HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 329 _..-~ \ OHDINANCE No._32L_ AN ORDINANCE OF' 'I1Hf!': CrfY OF OCOEE, OHANGl~ COmITY ,8'LORIDA, PHOHIBITING s'rOPPING, STANDING on FABIGNG OF A VEHICLE IN SPECIFIED PLACES. BE IT OHDAINED BY TIm CITY COUNCIL OF 'YHE CrfY OF OCOEE: Section 1. No person shall stop, stand 01' pal'lc a veb.icle, except when necessary to avoid conflict - wi th ot her traffic or in cornpliance with the directions of a police officer or traffic control device, in any of the fo110wing places: (a) (b) ( c ) ( "1 ) , L_ ( e ) (f) ( g) ( b. ) (i) ( j ) On a Sidewalk; In front of a public or private driveway; InJi trlin an int ersection; On a cros :::iHalk; ~nthin 6 feet of a fire hydrant; Within 30 feet of any stop sign located at tho side of a road~^fay; Within 30 feet of the nearest rail of a railroad eros sing; _ Within 30 feet of the driveway entrance to any fire station and on the side of a street opposite; On the roadway side of [my vehicle stopped or parked at the edge or curb of a street; Ol~ on the roadw-a-y end of any vehiele parked at an angle to clu~b or stroet edge; At any place wl1ere an official sign prohibits parking , Section 2. Any person violatin[; any of the provisions of this Ordinance s[lall upon conviction therefor be punished by a fine of not Inore than fifty dollars, or by imprisonrnent in the City Jail for not more than thirty days" or by both fino and impri S onrnent. Section 3. 'I'h:Ls Ordinance shall become effective :Lmmediately upon its passage and approval by the ITayoX', or upon its othoI'irJ:lSe becoming a law. Section LI_. Copies of this Ordinl:mc 0 shall be pas ted as provided fop by law and the Charter of the City of Oeoee. Section 5. All Orclinru1ces and pal'ts of Ordinances in conflic t hero-vd th are hereby repealed. SQction 6. Should any por~lon of this Ordinance be held invalid, then such portion as ape not declarod to bo invalid shall remain in full force and offect. Dono in open session, at Ocoee, OrruJgo County, Ii1lorida, this 15th dEl..)I of November, 1955. c {Ji&'- ~,/ / " ~ / /' -+-. . )./ . - /, /- ~f<JLlL'.: ;- ..._-:fZl2..~ Prosi en of 'ouncil i\ -tHLp co -t.' .-/ ~ ~~..;::>-< ... - 6 r- .c"1.Ju...J"":'> .~. ~ _.~_._.,,-- C~Lel~-------"- ~r' 1.1 P,,~~ // Approved by t [le JV1ayor this 15th day of November, 1955. () ~ C-./- :7 M~'/T.~ ~~yor 7r- -.I