HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 355 ~, AN ~DI:WANCE OF THE CITY OF OCOBE, FLORIDA, ANllJJ<jXING A CERTAIN 'iRI\.C'l' OF UNINCORPORATJ<JD LAND LynrG CON'rIGUOUS TO TEE MUi\f}~GIPAL BOUNDMUES OF THE CITY OF OCOBlE AND SITUATED IN ORANGE COUNTY, FLOHIDA, TO..W+T: Lots 1 to 4, both inclusive, in Block 5, according to plat of Town of Ocoee, Plat Book "A", Page 100, Public Records of Orange County, Florida >~ ~~~ J ORDIN}JWE No. ?J ~y ,. 'WHEREAS, the above desoribed uninoorpor-uted lund is lying contiguous to the municipal boundaries of the City of Ocoee, Florida., and Vf.HEREAS, said tract of land contains less than ten (10) registered voters, and VffiEREAS, said land is susceptible of reoeiving munioipal benefits of the City of Oooee, and WHEREAS, the City of Oeoee did on the 2ndduy of October) 1956, duly adopt an Ordina.noe declaring its intent to annex the land desoribed hereinabove to Hs present munioipa.l boundaries in aoc ordance with the provisions therefor in Seotion 67 of the Charter of the City of Ocoee, Chapter 10951, Speoial Acts, Florida Legislature, 1925, and ~~ WHEREAS, said Ordinance was duly posted as presoribed by luw upon sa.id land and in said City of Ocoee for the period prescribed by law, and WHEREAS, no objection to said unnexation hus been filed in the Circuit Court of Orange County, Florida, now therefore, DE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OCOEE: Section 1. That the municipal boundaries of the City of Oooee, Florida.; be, and they hereby are~ extended to inolude the following described land lying a.nd sHuated in Orunge County, Floridas and, that said tract of land be, and it hereby is, annexed to the municipal territory of the City of Ocoee, FloridEt1 said land being more particularly desoribed as follows I;! Lots 1 to 4, both inclusive, in Block 5, according to plat of Town of Ocoee, Plat Book IlA", Page 100, Public Records of Orange County, Florida Section 2. That tho City of Ocoee shall and will from the effective dute of this Ordinance exercise full p~fer and authority over the land described i.n Seotion 1 hero of, in aooordance with the Churter of the Oi ty of Ooooe,~ Chapter 10951., Special Acts) Florida Legislt'.turo" 1925, and the General Laws of the S'br'tte of Florida., us fully and completely as the City of Ocooe now exoroises powerll uubhority and jurisdiotion over other lands within its municipul limits. Seotion 3. Copies of this Ordinance shall be posted as provided for by law and the Churtor of the CHy of Ocooo. Seotion 4. This Ordinance shall beoome effoctivo immediately upon its beooming a luw. Section 5. All Ordinances and purts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are heroby repealod. Section 6. Should uny portion of this Ordinunoe be held invalid, then such portions as ure not doclurod to be invalid shall remain in full forco and effect. ,2;C Doneil,l. opo1l,.. sossion, ut Oooeo, Orungo County, Florida, this b ;;:::- day of 7tv~#~'"'Il9 56. ~.' ~~\-;\ ~. ,o, \ ~~~ :t, Attest: .~#~ 'Glo rk ~7~~-1- Fros1dent of CounOl Approvod by the Mayor thisb-~ay of~~J1,<.....l9 56. - nJ'7/?~ 4 YY1 f I