HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 322 ............... J OHDINANCE No. 3 :2- 2--- AN ORDINANCE ASCEHT'AINING TIm ANOUNrr NECESSARY rro OPERATE 'l'BE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, FOR THE TAX Yli:AH BEGINNI;L'iJG ON NOVENBER 1, 1955, AND ENDING ON OCTOBER 31, 1956. /~ H.FlliREAS, the City Tax Asses SOl" has lleretoforo pl'OpaI'E:Hl an [lSSessment roll of tb.e taxable property of the City of Ocooe, Flol'ida, and the respective values thereof, and as far as praeticablo the O"lVY18res there- of; and IrJImHEAS, the City assessment roll has been submitted to the City COlJl1cil after due and proper notice to the property Oiil1erS whose property has been increased or corrected as to values; and W.FmREAS, a review and equalization of the assessment 1'011 by the City Council has been concluded, n01rJ ther'efore, BE n: OHDAINED BY T.Fm Crry COU1\fCIL OF' TI-m CI'l'Y 011' OCOEE: Section 1. rrhat the sum of ~i;32,1~-59o 00 dollars be, and tb,e same is here- by, ascertained and determined the amount necessary to defray the actual operating and debt service requirements of the 111Ul1.icipal Q'overnment of the City. of Gcoee fOI' the tax collection year which begin~ on November 1, 1955, and which ends on October 31, 1956. Section 20 Copies of this Ol'dinanco shall be posted as provided for by law and the Charter of the City of Ocooo. Section 3. This Ordinance sl:la11 become effective ilTilllediately upon its becomirlg a J_aw. '\ Section L~. All Ordinances and parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 5. Should any portion of this Ordinance be held invalid, then such portion as are not declared to be invalid shall remain in f'llll fopce and effect. Done in open session, at Ocoee, Opanc;e CO'l.mty, F'lopida, this Lj.th day of October, 1955. Attest: ~7~~. ~ r)~J~ pJi Bsident of COUl1.eil.J? ,." 'f'~w Clel"k {P/;IG ~ \0:[; Approved by the Nayor ~:~ this 4th day of October, 1955. ~~ '~ - Hayor ~~r - I