HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 327 ==-. I 327 UHDINANCE No. AN ORDINANCE 01'1 TIJE Crry 01:" OCOI~]'<';, ClHANGE CO DrITY , FLOE IDA, HE GULA'rI NG srrANDING on PARKING OF A VEHICLE. BE 1'r OHDAIJ\TED BY THE CIrry COUNCIL OF rr}JE CITY OF OCOEE: Section 1. No person shall stand aI' park a vehicle in a'roadhfay other than parallel wi th the edge of the roadHay, headed in the direction of traffic, and Hith the curb-side Hheels of the vehicle vdthin 12 inches of the edge of the roadHay, except as provided in t~ following para- graph: (a) Upon a street which b.as beon marked 01' a sign erected for angle parking, a vohicle shall be parked at the angle to the curb in- dicated by such mark or signa Section 2. Any person violating any of the provisions of ttLl.3 Ordinance shall upon conviction therefor be punished by 8. fine of not more than fifty dollars, or b~)T impJ:,isonment in tho City Jail for not more than thirty days, 01' by both fine and irnpr:l.sonment. .Section J. rrhis Ordinance shall become ef'fective immediately upon its passage and approval b7l tl1e Hayor, or upon its otherHise becoming a law. Section 4. Copies of this OrcUnance shall be posted as prov:l.ded for by law and the Charter of the City of Ocooe. Section 5. All Ordinances and parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith , are hereby repealed. Section 6. Should any pOI'tion of this Ordinance be held invalid, then such portion as are not declared to be invalid shall remflj_n in full farce and qffect. Done in open se ssion, at Ocoee, Orange COlmty, Florida, thh1 l!:;th day' of Novembel', 19S5. ,() .~:D~' \,~-;?/wf'!f:i!. . /~ vt-e,,,:J President of Councl Attest: ~~.-~-- Clorl{ Approved by the Mayor this l5t~ day of November, 1955. ~yo!~ \ \ '"'"'"'~.! ~~ ~(/b ~ J