HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 330 ~ r" J 1 uHDINANCE No. -; ;;( /' ....,.rl../ . .\ " AN OHDINANCE OF 'J1}:[l2; CI'I'Y uP OCUEE, OH/\.NGE CUUl'f'I'Y, FLUHIDA ,. INPUSING A 'rAX ON EACH AND EVEHY l'UHCIl!\.SE OF' ELEC'l'HICITY, \~ATEH SEHVICE, 'l'ELE- .PHONE SEHVICE AND 'l'ELEGHAPH Sl,:nVICE, lvTrIIIN 'rI]J~ (IEUGHAPHIC ]JOUNDAIUES 01" 'rIm CI'I'Y 01" OCUKS; PB.UVIDING POB. ':CIlli CULLECTION 'rHEHEOJ:i'; PHOVIDING POE CEH'rAIN EXEJ\'[PI'IuNS li'HOH SAID 'rAX; AND PHESCIUBHIG PENAL'rIESF1:JR 'rIill VIOLATION 0.8" THI~) OHDINANCIt. BE 11' onDAINED BY 'rHE CI'I'Y COUNCIL OJ:!' 'rlill crry OF' OCOEE: Section 1. There is hereby imposed and leviocl by tbe City of Ocooo a tax upon ,88.ch and ever;I puroha s e of electricity, water. sOl'vico, tele- phone service ancl telegraph service with.in tho geographi,c boundal'Jos of the City of Oooee :in tho amount of 'ren PercontllJil (10?;;) of E;)'8~Gh pay- ment I'occdvod by the seLler fop sucb. utiLt.t,y service or conmlodit~T and no tax shall e~{ceed the sum of F'lv() Dollars ( .(0) in D.ny one mo.nth for anyone conmll:xlity; vJhicl1 tax shall be paid by tho pUl'chasOI' to tho soller fop the use of said City, at tho time pa1rinrr the cha1'o:e tbero- for, but not loss often than monthly. . u U ~ Section 2. It shall be the duty of overy seller of electricity, water sel'viee, telephone service anr} t el0C;1'aph 8 orvicovLl thin tl\o geogrnphic bOlwdaries of tl1e CIty of Deueo, to collo ct from the PUI'cta SOl', fop the use of said City, tho tax berohy levied, at the t1mo of collocting tho selling price thereof, and to report and pay over, on or before tho 15th day of each calendm' month, unto .said Ci t7T all such. ta.xo,g lovied and collected during tlle pI'ececling mont bo It shall be unlavlful 1'01' any selleI' to collect for any scleh sOl'vico wi th.out at tlw same time c()llect- ing the tax her'eb;y- levied, 1ll11ess such seller shall elect to af3flUme and pay, such tax without collectIng the salno from the pU11chasGr. Any sollor failing to colloct such tax at tho time of collecting fop any ~uch 801'- viee, i;Jhore trlO s ollen' tJ1::1 s not 010 cted to as SUlm a..nd pay such tax, shall be liable to said City for the alnount of such tax; PHOVIDED, l1o"lrJ(J'\rer, . tbat the seller shall not be llable fop the pa;YYl1ont of such tax upon l..Ul- collected ~ills. If any purchaser shall fail, neglect 01' rofuse to pay for any sucb service, inclucUng the tax heI'oby lmposed, the selJer shall ha ve and is he:r>eby authorized and mnpowoI'ed to :LmIrlodiatoly elis continue fUl'ther service to such pUl'cbaser lUltil tho SEi.me :Ls pald iLl fuLL. Soction 3. Each and overy seller of electl'icity, water service, tele- phone s ervi co and t ole graph service, s hall keep complete records sbcnJ":ing ~ all sales in said City of s1J.cb commodities 01' sel'v:lce, wh.lcb recoI'ds shall SllOW tbe prJce char[!;ed upon oach sale, tbo date thereof ancl tho date of p8.yment, 2.nel. said l'8cord8 ,shall be kept opon feil' inspection by the duly authorized agont;s of said City during business houI's on all bus ines s days; and said duly aut;boriz ed ac;ent ::i of said City sba 11 havo the 1'1 ght, pOi;Jor and authority to nwJw any trans cI'ipts t horeol' during SUCl'l tirnes U~S tllo~T rnay cLesir~e. Section 11_' All Poderal, State, County and Hunlcipal Governn1ents and their eommJ.ssJons and agencies and allpubl1c schools sball be exempt from the pa;Y'ltlont oJ' tbo tflxes beI'oby 11ilposed Clnd levied. Se (;tion 5. Any pel'S on, firm or corpora tion violating any provisIon 01' tbis Ordinanee shall, upon eonviction thereof', be pUIlisbed by a :i:'inG not exceeding 'I'HCJ Hundrecl Dollars (~li;200. 00) and/or imprisonment not exceeding thIrty days (30). Se ction c.. All Ol'dimll1ce s 8.n.d pa11ts of (lpd1nanee s in eonJ'lic t l1erev-.rItb are bereby repealed. Seetion 7. Sbould any portiun of tllis Ol'dintUICe be beld Invalid, trlon such portion as are not declared to be invalid shall :remain in full force and effect. Se ction 8. 'I'his OI'dlnEtne e s ba 11 become effo ctive :lImnocUately upon :t ts passage and apPI'oval by the Bayol' , 01' llpun 1ts ul:;h(-H'v'<Jlse L'E)(~C)lilillS cl lnvJ, and appl1eablo to biLls l'oJldoI'ecl ()l' ani oJ'I~ep UlJ-; l_st di1Y of ,lanlWI'~' ,195l). \ ' ~~f ci~ Done ln open session, at day of Deeernber, 1955. ,""'---""" /"";:"'~7/i;4:';'.J &--e:&:.,;..~_'Y Attest: /~~. . -""("fAr l' A~_~. ~~~~~~~ Ocueo, OI'nne;e County, Plo11:Lda, t his 20th i~ppl' oved the .TCll' t h:i.~: 2Cit ii, of Decen~el', 1955. --",1~~~/1(t3_~~-