the preliminary fee resolution. Preliminary Fee Resolution Attached to this agenda are possible assessment fee levels - Attachment B. This attachment shows both the individual assessment levels and the anticipated revenue attributable to each level. Similar to last year the Commission, at its discretion, may set the rate at any level at or under the maximum assessment level. Last year the Commission set the preliminary fee at the 60% level and property owners were noticed of this rate and the maximum allowable rate. The City would have to make a similar determination this year and staff is seeking direction on what assessment level to bring forward in the preliminary fee resolution. Which rate the Commission chooses can impact the City in the future. When the City chooses a preliminary rate, that rate is the rate that will be noticed to property owners along with the maximum rate allowable. The City Commission can set the rate at or below the noticed rate, but not higher, in the final assessment fee resolution. They can also choose to notice a lower maximum than the actual maximum, but lowering the maximum may increase costs to the City in the future if they choose to raise the rates. If the City sets the rate lower then the maximum rate noticed, they can raise the fee in subsequent years without re-noticing property owners as long as they do not exceed the previously noticed maximum fee level. This may reduce the cost to the City in future years. An example would be, if the City noticed our preliminary rates at $88 and the maximum residential level of $147. In the final resolution the City could set the fee actually billed in November of 2009 at $59. If the City wants to raise the fee to $60 in November of 2010 they could do so without re-noticing all property owners; the City would need to provide notice to newly improved property owners. If the City notices the preliminary and maximum fee at $88 and wants to raise it to $90 in a subsequent year, they would have to re-notice all property owners in the City. Therefore, it may be in the best interest of the City to notice the fee at a slightly higher level than the intended rate. Staff also has a concern that the legislature may block any future increases to the fee or require a super majority for future increases. It is too soon in this legislative session to see what direction the Legislature is heading on this issue. Next Steps If the City desires to move forward with implementing a fire fee above the zero level the next step would be for staff to prepare a new preliminary fee resolution for adoption. Following adoption of the preliminary fee resolution, notices will need to be printed and mailed to all property owners, and a public hearing on the final fee resolution will need to be held. A tentative schedule for these items is included as Attachment C. If the City does desire to move forward with this option staff recommends engaging Government Services Group to assist the City through this process. The cost for this service is $23,500 and their proposal is included in Attachment D. The City will also face additional costs for printing and mailing of the notices, this cost will run approximately $17,000. Depending on the City's decision, staff could move forward with the implementation of the temporary fire station. The temporary station could be ready for operation within 75 days of a decision to proceed. Development of a permanent station will take approximately two years. Issue: Should the City of Ocoee: A) Begin the steps necessary to implement the fire assessment fee? B) Engage GSG to assist in the implementation of the fire assessment fee? C) Continue with the development of a temporary and/or fourth fire station? 2 Recommendations Staff is seeking direction on moving forward with a fire assessment fee, engaging GSG to assist with the fire assessment and moving forward with the development of a fourth fire station. Attachments: Attachment A - Temporary and Permanent Station Costs Attachment B - Possible Assessment Levels Attachment C - Schedule Attachment D - GSG Proposal Financial Impact: Type of Item: (please mark with an "x'J Public Hearing _ Ordinance First Reading _ Ordinance Second Reading Resolution _ Commission Approval x Discussion & Direction For Clerk's OeDt Use: _ Consent Agenda _ Public Hearing _ Regular Agenda Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk ~ Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney Reviewed by Finance Dept. Reviewed by ( ) N/A N/A N/A 3 Attachment A City of Ocoee, Florida Temporary Station Costs (Double-Wide Trailer on City Property) Temporary Facility Costs: Site Preparation $ 49,000 Radio and Telephone $ 52,620 Furniture and Housekeeping $ 15,000 EMS Supplies $ 25,100 Protective Clothing $ 13,997 Total Facility Cost $ 155,717 On-going Annual Costs: Facility (Trailer) $ 15,840 6 New Firefighters/Paramedics $ 424,880 6% increase per year ($55,000) per CBA New Engine-Lease $ 103,167 4 year lease Utilities $ 40,280 EMS Supplies $ 12,530 Total On-going Annual Costs $ 596,697 Total Initial Costs $ 752,414 Attachment A City of Ocoee, Florida Permanent Station Costs New Facility Costs: Design $ 264,000 Site Work $ 416,000 Construction $ 2,200,000 