HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 356 .... - ORDINANCE No. ~~~ ,~,~ 1 / AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, ANNEXING A CERTAIN 'TRACT '> OF UNINCORPORATED. LAND LYING CONTIGUOUS TO THE MUNICIPAL BOUNDARIES OF THE CITY OF OCOEE AIID SITUATED IN OFUUfGE COUNTY, FLORIDA, TO-WIT: Begin 11.24 chains North of the SW corner~ the IDJi of the IDii of Seco 17, Twpo 22 S., R. 28 East, run North 249.5 ft., East 643ft., South 24905 fto, West 643 fto, to pOhnt of beginning; also, begin 11.24 chains North of the SW corner of the wi of the NWi of Sec. 17, Twp. 22 S., R. 28 East, run East 643 ft. for point of beginning, thence North 24905 ft., East 677 fto, South 249.5 ft. West 677 ft., to point of beginningo WHEREAS, the above desoribed uninoorpor.nted land is lying contiguous to the munioipal boundaries of the City of Oooee, Floridn, and WHEREAS, said traot of land contains less than ten (10) registered voters, and WHEREAS, said land is susoeptible of reoeiving munioipal benefits of the City of Oooee, and WHEREAS, the City of Oooee did on the 23 day of October, 1956, duly adopt an Ordinanoe deolaring its intent to annex the land desoribed hereinabove to its present municipal boundaries in acoordance with the provisions therefor in Section 67 of the Charter of the City of Oooee, Chapter 10951, Speoial Acts, Florida Legislature, 1925, ~~ and WHEREAS, said Ordinanoe was duly posted as presoribed by law upon said land and in said City of Ocoee for the period presoribed by law, and ~~EREAS, no objection to said annexation has been filed in the Circuit Court of Orange County, Florida, now therefore, BE IT ORDAI~mD BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OCOEE: Seotion 1. That the munioipal boundaries of the City of Oooee, Floridn; be, nnd they hereby nre~ extended to inolude the following desoribed land lying and situated in Ornnge County, Floridn, and, that said traot of land be, and it hereby is, annexed to the municipal territory of the City of O~oee, Florida, said land being more particularly described as follows: . Begin 11.24 chains North of the SW corner of the NWi of the Mit of Sec. 17, Twpo 22 S., R. 28 East, run North 24905 ft., East 643 ft., South 249.5 fto, West 643 fto, to point of begi.ill1ing; also, begin 11.24 chains -I 1 8 North of the SW corl~r of the NW4 of the NW4 of Sec. 17, Twp. 22 S., R. 2 East, rW1 East 643 ft. for point of beginning, thence North 249.5 ft., East 677 ft., South 249.5 ft. West 677 ft., to point of beginningo Section 2. Thnt tho City of Ocoeo shall and will from the effeotive date of this Ordinnnoe exercise full power and authority over the land described in Sootion 1 hereof, in aocordanoe with the Charter of the City of Ooooe, Chapter 10951, Speoial Aots) Florida Legislature, 1925, and the General Laws of tho State of Florida., as fully und oompletely ns the City of Ooooe now exercises power, authority and jurisdiotion over othor lands within its municipal limits. Section 3- Copies of this Ordinanoe shall bo posted us provided for by law and the Chartor of the City of Ocooo. Seotion 4. This Ordinanoe shall beoome offective immediately upon its beooming 0. lnw. Section 5- All Ordinances and purts of Ordinances in oonflict herewith are hereby repealed. Seotion 6. Should nny portion of this Ordinanoe be held invo.lid# then such portions as are not doclared to be invalid shall remain in full foroo and effeot. Done in open sossion, at 000130, Orango County, Floridn, this 18th day of December ,1956. ~~'-~ ,~1 ~. t~ ).. . \'1 ' ~.'.;'...'.,& ~~ \ I'~ ~~ :'~ " .L9'--;O- 1_.._-) < Attest: e:-t::ce// ~-"<.-,:;CC~-v --ClGrk ~f..~ ~~... '. /. '~~~ ' ~ros~ 0 o~'f ~ J \ Approved by the ~fuyor this 18 day of Decembe)' 19 56. ()~/ d 7.-/ I /