Other $ 120,000 Total Bonding Amount $ 3,000,000 Annual debt service $240,800 for 20 years On-going Annual Costs: Personnel (12) $ 922,130 Operating Costs $ 180,617 New Engine Lease $ 103,167 Annual Debt Service - Facility $ 240,800 Total Annual Costs $ 1,446,714 Total for New Facility $ 4,446,714 6% increase per year ($55,000) per CBA 4 year lease Assumptions: The estimate for the station construction was based on an average of the cost of the new Winter Garden station 22 constructed this year for a cost of $1.875M and an estimate received from Wharton-Smith for a 50 year, 2 bay station for a cost of $2.2M. Site work is based on past Ocoee Fire Station projects. Design is based on 12% of the construction cost. The cost to finance $3 million dollars at 5% for 20 years is about $240,800 Attachment B Fire Assessment Fee Possible Assessment Levels 2009-2010 Maximum Fire Assessments Residential Property Use Categories Residential Non-Residential Property Use Categories Commercial $0.37 Industrial/Warehouse $0.08 Institutional $0.52 Estimated Gross Rev: 3,797,771 Exemption Buy-Down: 664,790 Net Rev: 3,132,981 Rate Per Dwelling Unit $147.00 Rate Per Square Foot Assessments at 60% of Maximum - Staff's Recommendation Residential Property Use Categories Residential Non-Residential Property Use Categories Commercial $0.22 Industrial/Warehouse $0.05 Institutional $0.31 Estimated Gross Rev: 2,278,663 Exemption Buy-Down: 396,360 Net Rev: 1,882,303 Rate Per Dwelling Unit $88 Rate Per Square Foot Assessments at 50% of Maximum Residential Property Use Categories Residential Non-Residential Property Use Categories Commercial $0.19 Industrial/Warehouse $0.04 Institutional $0.26 Estimated Gross Rev: 1,898,886 Exemption Buy-Down: 332,623 Net Rev: 1,566,263 Rate Per Dwelling Unit $74 Rate Per Square Foot Attachment B Fire Assessment Fee Possible Assessment Levels 2009-2010 Assessments at 40% of Maximum Residential Property Use Categories Residential Non-Residential Property Use Categories Commercial $0.15 Industrial/Warehouse $0.03 Institutional $0.21 Estimated Gross Rev: 1,519,109 Exemption Buy-Down: 268,431 Net Rev: 1,250,678 Rate Per Dwelling Unit $59 Rate Per Square Foot Assessments at 30% of Maximum Residential Property Use Categories Residential Non-Residential Property Use Categories Commercial $0.11 Industrial/Warehouse $0.03 Institutional $0.16 Estimated Gross Rev: 1,139,331 Exemption Buy-Down: 204,537 Net Rev: 934,794 Rate Per Dwelling Unit $44 Rate Per Square Foot Assessments at 25% of Maximum Residential Property Use Categories Residential Non-Residential Property Use Categories Commercial Rate Per Dwelling Unit $37 Rate Per Square Foot Institutional Estimated Gross Rev: 949,443 $0.10 $0.02 $0.13 Exemption Buy-Down: 166,539 Net Rev: 782,904 Industrial/Warehouse 2 Attachment C Project Schedule Event Date City Adopted Resolution of Intent December 2, 2008 City Adopts Preliminary Fee Resolution April 7,2009 Publish Notice and Mail Notices of Public Hearing By April 27, 2009 To Adopt Final Assessment Resolution City Adopts Final Assessment Resolution May 19,2009 City Begins Implementation of the Temporary May 20, 2009 Station City Transmits Fee Schedule to Property Appraiser By July 1,2009 Temporary Station Opens August 3, 2009 City Certifies Roll Septem ber 2009 ATTACHMENT 0 G s G public sector lund/nct c.'~ j'cf'uict j solutions GOVERNMENT SERVICES GROUP. INC. March 6, 2009 Via Electronic Mail Mr. Rob Frank, City Manager City of Ocoee 150 N. Lakeshore Dr. Ocoee, FL 34761 Re: City of Ocoee - Fire Services Assessment Program: Continuing Services Dear Mr. Frank, The City of Ocoee (City) has now completed its first year of the annual assessment program for fire protection services it initiated in Fiscal Year 2008-09. Government Services Group, Inc. (GSG) is pleased to have assisted the City with developing and successfully implementing this recurring revenue source. Accordingly, we believe that the City would benefit from a continuation of our services. Therefore, attached as Appendix A is a proposed Scope of Services under which the firm will assist the City in the continued maintenance of the special assessment program for Fiscal Year 2009-10. GSG will work under a professional fee arrangement as described the scope of services. GSG will expect payment pursuant to the payment schedule included within the attached appendix. The appendix also provides a project deliverable schedule. We are currently preparing our schedule for the upcoming assessment season and would appreciate your prompt reply. This will help us to accommodate your request and provide you with thoughtful and deliberate attention to ensure the continuation of this successful recurring revenue source. Please review the attached scopes of services. Upon review and satisfactory determination, please sign below to execute this agreement to indicate acceptance of the scope of service and to serve as proper notice to proceed. Upon execution, please provide us with a signed copy for our files. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. We look forward to working with the City of Ocoee again this year. Sincerely, . 'I ( Ji ~...r<- ,'I . (,~"(, ;....V,' ( ),- i.: Jason Buchholz Senior Project Manager JBjtp Enclosure . ;'~ ~, ; ~ J; t~' ': \ () ; : T :j F :.:;"," i'j ,c ....., \"{ "1\ d ~!S -'. _".Ii tc :-:'\,;PO tJd ;b\~j )~.,~-; 1';.~ ~,;; ~:+ 3<)::,;' T j ,e F .'lO"/ r:1):':~ G~~!c Mr. Rob Frank March 6. 2009 Page 2 ACCEPTED AND AGREED TO APPENDIX A By: City of Ocoee ATTACHMENT 0 Date AITACHMENT 0 App8ndix A FIRE SERVICES ASSESSMENT PROGRAM MAINTENANCE FISCAL YEAR 2009-10 ATTACHMENT 0 SCOpB of SBrvicBs Task 1: Task 2: Task 3: Task 4: Task 5: Review/update the Fiscal Year 2008-09 fire protection assessment roll for use in the recurring annual assessment program. Advise the City in reviewing, determining and updating the fire protection assessment revenue requirements for the Fiscal Year 2009-10 assessment program. Calculate the proforma schedule of rates based on the apportionment methodology and revenue requirements for the Fiscal Year 2009-10 assessment program. Renew the City's implementing resolutions that conform to the fire protection assessment ordinance. Advise and assist with the legal requirements for the adoption of the annual assessment rate resolution and certification of the assessment roll in accordance with section 197.3632, Florida Statutes including: (a) the development of the TRIM notice or the first class notice and its distribution to any affected property owners, (b) reminder of publication of the public hearing, and (c) the certification of the assessment roll to the Orange County Tax Collector. FEES AND COSTS For the services and specialized assistance described in the proposed Scope of Services, GSG will work under a professional fee arrangement of $23,500. This fee does not include expenses for airfare, lodging or ground transportation, but does include reimbursement for all incidental expenses, including meals. Expenses for airfare, lodging and ground transportation will be billed at actual costs. The fee for professional services includes two on-site visits by GSG to the City. Any additional on-site meetings by GSG may be arranged at our standard hourly rates provided below. All expenses related to these requested meetings will be billed in accordance with section 112.061, Florida Statutes. If necessary, in lieu of on-site visits, periodic telephone conference calls may be scheduled to discuss project status. The standard hourly rates for GSG are as follows: GOVERNMENT SERVICES GROUP, INC. Chief Executive Officer .............................................................................. $225 Senior Vice President ................................................................................ $175 Vice President ............................................................................................ $160 Senior Project Manager/Consultant/Project Coordinator ...................... $160 Consultant/Database Analyst/Technical Services.................................. $130 Administrative Support.............................................................................. $ 50 The professional fee does not include the costs of producing and mailing the statutorily required first class notices. Mailing and production costs depend on the number of assessable parcels of property within the assessment program area, but average approximately $1.301 per parcel. Payment of mailing and production costs is due at the time of adoption of the initial assessment resolution or like document. For non-domestic 1 The quoted price includes the May 11, 2009 U.S. postage rate increase. The additional postage charge will be included for any postage rate increase that occurs after May 11, 2009. Government Services Group, Inc. I A-1 ATTACHMENT D notices, mailing charges will include the actual amount of postage beyond the domestic rate and if U.S. postage rates increase prior to mailing, the additional postage per notice will be charged. A $400 setup fee is charged for mailings to less than 2,000 parcels. The City is responsible for any and all newspaper publications, including, but not limited to, making arrangements for publications and any costs associated therewith. The City is also responsible for any costs incurred to obtain information from the property appraiser or other public officials that is necessary for the assessment program. PAYMENT SCHEDULE The fee for professional services and specialized assistance will be due and payable, based on the following schedule and assuming that notice to proceed is received prior to March 18, 2009. If notice to proceed occurs after this date, the payment schedule will be condensed over the anticipated number of months remaining to complete the project. Schedule Payment April 2009 25% of professional fee May 2009 25% of professional fee June 2009 25% of professional fee July 2009 25% of professional fee DELlVERABLES SCHEDULE Deliverable Schedule Notice to Proceed March 2009 City Determines Net Revenue Requirements March - April 2009 Update Fiscal Year 2008-09 Assessment Roll March - April 2009 Calculate/Confirm Annual Assessment Rates April - May 2009 Preliminary Rate Resolution April - May 2009 First Class Notices May - June 2009 Published Notice May - June 2009 Annual Rate Resolution June 2009 Certify Fiscal Year 2009-10 Assessment Roll by September 15. 2009 Government Services Group, 'nc. I A-2